Reading Log Notes---”RMS Titanic” Literary Terms: Irony (three types) Situational Irony--- when something occurs differently than what is expected by the situation Verbal Irony--- saying something but meaning something else. Dramatic Irony--- when audience or characters know something that other characters do not.
Reading Log Notes---”RMS Titanic” Literary Terms (cont.): Mood--- the feeling evoked in the reader. Tone--- the attitude or feelings of the writer. Symbol--- representation of something other than itself. From the story…what is the significance of the “blue spark”? Suspense--- –Feeling of anticipation in the reader
Reading Log Notes---”RMS Titanic” Sources of historical information: Primary source--- original material that has not been interpreted by other writers. original material that has not been interpreted by other writers. Secondary source--- is based on other sources. Information form these sources is interpreted, summarized, or retold by another writer. is based on other sources. Information form these sources is interpreted, summarized, or retold by another writer. What type of source would “RMS Titanic” be considered?
Reading Log Notes---”RMS Titanic” Considerations / Discussion Ideas: Why does the writer choose his organization? Think how the writer used order & time Themes coming from the idea of “Power/Control”? Comments regarding “From a Lifeboat”/” Fireman’s Tale”—How does this primary source enhance what you now know?