Structure of Solids Objectives By the end of this section you should be able to: Construct a reciprocal lattice Interpret points in reciprocal space Determine and understand the Brillouin zone
Reciprocal Space Also called Fourier space, k (wavevector)-space, or momentum space in contrast to real space or direct space. The reciprocal lattice is composed of all points lying at positions from the origin. Thus, there is one point in the reciprocal lattice for each set of planes (hkl) in the real-space lattice. This abstraction seems unnecessary. Why do we care? The reciprocal lattice simplifies the interpretation of x-ray diffraction from crystals The reciprocal lattice facilitates the calculation of wave propagation in crystals (lattice vibrations, electron waves, etc.) We’ll come back to what that means.
Why Use The Reciprocal Space? A diffraction pattern is not a direct representation of the crystal lattice The diffraction pattern is a representation of the reciprocal lattice There are many different ways to do diffraction. In one of them: When we take an angle scan, that’s like taking a single line across the pattern This is the reason why people often study polycrystals or powders. Explain what that is. Because, you don’t have to know the orientation, which you wouldn’t know if you just picked up a random material or are just starting to grow a material that isn’t well known. b2 b1
The Reciprocal Lattice Crystal planes (hkl) in the real-space (or the direct lattice) are characterized by the normal vector and dhkl interplanar spacing z y [hkl] x Practice has shown the usefulness of defining a different lattice in reciprocal space whose points lie at positions given by the vectors What plane is this? (010) This was why we discussed the distance between planes before. This vector has magnitude 2/dhkl, which is a reciprocal distance
Definition of the Reciprocal Lattice Rn = n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3 (lattice vectors a1,a2,a3) (h, k, l integers) Suppose K can be decomposed into reciprocal lattice vectors: Note: a has dimensions of length, b has dimensions of length-1 The basis vectors bi define a reciprocal lattice: - for every real lattice there’s a reciprocal lattice - reciprocal lattice vector b1 is perpendicular to plane defined by a2 and a3 The equivalent to breaking the real space lattice into a1,a2,a3 directions or x,y,z. What does it mean that a1 dot b1 equals 2pi and a1 dot b2 or b3=0? That means a1 is perpendicular to b2 and b3, but not necessarily parallel to a1 (but it could be). Anyone know what a1 dot (a2 cross a3) is? Let’s look at it in the simple cubic case. Continue to think about simple cubic structure: Lattice vectors are not unique, but the primitive unit cell always has the same volume. + cyclic permutations is volume of unit cell Definition of a’s are not unique, but the volume is.
Identify these planes 2D Reciprocal Lattice K in reciprocal space A point in the reciprocal lattice corresponds to a set of planes planes (hkl) in the real-space lattice. Identify these planes a2 Planes defined by perpendicular vector. (01) Or (010), don’t have to put in third dimension Compare distance in real space for (01) and (11): a to 1.41a/2 or about .7a What planes are these? Easier to tell from k space. (12) a1 Real lattice planes (hk0) K in reciprocal space Khkl is perpendicular to (hkl) plane Magnitude of K is inversely proportional to distance between (hkl) planes
Another Similar View: Lattice waves real space reciprocal space a b 2π/a 2π/b Note that the reciprocal lattice has a longer dimension in the y direction, as opposed to the real lattice. look at waves corresponding to the reciprocal lattice vectors. if we change the place we look at by ANY real lattice vector, we have to get the same Here fore K=0, infinite wave length. (0,0) There is always a (0,0) point in reciprocal space. How do you expect the reciprocal lattice to look?
Red and blue represent different amplitudes of the waves. Lattice waves real space reciprocal space a b 2π/a 2π/b Here fore K=2pi/b, lambda=b (0,0) Red and blue represent different amplitudes of the waves.
Lattice waves real space reciprocal space b 2π/a 2π/b Here fore K=4pi/b,lambda=b/2 (0,0) Note that the vertical planes in real space correspond to points along the horizontal axis in reciprocal space.
Lattice waves real space reciprocal space a b 2π/a 2π/b (0,0)
Lattice waves real space reciprocal space b 2π/a 2π/b (0,0) The real horizontal planes relate to points along R.S. vertical. In 2D, reciprocal vectors are perpendicular to opposite axis.
Lattice waves real space reciprocal space (11) plane b a 2π/a (0,0)
Examples of Image Fourier Transforms Real Image Fourier Transform Cannot see dots on projector-recreate the bottom left one. A transformed image can be used for frequency filtering. In images 1,3,5,7: Only three spots are shown to focus on change in distance between real and reciprocal, but more would appear just as in the first set of images. Here is an image I took as a graduate student of the antiferromagnetic domains of a material. I could take a fourier transform to tell me about the average length scales of these domains and their varience. Brightest side points relating to the frequency of the stripes
Examples of Image Fourier Transforms Third set is most illustrative. Note directions of spots in RL of third image. Not parallel to real space lattice.
Group: Reciprocal Lattice Determine the reciprocal lattice for: a2 b2 a1 b1 Real space Fourier (reciprocal) space
Group: Find the reciprocal lattice vectors of BCC The primitive lattice vectors for BCC are: The volume of the primitive cell is ½ a3(2 pts./unit cell) So, the primitive translation vectors in reciprocal space are: These lattice vectors should look familiar. Good websites:
We will come back to this if time. Reciprocal Lattices to SC, FCC and BCC Primitive Direct lattice Reciprocal lattice Volume of RL SC BCC FCC Direct Reciprocal Simple cubic bcc fcc We will come back to this if time. If we took b1 dot (b2 cross b3) we’d get the volume of the reciprocal cell, which would give these. Might come back and prove these values if time at the end of class. Makes sense since real space volume was smaller for FCC in real space, so bigger in reciprocal space.
Volume of BZ In general the volume of the BZ is equal to (2 )3 Volume of real space primitive lattice
Discuss the reciprocal lattice in 1D Real lattice x What is the range of unique environments? -/a /a Reciprocal lattice k -6/a -4/a -2/a 2/a 4/a Weigner Seitz Cell: Smallest space enclosed when intersecting the midpoint to the neighboring lattice points. Why don’t we include second neighbors here (do in 2D/3D)?
The Brillouin Zone -/a /a Reciprocal lattice k 4/a -6/a -4/a -2/a 2/a Is defined as the Wigner-Seitz primitive cell in the reciprocal lattice (smallest volume in RL) Its construction exhibits all the wavevectors k which can be Bragg-reflected by the crystal Got here in 50 minute class, XRD pattern took some time
Group: Draw the 1st Brillouin Zone of a sheet of graphene Real Space 2-atom basis The same perpendicular bisector logic applies in 3D Wigner-Seitz Unit Cell of Reciprocal Lattice = First Brillouin zone
Group: Polonium Consider simple cubic polonium, Po, which is the closest thing we can get to a 1D chain in 3 dimensions. (a) Taking a Po atom as a lattice point, construct the Wigner-Seitz cell of polonium in real space. What is it’s volume? (b) Work out the lengths and directions of the lattice translation vectors for the lattice which is reciprocal to the real-space Po lattice. (c) The first Brillouin Zone is defined to be the Wigner-Seitz primitive cell of the reciprocal lattice. Sketch the first Brillouin Zone of Po. (d) Show that the volume of the first Brillouin Zone is (2)3/V , where V is the volume of the real space primitive unit cell. 6N1p
Square Lattice (on board) Introduction of Higher Order BZs
Group: Determine the shape of the BZ of the FCC Lattice How many sides will it have and along what directions? SC BCC FCC # of nearest neighbors 6 8 12 Nearest-neighbor distance a ½ a 3 a/2 # of second neighbors Second neighbor distance a2 FCC Primitive and Conventional Unit Cells
WS zone and BZ Lattice Real Space Lattice K-space bcc WS cell Bcc BZ (fcc lattice in K-space) fcc WS cell fcc BZ (bcc lattice in K-space) The WS cell of bcc lattice in real space transforms to a Brillouin zone in a fcc lattice in reciprocal space while the WS cell of a fcc lattice transforms to a Brillouin zone of a bcc lattice in reciprocal space.
Nomenclature Usually, it is sufficient to know the energy En(k) curves - the dispersion relations - along the major directions. Directions are chosen that lead aong special symmetry points. These points are labeled according to the following rules: Direction along BZ Points (and lines) inside the Brillouin zone are denoted with Greek letters. Points on the surface of the Brillouin zone with Roman letters. The center of the Wigner-Seitz cell is always denoted by a G Energy or Frequency
Brillouin Zones in 3D fcc bcc hcp The BZ reflects lattice symmetry Note: bcc lattice in reciprocal space is a fcc lattice hcp Note: fcc lattice in reciprocal space is a bcc lattice The BZ reflects lattice symmetry Construction leads to primitive unit cell in rec. space
Brillouin Zone of Silicon Symbol Description Γ Center of the Brillouin zone Simple Cubic M Center of an edge R Corner point X Center of a face FCC K Middle of an edge joining two hexagonal faces L Center of a hexagonal face C6 U Middle of an edge joining a hexagonal and a square face W Center of a square face C4 BCC H Corner point joining 4 edges N P Corner point joining 3 edges Why do I say semiconductors? Metals are most freely so barely effected. Insulators don’t really conduct so don’t move around. Points of symmetry on the BZ are important (e.g. determining bandstructure). Electrons in semiconductors are perturbed by the potential of the crystal, which varies across unit cell.
Brillouin zone representations of graphene Dirac cones When you grow graphene on something, the unique cones go away and a gap is introduced. She mentioned that the M point was in between two K points Dr. Jessica McChesney at Argonne Brillouin zone representations of graphene Real space
Now that we are starting to understand reciprocal space, it’s time to take advantage of it. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Why do we use it?
Back to this Reciprocal Lattices to SC, FCC and BCC Primitive Direct lattice Reciprocal lattice Volume of RL SC BCC FCC Direct Reciprocal Simple cubic bcc fcc Back to this
Brillouin Zone for fcc is bcc Nomenclature We use the following nomenclature: (red for fcc, blue for bcc): The intersection point with the [100] direction is called X (H). The line G—X is called D. The intersection point with the [110] direction is called K (N). The line G—K is called S. The intersection point with the [111] direction is called L (P). The line G—L is called L. Brillouin Zone for fcc is bcc and vice versa.
Extra Slides Alternative Approaches If you already understand reciprocal lattices, these slides might just confuse you. But, they can help if you are lost.
Construction of the Reciprocal Lattice Identify the basic planes in the direct space lattice, i.e. (001), (010), and (001). Draw normals to these planes from the origin. Note that distances from the origin along these normals proportional to the inverse of the distance from the origin to the direct space planes If you already understand it, these slides might just confuse you. But, they can help if you are lost.
Fourier (reciprocal) space Real space Fourier (reciprocal) space Above a monoclinic direct space lattice is transformed (the b-axis is perpendicular to the page). Note that the reciprocal lattice in the last panel is also monoclinic with * equal to 180°−. The symmetry system of the reciprocal lattice is the same as the direct lattice.
Reciprocal lattice (Similar) Consider the two dimensional direct lattice shown below. It is defined by the real vectors a and b, and the angle g. The spacings of the (100) and (010) planes (i.e. d100 and d010) are shown. The reciprocal lattice has reciprocal vectors a* and b*, separated by the angle g*. a* will be perpendicular to the (100) planes, and equal in magnitude to the inverse of d100. Similarly, b* will be perpendicular to the (010) planes and equal in magnitude to the inverse of d010. Hence g and g* will sum to 180º.
Reciprocal Lattice The reciprocal lattice has an origin!
Note perpendicularity of various vectors