Academic Programs ◦ Associate Dean Lynn Hepner, (407) Undergraduate Curriculum: ◦ Assistant Director Trisha Farmer (407) ◦ CAH Undergraduate Curriculum Website:
Course Approval Process ◦ Special Topics & Course Action Requests ◦ Materials & Supplies Fees ◦ Equipment Fees Curriculum (Program) Requests ◦ UC 2 ◦ Program Change Requests Catalog Updates Wrapping it Up
Lynn Hepner, Chair – CAH Dean’s Office Pat Angley– English Patricia Farless– History Anne Prucha– Modern Languages and Literatures Ann Gleig – Philosophy Thomas Potter – School of Performing Arts Mark Price – School of Visual Arts and Design Blake Scott – Writing and Rhetoric
Faculty & Chair (Department) CAH C&S Committee (College) UCRC or UPCC Committee (University) Tallahassee (State) Proposed changes (program changes, new course proposals, course revisions, etc.) are approved at the department/program level. Honors courses should be approved through the UHC. Then, they: Move to the college level. Signed, hard copies of forms go to Trisha Farmer (CAH 190F), and electronic copies go to We review and distribute to the C&S committee. Once approved there, they: Move to the appropriate University committee: UPCC (for program changes) or UCRC (for Course Action & Special Topics requests). Once approved there, they: Go to Tallahassee for final review.
Course Action Request (CAR) and Special Topics (ST) forms ◦ Completing the forms: the checklist. ◦ Required documents – CAR, syllabus, and correspondence with other units (if applicable) ◦ UC 2 requirements for syllabi Texts/Readings/Books Objectives/Outcomes Topics
Honors Courses: ◦ Must be approved by BHC/UHC before submitting to CAH. ◦ Team-taught seminars: syllabi & forms must be identical; must be approved together ◦ Honorized courses: Honors content must be clearly labeled on syllabus ◦ On CAR/ST: Include “Consent of Honors” (in prerequisites) and “With Honors content” (in course description) Also include “Honors” in the title.
Equipment Fee Request ◦ Applies to all students in a program ◦ For equipment (purchase, maintenance, and/or repair) ◦ Fee limit May not exceed $90 Deadline for C&S is TBA (October likely). ◦ Submitting an Equipment Fee: Must include a memo of rationale Form available at Undergraduate Studies website
Materials & Supplies Fee Request ◦ Fees tied to specific courses; used for items that are “expendable or consumable.” ◦ Fee limit: $70.00 ◦ Completing the form – itemizing ◦ Deadline for C&S is TBA (October likely). ◦ Form available at Undergraduate Studies website
The Process: Program changes appear in the catalog the year after they are approved; UC 2 is the first step of this process. ◦ In UC 2, approved users will review and edit catalog copy, upload rationale (a program change memo) for changes, and submit programs to the college level. Program Recommendation Forms are the other part of this process.
Changes made to courses appearing in a program will need to be approved by the UCRC before the program changes are given final approval. You must submit a memo even if you are only making cosmetic changes.
Send electronic & hard copies of all program change documents to CAH: ◦ Program change memo ◦ Signed program recommendation form ◦ Catalog copy (“Comparison Document” in UC2)
Estimated deadline for next round of catalog changes (for the catalog): October 2014 ◦ Due to CAH transition, GEP changes, and transition of undergraduate audits from DARs to PeopleSoft there will be no major program revisions for this upcoming year. ◦ Start planning now: Plan your changes carefully since program revisions must remain in place for a minimum of two years (excluding extenuating circumstances) Meetings with Delia, Ashli, Trisha, and Lynn as needed ◦ Program Recommendation Forms: under the “Forms” section
Submitting your forms: ◦ Save documents as follows: Course prefix and number (substitute with Program name for program changes), title, and document type. MUH2019_Amer Pop Music Syllabus; Theatre BFA_Program Rec Form. ◦ Ecopies: ◦ Hard copies: Trisha Farmer, CAH190F UC 2 is open! C&S Server Website – updates coming soon! Questions?