British Council Schools Online
Icebreaker: chat with person next to and find out his/her name and what success and challenges he/she though will face during applying for the ISA after 10 minutes introduce him/her
What is British Council Schools Online? A Partner finding service The International School Award Online Forums Project Spaces Signposting for Professional development and other resources British Council Schools online is your one stop shop for a number of key schools resources. We offer:
Schools Online Schools Projects focus on curriculum based learning and offer a structured approach for schools to work more closely together on collaborative projects with schools around the world. The project templates combine classroom work with online discussions in a structured format. Moreover, this also allows students to move into deeper discussions and share their learning through making presentations or displaying artwork, as well as peer evaluation of their work.
Collaborative curriculum projects CCPs are embedded into the curriculum and are carried out in collaboration with a number of different schools. Projects can involve a range of subject disciplines and can support the Council’s work in other areas such as climate change and the arts
Collaborative curriculum projects CCps give students access to another culture and language and the direct experience of working with those in other countries Educators are able to benchmark themselves against world class standards to ensure the best possible outcomes for their young people.
A Partner Finding Service can help you partner up with a school in a different country and share learning activities Search for a partner schools by key criteria such as country and type Link to a partner school, develop your partnership, find or plan projects and work together Use the project spaces to share and inspire the partnership You can also find lots to inform your work, from quick 10 minute activities to advice on how to build an international dimension to your school’s activities
Template projects We currently have 21 projects and template projects which have been designed to fit into the development of a global dimension in teaching. They will also appeal to the interests of your students. Template projects can be found in
Example of successful project spaces Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: Group 4: Group 5:
E- newsletters Our monthly e-newsletter will highlight project activities that may be of interest to you Our alerts will you specific information that may be relevant to you, e.g. opportunity for new partnerships, info on competitions, funding for partnerships abroad, etc
How to register to Schools Online website A few important things; 1.Registration is based on schools, therefore if your school has already registered with us, there is no need to go through all procedures again. 2.After completing the registration fields, you are required to submit verification letter. The letter will verify your existence as teacher working in a school, this is for the security of website.
School Verification Letter Your school verification letter should contain; 1.Message from your head teacher/ principal or school management team stating that you are qualified teacher working for the xxx school. 2.The message should be printed/ written in the school headed paper. If you do not have a school headed paper, please have the school stamp on the document or specify school address. 3.Signed/ scanned signature from your head teacher/ principal or school management team with accompanied date.
School Verification Letter
How to register to Schools Online website To register to Schools Online website, please watch the following easy step guide video carefully.easy step guide video
School Search
Introducing School Search School search is a useful tool brought to Schools Online to help teachers to search for school partners using the result of their searched criterion. It allows you to contact schools coordinator directly and enable you to get partners for your collaboration quickly.
Introducing School Search Click on the region in the map to search for schools in the region. Or choose your country in the drop down list.
Introducing School Search Tick the box to choose the country where you would like to search for schools. If you don’t see the country in the list above, then you may find it here, and tick the box. Tick the box to select the students’ level. Choose your preferred school type. Click “Show me” to display search result.
Introducing School Search You may select more details here which will help narrowing your search.
Introducing School Search The search result will appear as in the image on the left. To contact the school which is of your interests, please click “Read more or contact this school” (Where arrow is indicated)
Introducing School Search For secure access to contact school, you will be asked to log in again, please log in with your username and password, the same as you use in accessing Schools Online website.
Introducing School Search This is how the more detailed search result will look like, you may click on address to contact the school. Good luck!
A Good School Message Group task Within your group, discuss on what makes a good school message, you may think that what kind of message will attract you most if you are the person looking for partners. Write your outcomes on flipchart papers Then work together to compose a school message as a group and write it on your flipchart papers.
What makes a good school message Your school message should… - Be clear and straightforward. - Mention any special aspect of the school. - Add some description to help paint a picture.
Example of a good school message Our school has a total of 211 girls and boys aged between 4 and 11 years old. It is a Catholic school which aims to enhance and develop the lives of our staff and pupils in a truly Christian environment. We aim to provide a way of life, which will develop the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and creative potential of our children and give them the confidence to live happily in today's world. All children in our school are taught French and some of the older children attend a German Lunchtime Club. We are actively seeking to forge international partnerships to give our children a broader cultural understanding and appreciation of people in other communities and countries. We are willing to consider any type of project you have to offer... Please contact us with your ideas... We would love to twin for the Olympics and are interested in working on the history of sport, culture, traditions, geography, etc, in the different countries.
Schools Online user navigation Main page news Global resources
Online Forums
Online Forums and Project Spaces Schools online hosts online forums and project spaces so you can collaborate and connect with other schools. Through these you can: Talk to other teachers and share your experiences Build project spaces for your and your partner country to share and work from during your partnership All resources are free
Introducing Schools Online Forums Say Hello: This is the forum where you can introduce yourself with your partners from all over the world. It is the gateway to open your opportunity for your international collaboration.
Introducing Schools Online Forums Start Connecting: This is a place for you to connect with your partners, if you have some new ideas about the projects and would like to share them to other teachers or would like someone to take part in. This is a place for you. Project ideas: Project ideas forum links to our 21 available template projects. Teachers may post messages introducing their schools, brief project plan, proposed timeframe to attract potential partners to work with them. A great place to look for partners for your collaboration.
Introducing Schools Online Forums Curriculum resources: This is a place where you can find various resources which will be useful for classrooms learning. There have been divided into several subject areas. Teachers are encouraged to share some resources as well. Curriculum resources will be updated on a fortnightly basis. Help: Need help on using the forum or the website? Please post your message within this forum. Please ensure that you provide sufficient information in order to allow us to investigate the problem. We have the facilitator who looks after the forum and he/she will respond to your query within 2 working days.
A good partners finding message Group task If you are looking for partners for your collaboration in the forum, it is important that you have clear and attractive message for your potential partners. Discuss in your group, what makes a good partner finding massage and write partner finding massage in flip chart.
Example of a good partner finding message I am Susan Thomas, from The Banyan Tree School, New Delhi, India. We have 1700 students aged between 4-18 years. Our school is a co-education school situated in New Delhi.. We are looking for partners to work on the following time bound projects: Green School Indigenous Games We would like to start the projects around January and would like the projects to last two weeks. We don't mind where the partner school is based. If you are interested or need more information, please reply to my post. I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Training and resources Continued Professional Development -Teacher Training -Self Access Courses -Workshops -ETC Professional Development -International Learning -Education for Citizenship -Global Awareness -Sustainable Partnership
Training and resources Global Learning Resources: Features with exciting learning activities that link to various subject areas, it is ideal activities that teachers can adapt it to suit classrooms learning also integrating into schools curriculum.
Training and resources 1.Curriculum resources forum 2.Template projects 3.English Language Resources 4.Global Learning Resources
Thanks Raiya Al Abri Project Coordinator