Literacy By 3 and The Reading Curriculum HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT
HISD is organizing to ensure: Focus, Simplify and Stabilize around: All grade 3 students will be proficient or advanced, as measured by STAAR, by spring 2019. Focus, Simplify and Stabilize around: Phonics Instruction Read Alouds Guided Reading Independent Reading Writing
What does this mean for the Reading Curriculum Documents?
Defined Structure for Literacy Block
Phonics/Word Study 4th – 5th Kinder – 3rd Word Part Recognition Word Learning Strategies Word Definition Study Word Context Study Word Reflection in Reader’s Notebook • Phonemic Awareness • Morning Message (k-2) • Oral Language • Phonics/Spelling • HFW • Reading Practice PA, Phonics, Spelling, HFW, Vocabulary and Oral/Written Conventions TEKS taught HERE Vocabulary TEKS taught words selected from the Read Aloud text
Phonics Curriculum Updates (K-2) Curriculum documents: - Anchored in Reading Street and Tesoros - District approved HFW list for K - Formative assessments - Phonics routines for teachers - Aligned to Spelling Connections - Links to correct sound pronunciation
Read Alouds Select various genres to: Build Oral Vocabulary Model Fluent Reading Model Think Aloud Build Background Knowledge about the world Facilitate Discussions about Text Reading Process and comprehension Skills Comprehension TEKS, Figure 19 Reading Process Skills, Listening and speaking, and Vocabulary TEKS are addressed HERE
Read Aloud – Curriculum Supports Curriculum Documents: Suggest Titles that match comprehension TEKS Provide possible question stems related to TEKS Provide guidance in setting up routines for Read Alouds in the “First 20 Days launch” Titles may come from the Read Aloud Library for Scholastic, Scholastic Bookroom Titles or the basals (Reading Street and Tesoros)
Reading Workshop: Mini-Lesson Explicit Teaching of comprehension TEKS: - Anchor charts - Graphic Organizers - Assessment connections - Shared reading to practice applying comprehension strategies Curriculum Supports for Reading Mini-Lesson: - Instructional Strategies for identified TEKS - Sample Anchor charts - Basal text that related to TEKS - Foldables and items for students to include in Reading Notebooks - STAAR/Assessment connections
Reading Workshop: Small Groups Literature Circles/ Book Clubs (4th & 5th) Guided Reading (K-3rd) Facilitate: - Collaborative and student-centered - Apply comprehension strategies and skills - Book discussions - Read, discuss, and respond to books - Construct meaning with other readers Instruction on critical reading components: - Decoding skills - Comprehension strategies and skills - Vocabulary development - Word Study
Reading Workshop: Small Group Curriculum Support Planning guides will: Suggest mini-lessons for students at various guided read levels for each grade level Suggest authentic and purposeful reading assignments/activities for independent stations Provide a “20-Day Launch” for all grade levels to develop routines
Writing Workshop: Mini-Lesson Provide writing instruction: - Analysis of mentor texts - Grammar/mechanics - Spelling - Handwriting - Revising/Editing - Writer’s Notebook - Writing Process (Shared/Interactive writing) Oral/written conventions, spelling, mechanics, handwriting, and writing process TEKS are taught HERE
Curriculum documents will: Provide research-based instructional strategies Link Abydos writing lesson when possible Suggest mentor texts for analyzing writer’s craft Provide guidance for 2 research projects for the year Provide sample anchor charts and instructional resources Provide assessment supports Provide writing conference forms
Pause and Process – Literacy Block 3 – 2 – 1 Contact Write: 3 - things you like 2 - concerns you have 1 - lingering question I’m concerned about… 1. 2. I like… 1. 2. 3. One question I have is…
Share your “3 – 2 – 1 Contact” One scribe per table: Likes Concerns: Questions:
Overview of Curriculum Documents: Curriculum Maps (3min) Pacing Calendars (5min) VAMs (2min) Scope and Sequence -First 20 Days Launch -Teaching Routines
Minor Changes: Curriculum Maps Adding R – recurring; I – introduce; M – Mastered
Minor Changes: Pacing Calendar Include Interim Assessment windows, STAAR, Units
Minor Changes: VAM Revamped to match TEA No frontloaded or back loaded objectives
Scope and Sequence Documents: Kinder – 1st Thematic Units 2nd – 5th Genre Based 2-4 week units of study Identify guided reading levels for each cycle for each grade level Feature a separate column for Yearlong spiraled TEKS Aligned in ELA and SLA for comprehension, vocabulary, writing and research Differ in ELA and SLA for phonics, spelling, and grammar
HISD’s First 20-Days Launch Features mini-lessons for establishing systems for Read Aloud and Guided/Independent Reading Teaches “Principled Habits” Allows teachers time to “Get to Know” students Affords time for teacher to monitor and provide feedback to students during independent work time Does not include mini-lesson portion of the block
Pause and Process 3 – 2 – 1 Contact Write: 3 - things you like 2 - concerns you have 1 - lingering question I’m concerned about… 1. 2. I like… 1. 2. 3. One question I have is…
Share your “3 – 2 – 1 Contact” One scribe per table: Likes Concerns: Questions:
Thank You! Malene A. Golding, M. Ed. Curriculum and Instruction Reading Manager Elementary Curriculum and Development Office 713.556.6823 (office) Literacy By 3 – Learn to read, love to read