County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation Update on Implementation of Transportation Projects in Fairfax County Fairfax Committee of 100 June 1, 2015 Tom Biesiadny, Director Fairfax County Department of Transportation
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 2 Content Background County Progress Since October 2013 Project Selection Funding Project Timelines Streamlining Project Implementation Status of Implementation
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 3 Background Board of Supervisors initiated the County-wide Dialogue on Transportation in Efforts focused on explaining the problem and requesting feedback on possible revenue sources April 2013: General Assembly passes HB 2313 which provides approximately $300 million per year in new transportation funds to Northern Virginia, as well as new statewide transportation revenues. County-wide Dialogue continued in 2013 with a focus on selecting specific transportation projects for funding (FY 2015 to 2020) Fall 2013: FCDOT sought input on proposed projects to be funded with approximately $1.4 billion from ten different revenue sources expected to be available to the County.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 4 County Progress Since October 2013 Staff assessed input from five public meetings, 15 other community meetings, an on-line survey and feedback from Board members Multi-modal approach –Roadways Interchanges Extensions Spot Improvements Widenings –Transit Park-and-Ride Lots Other Facilities Bus Service –Bicycle and Pedestrian
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 5 Criteria for Project Selection (Not in Priority Order) Congestion Reduction* Economically Disadvantaged Populations Mode Balance Safety Travel Time Savings* Community Input School and Park Access Regional Consideration (included in NVTA TransAction 2040) Countywide Balance Disabled/Elderly Populations Economic Development (support for revitalization areas and major Activity Centers) Healthy Communities Initiative Air Quality* *Included in the Cost Benefit Analysis
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 6 Project Selection Factors - Roadways Focuses on known areas of high congestion. Complements other funded or recently completed projects. Completes improvements over a significant length of corridor. Complements funding already secured for some projects. Fills “gaps” in the network. Other factors included on previous slide. Allocated funds for design of future projects. Set aside for Fairfax County Parkway.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 7 Project Selection Factors - Transit All projects were recommended in the 2009 Transit Development Plan. Projects either provide new links between residential areas and activity centers and/or transit hubs, or enhance service on existing links. All projects were evaluated using the Cost Benefit Analysis tool, and other factors. Set aside funding for implementing results of major transit studies (including Richmond Highway), Metro 2025, and VRE Capital.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 8 Project Selection Factors – Bike and Pedestrian Neighborhood connectivity Connection to transit (Metrorail, bus service, VRE, park & ride lots) Park connectivity Identified on Bicycle Master Plan School walking route Completing missing links/completing the network Historic long standing community request Other factors previously listed.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 9 Summary of Proposed Six-Year Funding $ in Millions (Six Year Total) Description $1,431.0Estimated Available Funding ($57.6)Needed for Projects Previously Approved by the Board ($75.0)Projects Previously Partially Funded by the Board $1,298.4Funding for Proposed Unfunded Project List
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 10 Staff Proposed Funding for Currently Unfunded Projects $ in Millions (Six Year Total) Description $195.0Interchanges* $115.3Road Extensions* $66.0Spot Improvements* $381.3Roadway Widenings* $326.8Transit Capital, Operating, and Reserve $10.0Capital Projects Reserve $203.9Bicycle and Pedestrian $1,298.4TOTAL *Many of these transportation projects include facilities for bicycle and pedestrian needs.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 11 Reserves Proposing $199 million in transit reserve o Future needs may include capital and operating costs such as: Metro 2025 (Momentum), Virginia Railway Express, Fairfax Connector, Implementation of the Richmond Highway and Route 7 Alternatives Analyses, and Implementation of the Countywide Transit Network Study. Proposing $55 million in reserve for study/design/construction of Fairfax County Parkway Improvements, following completion of corridor study. Proposing $7.7 million in reserve for bicycle and pedestrian projects o Needed to further study new project requests as a result of the outreach effort.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 12 Project Selection Draft project list initially presented to the Board Transportation Committee meeting in December 2013 Following Board input, a final list of projects, known as the Transportation Priorities Plan (TPP), was presented to the Board of Supervisors on January 28, 2014, and approved. List of approved projects can be found at: Examples: –Fairfax County Parkway Improvements- New cross County bus service –I-66/Route 28 Interchange- Parkway –Seven Corners Intersection Improvements- Centreville to Herndon –New connections across the Dulles Toll Road - Increased I-66 bus service –Braddock Road Widening- Increased South County bus service –Richmond Highway Widening- Multiple bike and pedestrian projects
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 13 Funding Sources and Bond Referendum The $1.4 billion Transportation Priorities Plan will be funded by several revenue sources, including federal, state, local, bond funds, and private sources. The priorities include projects that were proposed for funding by the County’s 2014 $100 million bond. The 2014 bond referendum focused primarily on funding spot roadway, pedestrian and bicycle projects, because other sources of revenue are better suited for the implementation of major roadway and transit projects. On November 4, 2014, 71.8% of Fairfax County voters voted in favor of the Bond Referendum
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 14 NVTA Funding Also on January 28, 2014, the Board approved a list of 14 projects for submission to NVTA for regional HB 2313 funding. On April 23, 2015, NVTA approved a FY Program which included $90.9 million to partially fund 9 projects submitted by Fairfax County. –Fairfax County Parkway Improvements (Study) - $10 million –Frontier Drive Extension & Braided Ramps - $2 million –Rolling Road Widening from Old Keene Mill Road to Franconia Springfield Pkwy - $5 million –Route 7 Widening over the Dulles Toll Road Bridge - $13.9 million –Route 28 Widening from the Prince William County Line to Route 29 - $5 million –Connector Bus Service Expansion – $6 million –West Ox Bus Garage - $20 million –Innovation Center Metrorail Station - $28 million –Route 1 Richmond Highway from Mt. Vernon Memorial Highway to Napper Road - $1 million.
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 15 Fairfax County - HB 2313 Locally Funded (“30%”) Projects The County plans to use FY “30%” funds on various Roadway and Transit Projects, including: Interchanges $ 3.2 million –Seven Corners Interchange Improvements - $3,000,000 Extensions $17.4 million –Town Center Parkway (DTR Underpass) - $8,700,000 –Shirley Gate Road (Braddock to FFX CO Parkway/Popes Head Road) - $3,000,000 –Frontier Drive - $2,000,000 Widenings $17.3 million –Braddock Road (Burke Lake Road to Guinea Road) - $1,000,000 –US 1 (Occoquan River to CSX Overpass) - $5,000,000 –US 1 (Armistead Road to CSX Overpass) - $5,000,000 Transit Capital$20.6 million –Braddock Road Park and Ride - $4,125,000 –Innovation Center Metrorail Parking Garage - $11,000,000
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 16 Fairfax County - “30%” Projects (continued) Spot Roadway Program$9.8 million –Balls Hill Road and Old Dominion Drive –Burke Road from Aplomado Drive to Parakeet Drive –Fairfax County Parkway from I-95 to Telegraph Road –Route 50 and Waples Mill Road –I-395 SB Off Ramp to Route 236 –Route 236 at Beauregard St, Channelize –Backlick Road and Industrial Road –Hunter Mill Road and Lawyers Road –Silverbrook Road and Lorton Road Tysons Transportation Projects$8.3 million Transit Operating$9.1 million Studies/Planning/Advanced Design$3.7 million of Future Projects
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 17 Project Timelines Board and County staff are interested in accountability to taxpayers Board wanted to ensure that progress can be tracked Staff developed timelines for implementation on each project. –Timelines based on how long similar projects have taken; intended to be a guide Timelines break projects into phases. The timelines can be found at: Progress is formally reported to the Board twice per year. The most recent status report can be found at:
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 18 Draft Timelines
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 19 Streamlining Project Implementation FCDOT staff have been implementing strategies to improve project delivery. Efforts have included other agencies, such as VDOT and DPWES. o Some ideas can be addressed in the short-term, and many are already underway. o Others involve longer-term coordination, sometimes with other agencies such as VDOT and DPWES. Main improvement themes include: o Improve project budgeting and scheduling o Simplify agreements and permitting o Identify project issues early (enhanced project scoping) o Expand County expertise o Improve internal/external communication and build teamwork o Implement alternative delivery methods
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 20 Status of Project Implementation Almost all FY 2015 projects have been scoped and design under way. 17 projects have been forwarded to VDOT for implementation through existing contracts. 10 other projects will also be implemented by VDOT First design-build project identified 1 project completed 6 projects will be completed this month Additional projects begin construction this summer
County of Fairfax, Virginia Department of Transportation 21 Questions?