CCSDS XML Telemetric and Command Exchange (XTCE) Dan Smith - Ronald Jones - Kevin Rice (NASA/GSFC) March 2015
Agenda XTCE Status Other XTCE Efforts XTCE Tailoring Guides XTCE 1.1 to 1.2 Status Beyond 1.2 CCSDS SM&C Actions 140204-01:Validate if MO data model for parameter service fits with XTCE Other XTCE Efforts
XTCE Tailoring Guides
OMG XTCE 1.1 Document Tree Specification (document, template) XTCE 1.1 (March 2008) XTCE USA GovSat Conformance Profile (November 2014) XTCE 1.1 Associated Schema File (November 2006) 1. Can add as many Tailoring Guides as required Intend to publish revision to GovSat in parallel with XTCE 1.2
CCSDS XTCE 1.1 Document Tree Yellow Book ?? (OMG specification) SANA Registry ?? (OMG rules table) Blue Book Green Book XTCE 1.1 Informational Report CCSDS 660.0-G-1 (July 2006) Update to 1.2 Recommended Standard CCSDS 660.0-B-1 (October 2007) XTCE USA GOVSAT Conformance Profile (Nov 2014) XTCE-CC Draft ICD (2015) XTCE 1.1 Element Description Report CCSDS 660.1-G-1 (May2012) Update to 1.2 XTCE 1.2 Recommended Standard CCSDS 660.0-B-2 Replace XTCE 1.1 (2015) Key: Red outlined box = CCSDS Approved Document Red dashed box = CCSDS/OMG document in work Host XTCE Tailoring Guides on both OMG & CCSDS Websites
XTCE 1.1 to 1.2 Status
OMG XTCE 1.1 to 1.2 – RTF Schedule ✔ June 2014 – draft “Change Form” ✔ September 2014 – draft issues to ✔ September 2014 – attended Space Domain Task Force (SDTF) Quarterly Meeting (NASA Goddard, NASA JPL, Industry) ✔ October 2014 – Issues finalized (included 16 ESA, 5 CNES) May 2015 (was Nov 2014) - submit Change Form to Architecture Board (AB) – slipped due to submitters work load June 2015 (was Dec 2014) – approved by AB July 2015 publish Bullet 2 – range enumerations – example 0-9=OFF, 10-19=ON versus 0=OFF, 1=ON Bullet 3 – Added Annotation – Not all elements and attributes explain. Not sure why, not enough time, wanted to keep the BB small. Problem left to the User/Implementors interpretation. Some interpreted wrong, others used anyway they wanted. OMG puts list for each list. Issues Finalized October 2014 --> Paperwork --> OMG AB Approve June 2015
OMG XTCE 1.1 to 1.2 – Agreements with CCSDS ✔ Distributed accepted issues by spreadsheet to CCSDS SM&C and interested parties Included ESA and CNES issues CCSDS agreement – OMG XTCE 1.2 book will be sent out for acceptance and for comment. Acceptance - Would like to accept exactly OMG Book, with CCSDS frontal matter included, replaces current CCSDS XTCE 1.1 Blue Book which is due for update. Comments - All comments received during the CCSDS review will be submitted to OMG for consideration in next XTCE release. Schedule - CCSDS incorporate all XTCE 1.2 changes Submit OMG XTCE 1.2 Specification to become Blue Book, replaces XTCE 1.1 Submit XTCE Green Book Pink Sheet showing updates from 1.1 to 1.2 Submit Tailoring Guides (USA, ESA, CNES) Books - Yellow Book, Magenta Book, SANA Registry - ??? Rules Tables (spreadsheet) - SANA Registry - ??? Bullet 2 – range enumerations – example 0-9=OFF, 10-19=ON versus 0=OFF, 1=ON Bullet 3 – Added Annotation – Not all elements and attributes explain. Not sure why, not enough time, wanted to keep the BB small. Problem left to the User/Implementors interpretation. Some interpreted wrong, others used anyway they wanted. OMG puts list for each list. XTCE 1.2 Blue Book replaces XTCE 1.1 Blue Book
OMG Beyond XTCE 1.2 Process: A new RTF would be formed to address new issues and deferred issues from XTCE 1.2 Depends on community interest, but do not want to wait another 7 years Significant Changes to XTCE 1.x (i.e. “XTCE 2.0”) The process would start from scratch again as it re-opens the standard completely There would be a new RFP issued first, followed by a FTF Include all comments received during the CCSDS review of XTCE 1.2 Bullet 2 – range enumerations – example 0-9=OFF, 10-19=ON versus 0=OFF, 1=ON Bullet 3 – Added Annotation – Not all elements and attributes explain. Not sure why, not enough time, wanted to keep the BB small. Problem left to the User/Implementers interpretation. Some interpreted wrong, others used anyway they wanted. OMG puts list for each list. Do Not Wait 7 Years
MO M&C Services and XTCE Comparison 140204-01:Validate if MO data model for directives fits with XTCE Object Types/Directives - ACTION, PARAMETER, ALERT, CHECK, STATISTICS, AGGREGATION, CONVERSION, GROUP Goal is to have specific MO M&C Service Tables map to XTCE syntax Kevin Rice and Sam Cooper worked together to perform mapping Mapping documented in “SMCtoXTCE_V5.2.docx” Analysis Core issue: XTCE is designed to describe the space to ground interface (commands, telemetry packets) Not a general messaging syntax, but mission ops database language XTCE describes the binary representation of packets Not clear to us that its applicable to defining MO M&C Services directives We believe M&C Service Message need specific schemas Bullet 2.2 – Example: enumerations described, but associated with mnemonic (parameter) descriptions Recommend - Message Specific Schemas instead of XTCE (define in CCSDS Book)
Example - ACTION MO Service Message in XTCE
Example - ACTION MO Service Message in XTCE Continued
Other XTCE Efforts
Other XTCE work at Goddard Conversion Tool Developed ASIST (GOTS T&C) to XTCE XTCE to ITOS (GOTS T&C) Tested with real mission data – Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) Other missions pending (RAVEN, GPM, etc…) Experimented against JPL Schema XTCE database successfully converted to JPL AMMOS MMD format Limited testing at this time, but this will be expanded in FY15
NASA JPL Task started in FY12 and looks at approaches to address the rising need to share and interpret information across Centers and Space Agencies. How we Recognized Success ✔ Year 1 - Did we learned enough about XTCE and AMMOS missions to make a judgment on applicability of XTCE for use across AMMOS? ✔ Year 2 – Are JPL missions and XTCE ready to move towards operational use? Goddard responsible for XTCE technical tools (XTCE to MMD, MMD to XTCE) JPL concurs on readiness for infusion to a JPL mission through the Multi-Mission Dictionaries (MMD) Year 3 and beyond – XTCE standard infused across multiple JPL and other NASA Centers applications and missions Europa Clipper, JPL Core FSW Potentially other: Mars 2020, INSPIRE CubeSat, JSC Workshops GSAW (California, USA) – March 2015 ESAW (Darmstadt, Germany) – June 2015