1 Student Registration Import Must be imported into PBA by 2/18
CDE has populated PearsonAccessNext with student data. Schools are responsible for ensuring that data is up to date. To begin reviewing your Student Registration File, go to PearsonAccessNext.com and select your State from the “Select Your Program” dropdown menu. PearsonAccessNext.com Login using your PearsonAccess next account. Click on the “Support” and locate the following documents: Student Registration File Layout Student Registration File Field Definitions Note: There are several State Use fields that will vary by state. Please ensure you contact your State on what needs to be included in those fields. Student Registration Import 2
3 Sign into PearsonAccess next On the Support page click on the file format of.pdf Choose: Spring Student Registration File Field Definitions
Student Registration Import 4 To prepare your Student Registration File, use the Colorado Adapted Student Registration File Field Definitions as your guide. Through this document, you will walk through each field and its purpose. From left to right, you will see the following fields: Column Letter - corresponds to the.csv file layout. Field Name - provides the name of each element. Required? Y/N - indicates whether each field is required. Max Field Length - outlines the maximum number of characters allowed in each field. CEDS Definitions – definitions created by the Common Education Data Standards Committee. PARCC Definitions and Notes - these are PARCC-specific definitions and notes. Expected Values - describes which characters are allowed in the field.
To import the file: Log into PearsonAccess next. Select the administration from the Admin drop down menu on the top of the screen. Export your Student Registration File 5
Next, click on Import / Export Data under SETUP. Export your Student Registration File 6
Click on Select Tasks and check Import / Export Data. Export your Student Registration File 7
Click the Start button with the Import / Export Data option checked. Export your Student Registration File 8
Choose Student Registration Export from the Type menu. Export your Student Registration File 9
10 Sign into PearsonAccess next On the Support page click on the file format of.pdf Choose: Spring Student Registration File Field Definitions Support
Open Excel (do not open the downloaded file by clicking on it) From the Data tab click on Get External Data “From Text” Browse to the downloaded file and click on the import button 11 Importing SRF into Excel
Choose Delimited (should be automatically chosen) – Next Remove “Tab” and select “Comma” – Next The first column is already selected - Hold the shift key and scroll to the last column and click – this will select all columns (they go to a black background) – Select “text” – Finish – If asked where to put the data, ensure you are on a clear worksheet and then click “ok” Save this file as an Excel file and use it as your source. 12 Importing SRF into Excel
The file will have 2 rows per student in grades 3-10 (one for ELA and one for Math) The file will have 2 rows per student in grades 3-10 (one for ELA and one for Math) The file may have 1-2 rows for 11 th grade (one for ELA and only one for math if the student meets eligibility requirements) The file may have 1-2 rows for 11 th grade (one for ELA and only one for math if the student meets eligibility requirements) The file may have 1 row for 12 th grade (if the student has been/currently enrolled in Math III or Algebra II this school year) The file may have 1 row for 12 th grade (if the student has been/currently enrolled in Math III or Algebra II this school year) Updates to the file should include: Add any newly enrolled students AND remove any students that have withdrawn Add any newly enrolled students AND remove any students that have withdrawn For schools with grade 8+, add grade 8+ to the file for Math. For schools with grade 8+, add grade 8+ to the file for Math. HELPFUL HINT: You can copy your 8-11 th graders that are in the file and paste them in new rows, then update the appropriate columns (ex: Test Code, potentially Test Format, any columns that should be left blank according to the CO Student Registration File data layout) HELPFUL HINT: You can copy your 8-11 th graders that are in the file and paste them in new rows, then update the appropriate columns (ex: Test Code, potentially Test Format, any columns that should be left blank according to the CO Student Registration File data layout) Update the File in Excel 13
To import the file: Log into PearsonAccess next. Select the administration from the Admin drop down menu on the top of the screen. You’ll need to follow these instructions twice-once to import to the Spring PBA 2015 and once to import to the Spring EOY 2015 Import Your File 14
Next, click on Import / Export Data under SETUP. Import Your File 15
Click on Select Tasks and check Import / Export Data. Import Your File 16
Click the Start button with the Import / Export Data option checked. Import Your File 17
Choose Student Registration Import from the Type menu. Import Your File 18
Use the “Browse…” button under Source File to select your CSV file and then click the Process button to import the file. Import Your File 19
The View File Details screen will appear next and detail the Status of your file. Import Your File 20
There are multiple Status messages that can display: Import Your File 21
Processing Issues: Import Your File 22
The status will display Complete once the file has been processed. Import Your File 23
Utilize the Errors section to resolve issues with the file. Import Your File 24
Common Issues 25 Student Matching Errors The import process will try to match on existing students. This matching process can result in matching errors. The matching process will match on these specific columns: Column A: State Abbreviation Column B: Testing District Column C: Testing School Column F: State Student Identifier Column G: Local Student Identifier Column I: Last Name or Surname Column J: First Name Column L: Birthdate Column M: Sex To resolve, validate that the student is correct in PearsonAccess next for Columns F, G, I, J, L, and M. Correct PearsonAccess next if necessary. Make necessary Student Registration File corrections and import file. Hint: Check columns B, C, F, and G for any missing leading zeroes.
Student Registration Import (SRI) - Training Student Registration Import Training Module 26