OUR CLASS WILL… Wait until called on to answer questions Respect ourselves, each other and property Encourage other students with our words and actions Find a productive alternative when work is finished early Practice patience when becoming frustrated
REWARDS Teacher will verbally recognize the student and the positive behavior in front of the whole class The student will then be told to add a piece to their “character”
AS THE STUDENTS EARN THEIR CHARACTER REWARDS WILL BE ARRANGED IN STAGES Rewards will be granted this way so the students see that they are constantly working towards a goal and that the rewards progressively grow in value
Stage 3 Token 1: Hair Token 2: Head accessory Token 3: Glasses Reward for completing stage 3: pass to work with a peer on an assignment or lunch with the teacher (choose a friend as an option) Stage 2 Token 1: Nose Token 2: mouth Token 3: Ear 1 Token 4: Ear 2 Reward for completing Stage 2: homework pass, computer time or listen to music while working Stage 1 Token 1: Face Piece Token 2: Eye 1 Token 3: Eye 2 Reward for completing Stage 1: treasure box (pencil, stickers, coupons, little toys…)
CONSEQUENCES If students do something to deliberately break these rules (snatches something from another student, rude, ect…) these will be the consequences One verbal warning Tell the students that they could have earned a piece if they had made a different choice, but since they made the inappropriate choice, they won’t earn their piece this time Write an apology letter to the class, teacher or student for behavior Note home in planner
SEVERE CLAUSE If behavior is severe, such as hitting, spitting, profanity or anything else that may put the class or individuals in danger, the student will be removed from situation. The student will be asked to go to the next teacher, the teacher’s office or the front office until the teacher can speak with them, their parents, or the office staff.
HOW ARE TOKENS DELIVERED? Students will be asked to choose a piece in their stage and place it on their character The pieces will be separated and arranged in groups by the three stages
TIME SCHEDULE Tokens will be delivered throughout the day over the course of the year. Before Lunch Before Dismissal If the student does something exceptional, their token may be received right away. When students have built their entire character, the stages will start over This will be continuous throughout the year, as long as it is working
RECORD KEEPING METHOD Teacher will have a checklist with the 10 token chances and all students names. As students receive tokens she will check it off on her list
ACCOMMODATIONS Multicultur al token pieces The teacher point to the piece of their own face when they direct the child to get a piece of “their character ”. Student will see the words as well as a sample for each piece