By:Deborah Standard
Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits.
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) Cash Assistance Medicaid Section 8 Assistance
In 1994, Caucasians made up 38% of all welfare recipients, African Americans 37% and Hispanics 17%. Welfare Demographics Whites38.8% Black39.8% Hispanic15.7% Asian2.4% Other3.3%
Total number of Americans on Welfare 4,300,000 Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000 Total number of Americans on unemployment 5,600,00 U.S population on Welfare 4.1% Total government spending on Welfare ◦ $131.9 BILLION!!!
In 2011, Americans spent over $950 billion in state and federal funds on various welfare programs. A person can still make a monthly amount of $1, and still receive welfare. "Among the major means tested welfare programs, since 2000 Medicaid has increased from 34 million people to 54 million in 2011 and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, or food stamps) from 17 million to 45 million in 2011," says the Senate Budget Committee. "Spending on food stamps alone is projected to reach $800 billion over the next decade."
Cash assistance program with a maximum of 60 months of benefits within one’s lifetime Average number of monthly applications ◦ 306,684 Average number of application approved ◦ 135,198 Average number of applications denied ◦ 171,486
The average size of recipient household is 2.1 persons Children make up 45% of food stamps 92% of SNAP households receive no TANF benefits
WIC is limited to pregnant women and children under the age of 5. Participants receive vouchers that are good for only the purchase of specific food; ◦ Cheese, milk, eggs and certain breakfast cereals Some might also include peanut butter, baby formula, baby food, bread, brown rice, fruits and vegetables and 100% juice.
Drug testing will reveal recipients who are wasting taxpayers' money on drugs. Drug testing will require recipients to stay free of drug use, making them employable. Possibly save children who are in unhealthy home environments (47% of SNAP household have children) /Participation/2011Characteristics.pdfhttp:// /Participation/2011Characteristics.pdf Table 3.2
Based on total government spending on Welfare $131.9 BILLION Even if the number of abusers were only 5% that could translate into a savings of $6,595,000,000.00
By using drug testing criteria: * We could offer information on drug / alcohol programs, and expedite treatment Regain a productive citizen * Restore families *Reduce social dependency
Map of 2012 State Legislative Proposals
"If you have enough money to be able to buy drugs, then you don't need the public assistance, I don't want tax dollars spent on drugs.” Of unemployed persons, 18.5% use illicit drugs
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI) has an accuracy rate between 89-97%. ◦ This can distinguish between drug users and abusers, and can detect alcohol abuse. In 2011, America spent over $950,000,000 in state and federal funds on various welfare programs The Department of Transportation implemented an industry-wide program of random drug testing; it effectively cut drug use rate almost in half, from 11.5% in 1988 down to 6.2% in 2004.
The bill is unconstitutional and stereo- typical. If recipients fail drug tests and become ineligible for assistance, their children will suffer as the ending result. The costs involved with drug testing (including employees to monitor drug tests and the drug test itself) would result in even more money from taxpayers and the states.
These rates among welfare recipients were similar to national estimates derived from the NLAES survey. Contrary to common characterizations of the welfare population as having alcohol and drug problems, the results of this study indicate that small percentages of AFDC, WIC, food stamp, SSI, and Medicaid recipients are heavy drinkers (6.4% to 13.8%), use drugs (3.8% to 9.8%), dependent on alcohol (4.3% to 8.2%) other drugs (1.3% to 3.6%). These rates among welfare recipients were similar to national estimates derived from the NLAES survey. v/pmc/articles/PMC /pdf/amjph pdf tests-cost-florida-46k.html
Drug tests can cost anywhere from $35-$76 ◦ The cost of catching a drug abuser can cost anywhere from $20,000 to $77,000 per person. For every 1,000 to take the test, the state will pay about $28,800-$43,200 monthly” Chemical drug tests cannot identify alcohol or prescription drug abuse, but rather only specific chemical for which samples are tested. ◦ These cannot identify between occasional substance users and substance abusers.
Drug testing is unconstitutional ◦ The Fourth Amendment grants that every individual “be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures.” Because TANF benefits are so low (less than 1/3 the poverty level in the median state), children suffer even when only the "adult portion" of the benefit is eliminated.
statistics statistics _welfare_states/html/2.stm participation-on-welfare-rolls/ shocking-poverty-stats pros and cons Testing-Welfare-Recipents Testing-Welfare-Recipents
recipients-drugs.html mandatory-drug-testing.html pros-and-cons/ or-Not pros and cons opposing view points ow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModule s=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&a ction=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ ow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModule s=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&a ction=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ
pros and cons opposing view points ow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModule s=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&a ction=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ ow?failOverType=&query=&prodId=OVIC&windowstate=normal&contentModule s=&mode=view&displayGroupName=Viewpoints&limiter=&currPage=&disableHi ghlighting=false&displayGroups=&sortBy=&source=&search_within_results=&a ction=e&catId=&activityType=&scanId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ federal-budget-78-5-billion-cut-from-military-fine-arts-and-unused- funding-for-federal-highway-election-reform-and-other-programs/ html?cat=17 recipients-condition-eligibility e= food-stamps-drug-testing-laws/ /1 recipients-drugs.html
charts of welfare spending federal-welfare_ html federal-welfare_ html poverty-statistics-drive-welfare-spending/ race-gets-more-benefits/ welfare statistics tobacco-and-guns facts and statsistics National Public Radio source
and-public-assistance.aspx pdf drug-tested Characteristics.pdf AP_Data.pdf should welfare recipients be tested