David Greer Your Digital Library. Aim, Scope and Objectives of Project Aim: - Examine the existing Digital Library and the potential to increase student.


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Presentation transcript:

David Greer Your Digital Library

Aim, Scope and Objectives of Project Aim: - Examine the existing Digital Library and the potential to increase student and staff usage of the resources within it. Scope: - Research into current user experience / needs - Research into options for new user interface Objectives: - To implement a plan for a new Digital Library Interface. - To Increase the number of staff and students using the Digital Library by 10% by May 2015

What is the Digital Library? Central repository for e resources –Shared across all curriculum areas

Justification Digital Library is underused, cluttered and looks dated Lack of staff and student engagement with e resources A need to provide quality, relevant resources which can be accessed in College and from home

In Support of FEMB, CDP and IQ:RS 1.. The Department for Employment and Learning FE means business (Feb 2004) Strategic objectives - be a key driver of local, sub-regional and regional economic development by keeping provision up to date with best current practice. 2. The Department for Employment and Learning FE means business (Feb 2004) Strategic objectives - be a major promoter of lifelong learning by developing flexible approaches to learning through the use of technologies. 3. College Development Plan 2012 – 2015 Core Goal 2, Quality – To promote a culture of Excellence through raising standards and continuous improvement in teaching and the learning environment which in turn is aligned with the DEL objective: to improve the quality and relevance of education and training. 4. IQ:RS 4.2 Teaching, training and Learning - use ILT and other resources in a relevant and interesting way, to support learning (maximise and integrate resources i.e. Moodle and the Digital Library by simplifying access). 5. IQ:RS 4.5 Learning experiences – Encourage independent learning (by providing tailored resources to meet student need by level and programme).

Research Online Survey – Students and Academic staff User stats for e resources Interviews with staff: - Knowledge Management - Quality - Finance - e authors team - PA to the Director of Curriculum and Information Services Interview with and Demo from EBSCO sales rep – Discovery Service GIS

Student homes vs Campus

Selected Student and Staff survey results 18% did not know where the Digital Library was 57% used it once a month / 10% once a day / 43% rarely or never 56% accessed the Digital Library from home What do you use it for? –54% e books –24% e resources –22% Support materials

Selected Student and Staff survey results

Available options 1. Your Digital Library ProsCons Tailored student focused interface Time to set up and promote Moodle integration (academic staff buy in) Will save LRC staff time and costs

Available Options 2. EBSCO Discovery service 3. Do nothing – No cost / not a solution ProsCons Google style search EngineProduces too many search results Automatic Harvard referencingCluttered user interface Will save LRC staff timeLarge recurrent cost £4700 per annum Staff will need trained Static resource (snap shop) Not compatible with 1/3 of our e resources

Example of new interface Click here for Your Digital Library

What exists now

Resources Required Cost Benefit of Your Digital Library

Impact of project on SERC 1. Greater student engagement with LRC e resources 2. Integrated use of Moodle 3. Increase in home use of e resources 4. Increase in students using specially selected, vetted, and diverse sources of information 5. Saving of LRC staff time and costs

Risks if project does not go ahead 1. Decline in the use of LRC e resources – budget implication 2. Students will not be aware of the extensive resources we already have 3. Students becoming frustrated searching e resources which are not relevant to their courses 4. Increased pressure on LRC staff time 5. Students resorting to Wikipedia

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