Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 1 7/2/2015 Transaction Entry in T.D.S. This is the third step of TDS software to enter transaction : -> Go to Data Entry -> TDS Entry -> Select Payee -> Click on Add at bottom -> Click on Add on above line -> Enter transaction -> Enter more transactions of the same payee if there -> After entry finishes click on save at bottom -> It will display month wise total on top portion
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 2 7/2/2015 T. D. S. Payment of Government : This is a forth step of TDS software, to pay deducted Tax to Government. -> Click on TDS Challan with payment -> Select quarter first -> Select month -> Select type of payee -> Click on “B” If part payment -> Enter 5 Digit CIN Number -> Enter cheque no & date of cheque -> Enter date of payment -> Enter name & branch of bank in which you are depositing the payment -> Enter name of drawer's bank -> If payment late than due date click on interest to add in payment -> Click on save this entry
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 3 7/2/2015 Challan printing / Online Payment : If you want to print challan against the payment made. -> Click print -> It will display challan duly filled with all information -> Click on left hand bottom print to take print out -> Click on online payment if you want to do -> E-Payment page will appear -> Retype code given -> Click on proceed -> It will take you to bank page -> Give login_id & password -> Validate Transaction -> You will get UTN Number
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 4 7/2/2015 T.D.S. Certificate Preparation : Certificate preparation is the last step of the T.D.S. software but this is the third step of Data Entry Option. -> Click on Prepare Certificate -> Option will appear -> Select type of category -> Select name of payee -> It will display all the transactions done -> Select periodicity to prepare certificate -> Automatic certificate no will generate -> Give certificate furnishing date -> Click on green aero to convert entry into T.D.S. Certificate -> Red aero is given to convert certificate into entry
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 5 7/2/2015 Payee/Buyer-Employee In the proceeding screens we have shown the processing of Salary TDS based on the annual entries. Software caters to monthly TDS processing; this is selectable from the Add/Edit Screen while defining TDS Taxpayer. Details of employee's need to be defined through above screen. All relevant Master Information with respect to employee will be captured here.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 6 7/2/2015 This is a part of Transaction Entry only but this is for Salary -> Click on Employee in data entry -> You will get this screen -> Enter Salary addition details -> Enter Salary deduction details -> Enter exemption details -> Click on save -> Income Tax Computation will activate -> Click on that -> Take you to Income Tax -> It will post salary to respective heads -> It will show Tax Liability -> From next month cut accordingly Salary Data Entry :
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 7 7/2/2015 Annual Salary Information Salary Annual Screen will prompt the user to select the employee, various additions he has received from the employer along with various deductions such as Professional Tax, Provident fund, TDS and any insurance deductions. Separate portion here permits the user to enter any allowances, which the employee has received which are exempt u/s 10. Further, the software allows any other items, which are in lieu of Salary or Wages. Upon saving, the user may go for Income Tax Computation. Here, other details of Income, deductions and exemptions may be entered. Thus, providing the user with facility to process the Income Tax working for the employee.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 8 7/2/2015 Income Details of Employee Select the Data Entry->Salary-> Income Tax Computation (Image 1) option to get the above screen. (Image 2) This screen enables you to enter income in any selected chapter along with provisions therein of that chapter. You may click on any chapter and the desired chapter would come up for capturing income details of specified chapter. Upon exit from any chapter, total income along with taxes along with interest (if applicable) would be computed and displayed. You may print computation sheet and return of income from here, both options of printing that is, windows graphical print and conventional and fast dot matrix printing options are supported for computation sheet and return of income.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 9 7/2/2015. Monthly TDS Payment This Screen is used to demonstrate a single payment for multiple Employees. We would click on all such entries, which need to be included on this payment. We are required to enter the Challan number, cheque number, date and bank where drawn and deposited. Interest, may be computed optionally upon ticking ‘Include Interest’, interest based on due date of payment and date on which amount is paid is self-computed. Upon going into the Challan Payments option, all previous payments are displayed. You may print the Challan from here, requires click on Challan and print. You may edit/delete any previously entered Challan.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 10 7/2/2015 Annual TDS Payment. Through the Data Entry-Salary-Annual TDS Payment would bring the user to above screen. All employees where TDS has been deducted would be displayed. Upon clicking on employee and entry for month-wise TDS deductions and payments are facilitated. Upon clicking on Make Payment, total TDS deduction made for the month for all employees are displayed. After providing the other details such as cheque number, date of payments etc., Challans may also be printed in the prescribed formats.
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 11 7/2/2015 Annual TDS Payment. The above screen used to demonstrate a single payment for multiple employees. We would click on all such entries, which need to be included on this payment. We are required to enter the Challan number, cheque number, date and bank where drawn and deposited. Interest, may be computed optionally upon ticking ‘Include Interest’, interest based on due date of payment and date on which amount is paid is self-computed. Upon going into the Challan Payments option, all previous payments are displayed. You may print the Challan from here, requires click on Challan and print. You may edit/delete any previously entered Challan
Sinewave Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Taxbase, Page 12 7/2/2015 TDS & TCS Snap shot. This screen shows you section wise summary of Amount paid, TDS deducted, Balance, TDS paid etc. You can also define new Payee by clicking on New Payee button. You can also change the information of predefine payee by clicking on Edit Payee button. you can prepare form 16A by clicking on Prepare 16A button.