Happy Monday Please do the following: Take out your materials on the material list Take out HW #1 ( worksheet) and a red pen Start working on your Entry Ticket Homework: Print U1L1- Part 2 and U1L3 Notes. HW#2 Pg. 9 #9-12, 18-22, 31-34 ( write this on your assignment log) Updates: Unit 1 Quiz 1 is Thursday/ Friday (1.1-1.3) 2 mins
Turn in Classwork from Friday Worksheet with BINGO on the back 2 mins
3 Things
Entry Tickets While you are working on these, I will walk around and start your materials check. I will not complete it and then I will finish it later this period. 2 mins
Entry Tickets When we go over Entry tickets, you will correct your answer in a red pen. 2 mins
Review HW #1 Correct your worksheet using a red pen. (1) 67 (2) 17 (3) 8 (4) 10 (5) --------- (6) 30 (7) -1 (8) -9 (9) ½ (10) Eraser is $5 Correct your worksheet using a red pen. I will come around and stamp your worksheet so have your assignment list out on your desk 3 mins
Review HW #1 You will ask your group if you have any questions. If you and your group members don’t know how to solve a problem, then I will be more than happy to go over it! 3 mins
Materials Check Materials Check #1 1 or 1.5 inch binder (3 rings) While you and your group are discussing the homework, I will go around and finish 1 or 1.5 inch binder (3 rings) Green Sheet in front Lined paper the materials check Graph paper 4 tabs labeled Usually, I will set a timer but today I will stop you once I am done circulating the room. Pencil Red pen Expo Marker (pack) Old sock, rag, etc Scientific Calculator Protractor, compass, ruler Materials Check #1 2 mins
Agenda Entry Ticket U1L1 Notes Materials Quiz Procedure Quiz 1 min
Learning Objective By the end of this period you will be able to: Identify and apply basic facts about points, lines, and planes.
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Take out U1L1 notes that you picked up on Thursday THESE ARE THE ONLY NOTES THAT I WILL PRINT OUT FOR YOU. Remember: you can ALWAYS go to the library at lunch or after school to print out the notes! APK: Look around the room. Find a line in the classroom. Be ready to tell us where you found it. Where do you see a point?
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Undefined Terms The most basic figures in geometry. Cannot be defined by using other figures. The undefined terms point, line, and plane are the building blocks of geometry.
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes How do we use Points, Lines, and Planes in our everyday lives? One way is through maps (Going from Leland to Castillero)! The map is a plane, points represent our starting and ending position, and line creates the path that we take to get from point to point (notice how the lines do not continue forever; they must change direction to make a curve…).
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Say I want to make a couple of stops before going from Leland to Castillero. These stops I make are in a straight line as you see below with red dots. Collinear Points that lie on the same line are collinear. C D
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Collinear Points that lie on the same line are collinear. Example: Non-Example
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Coplanar Points that lie on the same plane. Since all the points (red or green) lie on the map they are all coplanar. C D
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Coplanar Points that lie on the same plane. Example: Non-Example:
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Practice: Use the figure to the right to answer each statement. Name one point: Name one line: Name a plane using its script letter and its points Name three collinear points Name three coplanar points
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes Let’s go in more detail about a line. In order for lines to change direction they must stop! Therefore, we have a segment which is a part of a line.
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes In order for lines to change direction they must stop! Therefore, we have a segment which is a part of a line.
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes If we have a beginning point and just keep traveling in a straight line with no end we have a ray!
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes (2) Practice: Draw and label each of the following. A segment with endpoints M and N. A ray with endpoint P and another point Q Opposite rays with common endpoint T and points R and S
1.1 Points, Lines, and Planes (3) Practice: Answer the following questions. Name two points: Name two lines: A plane containing E, D, and B. Name three collinear points Name a ray Two Opposite Rays Name a segment. What are its endpoints? A point non-coplanar to plane N.
Math Joke of the Day! Q: What did the little acorn say when it grew up? A: “Geometry!”
Summary After each section, you will be required to write 1-2 sentences about something that you learned in this section. “I don’t know” or nothing is not an acceptable answer. It has to be math related. These will be checked when you turn in your notes. Be ready to share out!
Remember: Homework due Tuesday/ Wednesday Print off guided notes ( U1L1-Part 2 and U1L2)
Homework: Setting up homework Look at the blue piece of paper Write all homework in the assignment log that you picked up last week
Procedure Quiz: While you are taking this quiz, I will finish the materials check. There is NO talking during this quiz. When done, put it face down on my chair in front.