Provision Management Software What’s available?
Models Provision Map Writer and Learning Plans - Edukey - Provision Map Writer – Bluehills -
What is it? It’s a management information system designed for SENCOs & school leaders. It allows for a whole school approach to SEN/ALN.
What are the benefits? Zero software installation – links with SIMS Whole school approach Real time Staff awareness & information sharing Time saving Pupil Premium & Ofsted Transfer of pupil records from feeders LA / Academy cluster dashboard – local offer
What does it do? SEN/ALN register Assess - Plan - Do - Review Learning plans Provision Mapping Perform reviews & record outcomes Track Pupil Premium spending & effectiveness Detailed & flexible reporting Meetings record Parental involvement “Round Robins” (School Robins plugin) EHC Plans (Spring 2015) Pupil Passports (December 2014)
Who can use it? SENCO Senior leaders Staff External agencies Access levels: Administrator – manage staff and school settings School Staff Contributor users Read Only users Custom permissions External agencies
How much does it cost? SIMS link licence is an additional £120/yr
Bluehills - Costs Primary, Middle, Special schools Secondary schools £210 2nd year onwards £520 1st year/ Secondary schools £500 2nd year onwards £1250 1st year Annual SIMS Link subscription: £65 Primary, Middle, Special schools £125 Secondary Schools
What is included? Inclusion Register: identify areas of need Prioritisation tool: sort pupils into must, should, could priority levels for provision Map planning tool: assign interventions, pupils and staff to your map Budget tool: calculate money and time spent on interventions Intervention database: includes recommended interventions and facility to add your own Map Menu: choose from a range of formats and layouts to suit your school Group and Individual Maps: show provision for groups and individual pupils Outcome tracking: record and track the effectiveness of your interventions and expenditure • Inclusion Register: identify areas of need across the school • Prioritisation tool:sort pupils into must, should, could priority levels for provision • Map planning tool: assign interventions, pupils and staff to your map • Budget tool: calculate money and time spent on interventions • Intervention database: includes recommended interventions and facility to add your own • Map Menu: choose from a range of formats and layouts to suit your school • Group and Individual Maps:show provision for groups and individual pupils • Outcome tracking: record and track the effectiveness of your interventions