2 ND EDITION JULY 2014. Health Systems Management A Senior Management Course for Health Managers in Kenya.


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Presentation transcript:


Health Systems Management A Senior Management Course for Health Managers in Kenya

UNIT 1.0 (PART I) Introduction to Health Systems Management Training Programme

Course Purpose To build capacity of middle-level health managers at national and county level to deliver health services effectively and efficiently by: Developing a standardised and comprehensive package for health system and services management in Kenya; Training health managers on health system and services management in Kenya; Establishing an institutionalised mechanism for sustaining health system and services management capacity in Kenya;

Course Purpose (Cont’d) Developing investment/business plans for respective planning units; Contributing to health workers’ continuous professional development; Providing a checklist and direction to the sector on leadership, management and governance competencies for delivery of quality services.

Company Logo Course Rationale  Slow/limited improvements in health outcomes even with improved investments in health;  Weaknesses in health workers capacity for management;  Need to strengthen strategic approach to deliver health services;  Challenges of devolved management and governance functions  Need to link professional development with actual capacity of health managers.

Coure Goal The goal of the Health Systems Management (HSM) course is to build capacity of health care managers to deliver effective and efficient health services.

Company Logo Course Objectives By the completion of this course, participants shall be able to:  Apply the health systems approach to planning, implementing and monitoring priority interventions;  Describe the organisation and governance of health systems and how these influence performance and health outcomes;  Explain the key principles, health laws and regulations governing health care delivery;

Company Logo Course Objectives (Cont’d)  Demonstrate ability to to lead, manage and practice good governance in health care delivery;  Describe resource generation, mobilisation and management strategies and their application to health care delivery;  Conduct relevant operations research and document and disseminate evidence for continual quality improvement in service delivery.

Company Logo Target Group All health services managers in the Country (private and public sector) at various levels whose central role is policy implementation:  National level: Heads of directorates, divisions, units, programme managers, facility managers, members of Boards;  County level: County managers, facility managers;  Sub-County level: Management, facility managers.

Company Logo Certification  Required attendance is 80%.  Pass mark for the skills and attitudes assessment is 60%.  Pass mark for knowledge assessment is 40%.  A certificate of competence will be issued if one attains 50% and above; a certificate of attendance if one attains less than 50%.  Those who score 75% and above are eligible for training of trainers (TOT) training.

Company Logo Tentative Programme Structure and Duration The course is modular and runs for 3 months: Blocks/ThemesModulesDuration Block1 - Systems Approach to Organization and Planning in the Health Sector Module 1 -Understanding foundations of the health system in Kenya 10 -day class-based teaching and 4-weeks at workplace to develop Investment Plan Module 2 -Planning for health service delivery Block 2 – Leadership, Management and Governance for Sustainable Health Investments Module 3 – Leading, managing and governing practices in health service delivery 10-day class-based teaching and 4-weeks at workplace to develop Investment plan Module 4 - Managing resources for sustainable investments in health service delivery Blcok 3 – Tracking and Reviewing Evidence for Health System Performance Module 5 – Monitoring, evaluating and reviewing for performance in health service delivery 10-day classroom- based teaching

Training Tools  Course curriculum;  Conceptual learning aid: outlines the basic understanding of concepts;  Technical learning aid: outlines the application of concepts to the Kenya Health System;  Facilitator’s guide;  Guide on Investment Plan; and  Set of generic slides

Company Logo Learning Methods  Short lectures;  Interactive group and plenary discussions;  Guiding questions;  Practical exercises;  Brainstorming;  Observation/field trips;  Role plays/simulations;  Case studies.

Company Logo Training Approach  Orientation on coverage of each module;  Group exercises during modules which are linked to the investment planning development;  Further exercises at the end of each module to assess extent of understanding;  Investment plan/project development in teams of four (4).

Thank You

BLOCK I Systems Approach to Organization and Planning in the Health Sector (Part II) Overview of block 1

Company Logo Block I: Purpose  Introduces participants to health systems in Kenya and shows how they are organised to facilitate delivery of quality health services;  Offers a conceptual framework for a health managers that enables a better understanding of health systems management in Kenya;  Helps participants articulate the complex linkages between policies, laws, components and organisation of the health system to its intermediate outcomes and goals;

BLOCK I: Purpose (Cont’d)  Outlines the principles of health service delivery  Provides a clear understanding of the health planning processes and tools in Kenya including project management;  The module has several practical activities including investment planning to guide participants to develop their Investment Plan/ project.

Module I: Units Understanding foundations of the health system in Kenya This module comprises 5 units and an overview session:  Unit 1.1: Strategic Directions and Regulatory frameworks  Unit 1.2: Introduction to systems approach  Unit 1.3: Key Principles of Health Care Delivery;  Unit 1.4: Organization of the healthcare system and health services;  Unit 1.5: Regional Integration and, partnerships

Module I: Units Understanding foundations of the health system in Kenya This module comprises 5 units session:  Unit 2.1: Introduction to planning in the health sector;  Unit 2.2: The planning process and Tools  Unit 2.3: Elements of the planning process  Unit 2.4: Developing health plans at various levels of the health sector  Unit 2.5: Project planning (investment planning)

Module I: Competencies The participants will be able to demonstrate knowledge in;  Apply appropriate principles to strengthen the health system and health service provision at facility, County and national levels  Plan effectively and mobilize resources to support priority health investments in health plans  Apply systems and strategic thinking to envision health system priority investment areas at national and county levels  Use appropriate tools to plan for health services at all levels of the health system  Practice good governance and promote strategic partnerships for effective management of the health system  Interpret health policies, laws and regulatory frameworks to improve performance of health system elements and outcomes

Block I: Learning Objectives By the end of this module, participants shall:  Explain the systems approach to health systems functioning  Describe the concepts and principles that inform health care delivery in Kenya  Explain the organizational and governance structures of health systems in Kenya  Analyze how health policies, laws and regulatory frameworks influence health system performance and outcomes  Plan and manage health plans at all levels of the health system  Demonstrate ability to develop an investment plan at facility, county and sub county levels

Tentative Training Schedule The block will be delivered in ten (10) days as follows: Day 1Health system building blocks Day 2Principles of healthcare delivery and application Day 3Principles of healthcare delivery and application Day 4Organisation and governance of the health system Day 5Regulatory structures and laws in health Day 6Health policies and health sector reforms Day 7Planning concepts and processes Day 8Strategic planning Day 9Annual work plans Day 10Project management

Company Logo Linkages between Teaching Module I and Development of Investment Plan/ Project During this module, participants will be introduced to purpose, objectives, format, implementation and assessment plan for the project as detailed in guidelines for Investment Plan document; Participants will write up sections of the first two chapters of their county, facility or programme level plans based on the content covered in this Module; Specific exercises (activities) under each unit are linked to the Investment Plan and provide opportunity for practical approach to writing up chapter 1 and 2 of the plan; One hour has been set aside daily for teamwork in developing the Investment Plan from 2 nd week.

Field Visits One-day field visits in 2 sites during the training programme in module 2 and 3; Six (6) themes are outlined for the two visits; Participants will be engaged in proposing possible facilities and programmes to be visited; Where there are prerequisites for the trips, participants will be briefed accordingly; All logistics will be handled by the coordinating team but participants are welcome to assist where necessary.

Learning Resources The key references for this training are the Technical and Conceptual Learning Aids; (TLA & CLA) There are additional material that may be accessible online- on CD and on hardcopy at the training venue; Whenever possible, guest speakers will be invited to augment the knowledge and practical learning; Participants will also be invited to facilitate some sessions of the training to reinforce application of these concepts.

Company Logo Course Assessment and Evaluation Assessment: Two tools will be used for continuous assessment tests in this module: 1.A checklist to assess chapter 1 and 2 of the Investment Plan; 2.Peer assessment tool to assess teamwork. The content will be assessed in the final exam to be taken at the beginning of Module 3.

Course Assessment and Evaluation (Cont’d) Evaluation: Various tools will be used to evaluate this module: 1.Daily facilitator tool; 2.End-of unit and end of module assessment tools. Participants are reminded to hand in the pre-test for the module. A post-test will be administered at the end and the scores summarised to determine individual progress. But these do not constitute the formal assessment scores.