CAASPP Coordinator Training January – February 2015 CAASPP Coordinator Training January – February 2015 Test Session Management
Critical Links Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 2 Best Practice Bookmark these Webpages
Purpose By the end of this presentation, participants will know: How Test Administrators (TA) log in to the CAASPP Test Administrator Interface How TAs create a test session How students log in to the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) Secure Browser How students select and begin a test session as created by the TA How TAs manage the various aspects of a test session Approving student requests Verify student test settings Monitor student progress during test session Verify student log out and submission of test TA stopping test session and log out Best practices Test security Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 3
Creating a Test Session Test Session Process at a glance: Test Administrator (TA) creates a test session in the Test Administrator Interface before students log in to the Student Interface A unique session ID is randomly generated TA provide session ID number to students Students log into the Student Interface using the session ID and their own credentials TA monitors student progress and tests session completion Students end test and submit test completed Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 4 Best Practice TA should use a Laptop or Desktop to create test sessions
Creating a Test Session Step 1 Go to and click on Test Administrator Interface Step 1 Go to and click on Test Administrator Interface Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 5
Creating a Test Session Step 2 TA inputs personal Log in information Step 2 TA inputs personal Log in information Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 6 Best Practice Ensure TA has log in credentials prior to starting test session. Coordinator may create test session if needed
Creating a Test Session Step 3 Step 4 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 7 Step 3 Click on “Select All” to select all available tests Step 3 Click on “Select All” to select all available tests Step 4 Click on “Start Session” to generate session ID Step 4 Click on “Start Session” to generate session ID Best Practice Use Laptop or desktop to create test session. If using iPads, “Select All” button is not available
Generating a Session ID Step 5 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 8 Step 5 Provide Session ID to students Step 5 Provide Session ID to students Best Practice Display Session ID on whiteboard and poster paper for students to see
Student Log in Process Step 7 Step 6 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 9 Step 6 Student will launch secure browser Step 6 Student will launch secure browser Step 7 Student clicks on “Please Sign In” Step 7 Student clicks on “Please Sign In”
Student Log in Process Todays Training Sessions For the sake of today’s training, student login will be into the Practice and Training Test Student Interface Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 10 Best Practice Use only Practice and Training Tests when training Test Administrators at school sites
Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 11 Step 8 Students will use their own credentials to log in Step 8 Students will use their own credentials to log in 1. Deselect Guest User Student Log In Process 2. Deselect Guest Session 3. Enter student first name 4. Enter student SSID number 5. Enter Session ID 6. Click on Sign In Best Practice Students should practice the log in process by using their own credentials when accessing the Practice Test
Student Log In Process Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 12 Sample TOMS Student Log in Information Best Practice Prepare TOMS student information spreadsheet and maintain a copy at each testing room for reference
Student Log In Process Step 9 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 13 Step 9 Select the Grade level and click on “Yes” Step 9 Select the Grade level and click on “Yes”
Student Test Selection Step 10 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 14 Step 10 Students will select appropriate test Step 10 Students will select appropriate test Best Practice Post test to be taken near or next to Session ID
Student Test Selection Step 11 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 15 Step 11 Students waits for TA to approve request Step 11 Students waits for TA to approve request
Test Approvals Step 12 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 16 Step 12 TA approves student’s request to join session Step 12 TA approves student’s request to join session
Test Settings Approval 2. Verify Test Settings Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 17 Step 13 Verify Test Name and Test Settings for each student Step 13 Verify Test Name and Test Settings for each student Best Practice TA should have copy of the Accessibilities and Accommodations Attachments for students who need them 1. Verify Test Name
Test Settings Approval Step 14 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 18 Best Practice After verifying test settings the first time, TA may skip step and only verify student has selected appropriate test Step 14 Click on “Set & Approve” for student to start test Step 14 Click on “Set & Approve” for student to start test
Test Sessions Monitoring Step 15 Information for approved students uploads. TA can monitor the test session by view information such as: Student name, SSID, Opportunities, Test name, Test Settings, Student Status and be able to Pause test if needed. Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 19 Step 15 Monitor TA interface screen Step 15 Monitor TA interface screen
Student Test Session Confirmation Step 16 Once TA approves student’s request, the student will receive a prompt asking “Is This Your Test”? Students confirm the Session ID and the test that they are taking and click “Yes Start My Test” Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 20 Step 16 Student clicks on “Yes, Start My Test” Step 16 Student clicks on “Yes, Start My Test”
Test Instructions and Help Step 17 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 21 Step 17 Student clicks on “Begin Test Now” Step 17 Student clicks on “Begin Test Now” Best Practice Students should go over the Test Instructions and Help page before starting the test
ELA Sound Check Step 18 Step 19 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 22 Step 18 Sound Check is required for student taking ELA Or Math with text-to- speech support Step 18 Sound Check is required for student taking ELA Or Math with text-to- speech support Best Practice Students should not proceed with the test if sound is too low or there is no sound through the earbuds Step19 If sound check is successful, Click on “Yes” Step19 If sound check is successful, Click on “Yes”
Test Session Management Student Test Questions Step 20 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 23 Step 20 At end of test session, students click on “Pause” Step 20 At end of test session, students click on “Pause”
Students Finishing Test Step 21 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 24 Step 21 At end of test session, students click on “OK” Step 21 At end of test session, students click on “OK” Once a student has completed the last question in a test section they will receive the following prompt
Students Finishing Test Step 22 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 25 Step 22 When student finishes, click on “End Test” Step 22 When student finishes, click on “End Test” The “End Test” icon becomes active after a students finish the last question in a test section and confirm that they are finished reviewing their answers
Students Finishing Test Step 23 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 26 Step 23 Student chooses to end or continue working on the test session as indicated Step 23 Student chooses to end or continue working on the test session as indicated If they are truly ready to end the test session, students are to click, “Yes”
Students Submitting Test Step 24 Step 25 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 27 Step 24 Student given the option to review flagged items Step 24 Student given the option to review flagged items Step 25 If finished, click on “Yes” to submit the test Step 25 If finished, click on “Yes” to submit the test
Students Log Out Step 26 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 28 Step 26 If test was successfully submitted, click on “Log Out” Step 26 If test was successfully submitted, click on “Log Out”
Monitoring Student Progress Step 27 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 29 Step 27 TA continues to monitor progress on test session screen Step 27 TA continues to monitor progress on test session screen
Stopping Test Session Step 28 Step 29 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 30 Step 28 When all students finish, click on “Stop Session” Step 28 When all students finish, click on “Stop Session” Step 29 TA will confirm that Test Session has ended Step 29 TA will confirm that Test Session has ended
Log Out of Test Session Step 30 Step 31 Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 31 Step 28 Complete “Log Out” Process Step 28 Complete “Log Out” Process Step 29 TA will confirm the request to log out Step 29 TA will confirm the request to log out Best Practice Always complete the Log Out process. Failing to properly log out may prevent TA from accessing system again
Live Practice Activity Smarter Balanced 2015 With a partner 1.First person be TA. Log in to Practice and Training Test TA Interface and create a Test Session, approve student request, monitor test session log out 2.Second person be student. Log in to Practice and Training Test Student Interface and take the test designated by TA, end test, submit test and log out 3.If time permits, reverse rolls with partner and practice TA and Student activities as instructed above Step 1 TA Student Step 2 Step 1 At enter Practice and Training Tests Step 1 At enter Practice and Training Tests Step 2 TA enter TA Interface, Student enter Student Interface Step 2 TA enter TA Interface, Student enter Student Interface
Live Practice Activity cont. Smarter Balanced 2015 Step 3 TA Creates Test Session Step 4 Student Logs in With a partner 1.First person be TA. Log in to Practice and Training Test TA Interface and create a Test Session, approve student request, monitor test session log out 2.Second person be student. Log in to Practice and Training Test Student Interface and take the test designated by TA, end test, submit test and log out 3.If time permits, reverse rolls with partner and practice TA and Student activities as instructed above Step 3 TA Creates and Manages Test Session Step 3 TA Creates and Manages Test Session Step 4 Student Logs in to Test Session and Takes Test Step 4 Student Logs in to Test Session and Takes Test
Test Session Management Test Security Test Security Guidelines for Computer-based Field Test Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 34
Test Session Management Test Security cont. Preventing Security Violations LEA staff, school staff, and Test Administrators play a critical role in monitoring the testing session and adhering to directions for standardized administration Be familiar with test security protocols outlined in the California Online Test Administration Manual (TAM) –Section 3.0 – TEST SECURITY –Section 4.0 – TESTING IMPROPRIATIES, IRREGULARITIES AND BREACHES Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 35
Test Session Management Test Security cont. Before and During Field Testing All test items and test materials must remain secure and must be appropriately handled –Includes creating a secure testing environment for what students can see, hear, or access Test Administrator is ultimately responsible for monitoring and reporting test security issues –inappropriate Internet access –any other improper display, printing, photographing, duplicating, or sharing of test questions. Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 36
Test Session Management Test Security cont. As Testing Starts and During Testing Ensure that students have properly logged in and are taking the test for which they are scheduled. Monitor students taking the test for any breach of the secure browser; has not allowed students to: –access external sites –other resources on their testing device during the assessment. Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 37
Test Session Management Test Security cont. TAs may provide each student with their first name only and Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) in written or electronic format in order for them to log into the FT. Student login information is considered secure material, so it must be provided to, and viewable only by, the student to whom the login information pertains. Must be returned to the test site coordinator, stored in a secure location between testing sessions, and securely destroyed immediately after testing. Student Login for the Field Test Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 38
Test Session Management Test Security cont. Requirements of a secure test environment include, but are not limited to, the following: A quiet environment, void of talking or other distractions that might interfere with a student’s ability to concentrate or might compromise the testing situation. Please see section 9.1 Establishing Appropriate Testing Conditions for more detail. Students are actively supervised and the students are free from access to unauthorized electronic devices that allow availability to outside information, communication among students, or photographing or copying test content. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), iPods, cameras, and electronic translation devices. SCs or TAs should post the “Unauthorized Electronic Devices May Not Be Used at Any Time During the Testing Session” signs so that they are clearly visible to all students. A master of this sign can be downloaded from the Forms Web page at Information displayed on bulletin boards, chalkboards or dry-erase boards, or charts (e.g., wall charts that contain literary definitions, maps, mathematics formulas, etc.) and that might assist students in answering questions. These materials must be removed or covered. Students should be seated so there is enough space between them to minimize opportunities to look at each other’s work, or should be provided with table-top partitions. Students should have access to and use of only those allowable resources identified by Smarter Balanced that are permitted for each specific assessment (or portion of an assessment). Only students who are testing can observe assessment items. Students who are not being tested or unauthorized staff must not be in the room where a test is being administered. Based on the item type (i.e., performance tasks), trained TAs may also have limited exposure to assessment items in the course of properly administering the assessment; however, even TAs may not actively review or analyze any assessment items. 3.1 Security of the Test Environment Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 39
Test Session Management Test Security cont. Under extremely rare circumstances, a TA may be allowed to print individual test items or stimuli for a student who meets the criterion for this accommodation. The printing of items/stimuli is intended for those extremely rare instances where a student’s condition (e.g., photosensitive epilepsy) prevents him or her from accessing material online. Access to printed items/stimuli should not be assigned based solely on a student’s personal preference. The decision to allow this accommodation must be based on each individual student’s need. Printing Individual Test Items Printing individual test items for students with this accommodation will require a request to CalTAC to have the accommodation set for the student—please see the Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines for complete information ( Printing Passages or Stimuli For those students whose Section 504 Plan or IEP expresses a need for a paper copy of passages or stimuli, permission for the students to request this accommodation must first be set in TIDE one to two weeks prior to testing by the School or District Test Coordinator. Print requests will need to be approved and processed by the TA during test administration. The decision to allow students to use print on demand must be made on an individual student basis and is available only for students with an IEP or Section 504 Plan. Note: It is a testing impropriety to apply this resource for a student without documentation of actual need. The use of this resource should be minimal. Once a student is approved to receive the printing of test items/stimuli, that student may send a print request to the TA during testing by clicking on the print icon on the screen. Before the TA approves the student’s request to print a test item/stimulus, the TA must ensure that the printer is on and is monitored by staff who have trained using the Test Administrator training modules for the Field Test. Destruction of printed materials and scratch paper Any scratch paper or printed assessment items and passages must be kept in a securely locked room or locked cabinet that can be opened only with a key or keycard by staff responsible for test administration who have signed the CAASPP Security Affidavit. All test materials must remain secure, both prior to the testing event and following a testing event, until test materials, including printed materials, are securely shredded at the end of each test session. Printed test items/stimuli, including embossed Braille printouts, must be collected and inventoried at the end of each test session and then immediately shredded. DO NOT keep printed test items/ stimuli or scratch paper for future test sessions. 3.2 Secure Handling of Printed Test Materials and Scratch Paper: Printing, Storage, and Disposal Smarter Balanced 2015 Test Session Management 40