Kentucky’s Common Kindergarten Entry Screen BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training Kentucky’s Common Kindergarten Entry Screen Refresher Training on the BRIGANCE K Screen III and Online Management System April 27, 2015
During the webcast, send questions to: Interactive Webcast During the webcast, send questions to:
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Objectives Review Kentucky’s Common Kindergarten Entry Screen initiative requirements, recommendations, and timelines Review screening best practices Review process and timeline for entering screening data into the Online Management System
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 2015-16 Implementation 2015-16 is the third year of full implementation! We continue to establish and refine best practices Early childhood is front and center, so smooth implementation is crucial
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Highlights from 2014-15 49,089 children screened 50% of all children screened Kindergarten Ready Only 4% of students were missing prior settings data – down from 20% last year
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Screen Tools for 2015-16 The BRIGANCE Kindergarten Screen is the tool that was chosen for assessment of readiness skills Motor, Language, and Academic/Cognitive Skills, and Self- help and Social Emotional Development K Core Assessments-REQUIRED Self-help and Social-Emotional Scales-REQUIRED Supplemental Assessments-Recommended Reading Readiness Scale-Recommended Data collected and aggregated with the Online Management System (OMS)
Tour of the BRIGANCE Screen Kit BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Tour of the BRIGANCE Screen Kit Early Childhood Screen III K&I “Manual” Objects for counting and sorting Includes screen assessments and tools Kindergarten Data Sheets Technical Report Other items needed for screening: Paper, pencil, blank and lined paper Picture book(s) that has at least three lines of text on each page Timer Copies of the Self-Help and Social-Emotional Scales Implementation Guide Quickly review materials needed, reference new Implementation Guide and where it is located
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Your Screening Window No sooner than 15 calendar days before school starts No later than the 30th instructional day NEW! OMS and IC data to be entered within 15 calendar days after screening window closes AND no later than October 15 – pending LRC approval Be sure you know your district’s screening window for 2015-16 Step 1: Get Ready to Screen: Plan Ahead - Screening Window [[Facilitator – update the slide with your district’s window dates]] At-a-glance: Explain the official regulations regarding the screening window and your district’s specific screening window dates. Step-by-Step: Have participants turn to the Requirements & Recommendations table in the IG and review the next-to last column, “Timelines and Deadlines” – these are the official regulations. Next, explain your district’s specific Screening window. Make sure everyone is very clear!
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Best Practices Previous surveys indicated teamwork is essential for a successful implementation! Decide who will screen, enter data, etc. If screening before school starts, invite child care, preschool, and Head Start staff Also on the list: Organization Scheduling Using additional staff as needed Having a system for organizing materials See the 2015-16 Implementation Guide for more details Step 1: Get Ready to Screen: Plan Ahead - Best Practices At-a-glance: best practices for getting ready to screen as informed by pilot year. These tips apply to schools and districts. We will discuss tips for individuals, too. Step-by-Step: One of the big takeaways from the pilot was the need for teamwork! When everyone is prepared and on the same page, things are easier for everyone, including the children. Have participants read the “Lessons Learned and Best Practices: Take time to plan and schedule” and the “Take time to work as a team” sections. One of the ways teamwork is a big plus is if you are screening during the 15 days before school starts. Invite child care, preschool, and Head Start staff to the screening so that children will see familiar faces. Ask participants to ask any school-specific implementation questions.
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Prior Setting Data Have a plan for entering prior setting data into Infinite Campus (IC) Double check students who attended state-funded preschool and/or Head Start Schedule a time for district contacts to check progress using the ad-hoc report available in IC Enter “Other” if no information is available
Screening Children with Special Considerations BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Screening Children with Special Considerations Accommodations versus modifications English Learners (EL) should be screened in their primary language Bilingual personnel Volunteer interpreters Friends of the family (trained in asking questions) Planning ahead: From students you’ve had in the past, what types of situations do you expect where you will need to make accommodations? What type of support will you need for EL students? See the 2015-16 Implementation Guide for more details Step 1: Get Ready to Screen: Plan Ahead - Screening Children with Special Considerations At-a-glance: Discuss important considerations for children with special considerations, including special needs and ELLs Step-by-Step: Another key part of your team planning will be to plan for screening children with special considerations, such as special needs children and ELLS. Have participants read the first paragraph on p xxiv. [[click]] Accommodations vs modifications: It is important that we know the difference between an accommodation and a modification. Have participants read p xxiv and skip the “Bilingual” section, then skim pages xxv and xxvi. Then, review the important points: Accommodations are those things that allow children to access an assessment and more accurately demonstrate their knowledge. An example would be allowing the child more time to respond. A modification on the other hand, is a change to the actual content of the assessment . An example would be having a child point to an object rather than name it. Do not use modifications, as they invalidates the scores. **Modifications are NOT allowed** [[click]] English Language Learners Have participants read the ELL section of the Implementation Guide, then review the important points: For children whose primary language is not English, and whose English is not adequate for screening in that language, you will need to have an interpreter present. For other languages, the interpreter will need to translate. Look to the following groups of people for help with interpretation: bilingual school or district personnel, volunteer interpreters (e.g., from a local college), and also friends of the family who speak the child’s language. Keep in mind, the latter must understand how to ask questions without leading a child to an answer. For Spanish-language children, you will have the Spanish Directions booklet. We’ll look, at the Spanish booklets a little bit later. [[click]] Let’s consider some likely situations that we’ll encounter so that we can continue to plan ahead [remember to refer to pages xxv, xxvi, and the Implementation Guide]: Have participants give examples of special needs that they might encounter, then you can discuss accommodations that would be appropriate. Remember: If a child cannot demonstrate skills due to her impairment, no credit should be given for those skills. This will demonstrate that there is a deficit or delay in that area, even if it is already known. To maintain the validity of the Screen, the items should be administered without modifications and credit given only the child can demonstrate the skills. ELLs: Discuss whether or not the Spanish directions will likely be needed; what other languages will you need translators for? What resources might you be able to use?
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Remember! For the K Core Assessments: Be sure to adhere to the Discontinue point Use directions as they are written in the Manual Tip: Use sticky notes to tab places in the Screen you need for quick reference See the 2015-16 Implementation Guide for notes on specific subtests Step 1: Get Ready to Screen - K Core Assessment Reminders At-a-glance: remind group of the discontinue point and directions. Step-by-Step: Remind participants: [[click]] Adhere to the Discontinue point to be sure all children are receiving the Screen in the same manner [[click]] Use the Directions as they are written, again for consistency in administration [[click]] Tip: It’s very helpful to use sticky notes to tab the places in the Screen you need for quick reference.
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training Overview of Data Sheet
Online Management System V10.06.30.12 Online Management System There will be a NEW account for the 2015-16 year The account will be ready July 15 If you need access to student level data from previous years, contact Melody Cooper State/district results posted on KDE’s Open House
Online Management System Overview Accessible starting July 15th
Online Management System V10.06.30.12 Online Management System Discuss Group Screening Summary Report and the Export as CSV feature—great for additional details to plan instruction
How do I get Access to the New OMS? BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 How do I get Access to the New OMS? Send the staff file (all staff who need OMS access) to Melody Cooper by June 15 Starting on July 15, use the Forgot Password feature – Be sure to use your school email You will receive an email from BRIGANCE
Complete Staff File by June 15 BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Complete Staff File by June 15 Column A – do nothing Column B – designate location user should be associated with, using district a district/school code or e-mail address (this helps determine what the user sees - entire district, entire school, classroom, or data entry only) Teacher location ID must be his or her district e-mail address Column C – Staff ID must be the district e-mail address Columns D-G – enter e-mail addresses carefully, no need for middle initial Column H – designate the user role The staff file is the responsibility of the district level Brigance contact.
More about the staff file… Melody Cooper will distribute the staff file template to district K Screen contacts this week Due to Melody Cooper June 15 Complete one staff file per district – please do not send a staff file for each school
How is the new KY OMS set up? BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 How is the new KY OMS set up? Infinite Campus and the BRIGANCE OMS Initial set-up Ongoing maintenance Same set up as last year
Initial Set-up: Infinite Campus to OMS BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Initial Set-up: Infinite Campus to OMS Initial “import”/ “onboarding” of districts, schools, administrators, teachers, classes, and students from Infinite Campus into the OMS The initial set-up of the OMS is also called the <click for bullet and arrow> initial “import” or “onboarding” process. In this process, district, school, administrator, teacher, class, and student information will be pulled from Infinite Campus and imported into the OMS. Make sure all info is in Infinite Campus by July 1
Ongoing: Infinite Campus will “talk to” the OMS weekly V10.06.30.12 Ongoing: Infinite Campus will “talk to” the OMS weekly Changes made in IC by end of day Fridays will be reflected in OMS the following Tuesday or Wednesday morning Updates to student information must be made in IC Any changes to teacher information and creation of new classes must be made directly in the OMS by an administrator Infinite Campus will talk to the OMS once a week <click for arrow>. Specifically, <click for first bullet and both text labels> any changes you make in IC by end of day on Fridays will be reflected in the OMS the following Tuesday morning. However, it’s very important to note that <click> only changes to student information, including which class a student is assigned to, that are made in Infinite Campus will be updated in the OMS. So, any time there’s a change to a student’s information, you must make that change in IC only. Changes to teacher information, <click> including new teachers and their new classes, must be made directly in the OMS by an administrator. Fri PM Tues/Wed AM Student Changes Teacher Changes/ New Classes
District/Admins/ Teachers/Classes V10.06.30.12 District/Admins/ Teachers/Classes in IC by July 1? In OMS YES Admins must enter into OMS NO ADMINS REMEMBER: After July 15, enter/ update teacher info in the OMS! Students in IC by July 1? YES In OMS NO Will be updated in OMS weekly automatically from IC REMEMBER: Always enter and update student information in IC!
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Remember! When entering data into the OMS: Enter only one new screening session Be sure all items on the Self-help and Social-Emotional Scales are completed Make sure you click “Submit” after entering both the K Core Assessments and SHSE Scales View the Group Report and Export as CSV to sort information by domains
Kentucky OMS Training Videos Part 1: Introduction & Overview NEW! Part 2: Accessing the OMS NEW! Part 3: Entering required Screen data: K Core Assessments Part 4: Entering required Screen data: Self-help and Social-Emotional Scales NEW! Part 5: Viewing the Screening Summary Report and online Data Sheets Part 6: Group Reports Part 7: Recommended Screen data (Supplemental Assessments and Reading Readiness Scale) NEW! Part 8: Sharing Screening Results with Families NEW! Part 9: OMS Resources Part 10: IMPORTANT!! Avoiding Common Pitfalls when Entering OMS Data NEW! Part 11: Administrator Features
Creating a Class Under “My Account” choose “School/Class List”, then click the “Add” icon Be sure to choose the school where the class is located, not just the district The School/Class ID MUST be the teacher’s district e-mail address!
Instructional Planning Sheet BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Instructional Planning Sheet Instructional Planning Sheet Discuss how the IPS can be used to share information with parents. Can also be used when looking at results across children.
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Your Next Steps Review the 2015-16 Implementation Guide Prepare for screening: Know your screening window Gather materials Make sure the screening team has discussed processes and personnel Watch OMS training videos before entering data Prepare 1 hour training for experienced trainers Your Next Steps
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 Your Next Steps website At-a-glance: Overview the website. Step-by-Step: To help you keep everything straight, in addition to the IG, there is a special website just for you…. Yes, you must spell out “Kentucky”! At the bottom, click on the Training Information page link. [[click]] The Training Information page link will look like this. Here is where you will access the OMS training video link.
Possible Topics for Experienced Teacher Training Timelines Notes on each item (in IG) Common pitfalls video Collecting prior settings data If SHSE scale is unavailable from family, fill out the teacher survey during your screening window Review Implementation Guide OMS videos Logging into new OMS account beginning July 15 District specific procedures and timelines Sign implementation agreement (in IG)
Training & Resources Districts/schools keep training sign-in sheets and agendas on file Collect and file signed Implementation Agreements, found in the Implementation Guide) Links to training materials will be distributed to district K Screen contacts this week by Melody Cooper Contact your district K Screen contact for the links to training materials- they will not be posted
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training 040713.v7 2015-16 Timeline April 27-30 – Update webcast and new trainer TOTs May/June – materials shipped to schools June 15 – staff files for OMS to Melody Cooper June 25 – TOT in Frankfort June-August—staff training (including OMS training videos - Mid-July-September—screening windows open August-October 15—OMS and IC data entry Screen students no earlier than 15 calendar days before start of program—finish no later than 30th day of instruction (this does not include data entry)
BRIGANCE KY Screen III Training Thank You! You are a critical part of this initiative and your participation is valued! Refer to the Implementation Guide for specific details and contact info Thank You!