IT Administrator Lifecycle Lifecycle Services Dashboard & CustomerSource Roles Developer Business Analyst Information Tools/Service s Project Manager
Managing the Application Lifecycle Presales Analysis Design Develop Deploy Maintain Microsoft Azure Cloud platform Code footprint, quality, and upgrade metrics Infrastructure Processes, modules, configurations Content Metadata Usage Profiles Modules
-Strong growth of adoption among field roles since September users of which 46% actively uses LCS; -Similar services usage patterns across field, partners and customers -Stimulate usage more services per role Adoption of LCS by Top 180 partners based on L rev (%)
Projects Dashboard
License Sizing Estimator Helps estimating the Client Access License (CAL) needs
Customization Analysis Service Optimize your customizations to improve system performance and reliability.
Upgrade Analysis Service
Usage Profiler Provides insights into your planned usage scenarios.
Infrastructure estimation Helps you with hardware sizing scenarios.
Issue Search Reduce time spend on finding hotfixes or potential workarounds
Issue logging Helps you with hardware sizing scenarios.
Business Process Modeler High quality, quick analysis phase
System Diagnostic Pro-actively monitor the health of your installation to minimize system downtime
Objective is to ensure LCS fully supports R3 at GA. New content and updates to existing tools, content and rules. Objective is to provide automated first level support and reduce time to resolution for customers. Cloud service to manage customers through the lifecycle of a support case. Objective is to automate customer deployment of R3 into Azure. Cloud service will offer pre-configured environments for quick, automated setup. Objective is to integrate RapidStart as the application configuration tool. Improvements to RapidStart, integration with BPM and Project experience will complete solution. Object is to provide partner efficiency and predictability of projects. Improvements to support best practice methodologies within LCS Project workspace
Time Customer workspace: Implement Quality Partner workspace: (Pre)sales, learn