High-resolution X-Ray diagnostic upgrade for ITER-like wall experiments at JET Amy Shumack ADAS workshop 29/9/14
The X-Ray spectrometer and upgrade Identification of W and Mo lines Overview The X-Ray spectrometer and upgrade Identification of W and Mo lines Other lines that we can measure Determination of plasma parameters
Introduction ITER JET JET ITER-like wall
X-Ray spectroscopy High resolution X-Ray spectroscopy core: impurity concentration ion temperature rotation velocity #61098
KX1 – X-Ray crystal spectrometer Line of sight – 20 cm below average magnetic axis
Johann configuration Not to scale
Vignetting – ITER-like wall Not to scale
Vignetting – ITER-like wall Not to scale All orders of reflection collected simultaneously
Spectrometer upgrade Wi46+ and Mo32+ lines Ni26+ line Mo32+ W46+ 1. New crystals Wi46+ and Mo32+ lines Bragg angle Te Ni26+ line Ni26+ 2. GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors and DAQ system
*Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Micro-fusion, Poland GEM detectors *Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Micro-fusion, Poland GXS project (“Gas Electron Multiplier Detector for X-ray Crystal Spectrometry” ) GEM detectors developed by IPPLM* to replace old MWPC detector Triple-GEM detector GEM foil 70 μm 140 μm (256 Signal processing: GEM Detectors (256 strips) Signal amplification ADCs 77.7 MHz FPGA Analysis (events counts) Counts
Mo32+ L-shell transitions Line identification W46+ M-shell transition 4d-3p Mo32+ L-shell transitions 3s-2p W44+ M-shell transition ? ??? M2* Shot nrs: 83735-83753
KX1 – Molybdenum laser blow-off experiment Line identification KX1 – Molybdenum laser blow-off experiment (Only) suspected Mo lines became significantly more intense JPN85232 Mo LBO at 58 s FAC code calculation* at 5 keV with equal Mo32+,W45+ and W46+ density *T. Nakano et al., Proceedings of the 41st EPS conference on plasma physics, 2014
Other lines 2.65A 5.3A 3.2A Mo32+ (M2) Mo32+ (3G) W45+ W46+ W 1st order W 2nd order Mo32+ (M2) Mo32+ (3G) 86603 50.1-50.3s 6keV, 6E19 W45+ W46+ 2.65A Increases for Ti LBO 5.3A 86535 48.1-48.3s 5keV, 8E19 Ni 1st order 3.2A 86592 47.6-48.1s 7keV, 6E19 Ar16+?
Obtaining plasma parameters - Ni Ni26+ spectral lines w: 1s2p 1P1 -> 1s2 1S0 x: 1s2p 3P2 -> 1s2 1S0 y: 1s2p 3P1 -> 1s2 1S0 Dielectronic satellite line n=2 t: 1s2s2p 2P1/2 -> 1s22s 2S1/2 Feature dielectronic satellite lines n>=3. w x t Feature consisting of dielectronic satellites, fit with fn depending on Te Gaussian functions Voigt function 130 ms integration time y Divide by vignetting function Least squares fit Ti, ωNi26+, Ni. conc.
KX1=X-Ray spectrometer Plasma parameters - Ni KX1=X-Ray spectrometer r/a=0.2-0.4 r/a=0.45-0.55 Ti KX1 Te HRTS
Obtaining plasma parameters – W/Mo analyzer W and Mo analyzer GUI* εline = nW46+ . ne . PEC line I line = nW∫ FAW46+ .ne. PEC line dl assuming const. nW FA: calculated from ADAS ionization /recombination coefficients assuming coronal equilibrium PECs: calculated with FAC code W46+ Mo32+ *T. Nakano et al., Proceedings of the 41st EPS conference on plasma physics, 2014
W and Mo concentrations Preliminary data W conc. Mo conc.
JET high resolution X-Ray crystal spectrometer upgraded Conclusion JET high resolution X-Ray crystal spectrometer upgraded W and Mo lines identified Many other non-identified lines… T, ω, n determined for Ni ions Preliminary W and Mo concentrations
Extra slides
Separation of orders of reflection Ni+26 1st 2nd Argon escape peak Pulse height spectra Diffraction spectra
3.1A 5.3A 2.65A 1.6A W. Position, θBragg= 51.1º, arm shift = 101.6cm 86811, 5keV, 1MW ICRH, 20MW NBI (2.5 sec) Ni detector W detector Δλ=4.3 pm Δλ=1.3 pm 1st order 1st order ? 5.3A 3.1A W46+ Mo32+ ? ? 2nd order 2nd order 2.65A 1.6A Increases for Ti LBO
Ni. Position, θBragg= 52.6º, arm shift = 6.1cm 86529, 4keV, 1MW ICRH, 17MW NBI (6 sec) W detector Ni detector Δλ=4.3 pm Δλ=1.3 pm 1st order 1st order 3.2A 5.4A ?? ?? Ar16+? ?? 2nd order 2nd order 1.6A 2.7A
SUPPLIED BY HUGH SUMMERS ON 20.05.88 corrected on 18.01.89 ----------------------------------------------------------------- WITH AN ELECTRON DENSITY OF 0.500E+14 CM**(-3) FOR CHARGE STATES Z=1 TO Z=25 IONISATION RATES IN FILE 'IONISE' TOTAL RECOMBINATION RATE IN FILE 'RECOMB' FOR CHARGE STATES Z=23 TO Z=25 RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION RATES IN FILE 'RADIAT' DIELECTRONIC RECOMBINATION RATES IN FILE 'DIELEC' FRACTIONAL ABUNDANCES IN FILE 'ABUNDAN' CALCULATED WITH ABEL-VAN-MAANENS SUBROUTINES ON THE CRAY2 ON 12.02.88 WITH 'JETXAY.CRAY(CORONA)' excitation rates and constants for dielectronic recombination in form of tables from Phys.Rev.A37,506 (F.Bombarda et al) all stored in NI26...., NI25.... etc, which means the rates describe transitions with NI26 etc. as starting ion
Spectral width of detector: 0.01,0.04 Å Resolution: ~ 10-4,10-3Å !! Spectral width of detector: 0.01,0.04 Å Total spectral range: ~0.1,0.4 Å
Identified lines: W46+ : 3p6 3d10 1S0 - 3p5 3d10 4d (3/2, 5/2) 1:λ= 0.52004 nm* Mo32+ : 2p 1S0 - 3s 3P1 : λ =0.52069 nm* (3G) Mo32+ : 2p 1S0 - 3s 3P2 : λ =0.5212 nm (M2) W45+ : 3p6 3d10 4s 2S1/2 - 3p5 3d10 4s 4d (3/2, 2) 1/2: λ = 0.52289 nm* W45+ : 3p6 3d10 4s 2S1/2 - 3p5 3d10 4s 4d (3/2, 3) 3/2: λ = 0.52379 nm* * Wavelength from NIST[6]
*K.B. Fournier, Phys Rev E, 53, 1084, 1996 TFU E. Kallne, J. Kallne and R.D. Cowan, Phys. Rev. A 27 (1983) 2682 C-MOD
W. Position, θBragg= ?51.2º, arm shift = ?98.0 cm 86870 W detector 1st order 5.3A 2nd order 2.65A 46.9-47s Titanium LBO
Cmo/CW increased: 0.05 in 2013 => 0.2-0.3 in 2014 Const. Dl assumed Hybrid pulse: W46+, W45+ and Mo32+ seen as in 2013 Typically cW~ 3e-5, cMo~5e-6 =>cMo/cW~0.2-0.3 It seems Mo events distribute Mo sources. Baseline pulses: W45+ and Mo32+ (M2) disappeared Instead, unidentified lines appeared (shown by arrows) Suggests Another metal impurities??? Typically cW~ 2e-6, cMo~6e-7=>cMo/cW~0.2-0.3
W. Position, θBragg= ?51.2º, arm shift = ?98.0 cm 87229, ?keV, ?MW ICRH W detector Ni detector 1st order 1st order 5.3A 3.1A 2nd order 2nd order 2.65A 1.6A
Vignetting Not to scale Line averaged data