E LISE B RUNE D R. H SU D R. M C COY T EXAS A&M U NIVERSITY B IOMEDICAL S CIENCE CPRIT Summer Experience 2012: Innovation in Biomedical Informatics and Cancer Prevention Research
Projects Assessing the Impact of Health Care Shortages on Childhood Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Medically Underserved Texas Counties Within the U.S. it has been observed that childhood cancer incidence and mortality may be related to differences in access and quality of health care Recognize the impact of medical shortages on childhood cancer survivorship specifically for Texas Spatial Scan Statistic methods used to identify high risk childhood cancer incidence and morality clusters. Results were overlaid with health service designation areas in ArcGIS Lower childhood cancer survival is experienced in counties designated as medically underserved areas. Counties designated as MUP and GOV were inconclusive.
Results: Using SaTScan and ArcGIS
Projects Evaluation of Clinical Decision Support Alerts for Medications Contraindicated in Cancer Patients Computerized provider order entry-based alert systems are designed as a form of clinical decision support to aid health care providers in prescribing medications to patients Describe alerts for contraindicated medications for cancer patients in order to understand reasons for alert overrides Compiled and visually presented alert data
Projects Evaluating Knowledge Changes of Breast Cancer Risk Factors in Underserved Vietnamese American Women Through a Culturally Targeted Prevention Program Revised manuscript, references, and formatted paper to fulfill journal submission requirements Knowledge change was assessed through surveys completed before and after workshops, as well as at a later mammography Educational workshops with screening mammograms that were designed to accommodate the cultural needs of low- English proficiency Vietnamese American women were successful in improving knowledge of breast cancer risk factors
Involvement in the CPRIT Program Orientation at Dr. Hsu’s lab On Being a Scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in Research Innovation Generation Texas Cancer Plan 2012 CITI (IRB) training ArcGIS and SaTScan Workshops Weekly meetings with Dr. Hsu and Dr. McCoy Working with Dr. Miller and Dr. Hsu with revising and formatting breast cancer manuscript MD Anderson seminars Submission of CPRIT abstract Submission of poster proposal for AMIA conference Submission of Breast Cancer manuscript to a journal
Use of Innovation Designed question based upon interest Collaboration and teamwork Asking many questions! Learning from previously conducted research Utilizing new tools! Changing my viewpoint Refraining from self- judgement when generating ideas “Innovation, defined as creativity with a purpose, is widely considered to be the engine of scientific progress.” –Innovation Generation Analogy! Curiosity! Brainstorming!
Personal Impact New Experiences Informatics Learning how to construct and interpret maps using GIS, SaTScan, and EpiInfo Submission of abstract to conference Process for submission research manuscript to journal for publication Strengthened my interest in public health research and introduced me to the field of Biomedical Informatics Motivated me to continue to learn and challenge myself
Thank you! Thank you to the CPRIT program, University of Texas School of Biomedical Informatics, University of Texas School of Public Health, Dr. Hsu, and Dr. McCoy! Questions?