Grammar foldable With dialogue
Draw 4 quadrants on a piece of paper With the paper horizontal, fold the two side edges in to the center line. Write dialogue across the top of the two folded parts on the front.
Outside top left, write: would you like your coffee black asked the waiter Outside top right, write: the customer teased what other colors do you have
Outside bottom left, write: Outside bottom right, write: if we become engaged cooed the girl will you give me a ring Outside bottom right, write: sure said the snarky boy what’s your phone number
Rules to remember: speaker tag at end Inside top left Always capitalize the first word of dialogue Do not put a comma in front of the speaker tag if the dialogue ends in a question mark Place the question mark inside the quotation marks Check for end punctuation
Rules to remember: speaker tag at beginning Inside top right Put a comma after the speaker tag Capitalize the first word of dialogue Place a question mark inside the quotation marks
Rules to Remember: speaker tag in middle, one sentence Inside bottom left Capitalize the first word of dialogue Put commas on BOTH sides of a speaker tag when it is in the middle of a sentence Do not capitalize the first word of dialogue when it is a continuation of a sentence Punctuation always comes before quotation marks
Rules to Remember: Speaker tag in middle, two sentences Inside bottom right 1) capitalize the first word of dialogue 2) Place a comma in front of the speaker tag but inside the quotation marks 3) start a new sentence of dialogue with a capital. 4) check for end punctuation.