2.13 Justice and Culture Analyze and synthesize details from three texts about justice. Create an argument on an issue of justice using valid reasoning, addressing claims and counterclaims, and incorporating an effective organizational plan in a written argument.
Rhetorical Appeals Logos Ethos Pathos Appeals to logic (facts, statistics, etc.) Ethos Appeals to ETHICS and CREDIBILITY Pathos Appeals to emotions Apathetic, sympathetic, empathetic What effect might these have in issues of justice (think about a court room or principal’s office)?
Quick Write Think about: You, an American teenager, went out one night with some friends and vandalized a car and street signs. Imagine that you were arrested by the police. What do you expect your punishment would be? What happens when different cultures have varying perspectives on issues of justice? What do you think might be the response to this kind of vandalism in another country? Use multiple points, if necessary.
With an Elbow Partner… Discuss why you think it is important for society to have a justice system and how these systems may vary from culture to culture. Share Use brief bullets and discuss details verbally.
Background Information on Michael Fay Controversy Read on page 141 Forms of Evidence Review the forms of evidence on page 141. These were also VOCAB words!
“Time to Assert American Values” As you read this article, think about AND answer the following questions on your own paper: What is the most compelling claim that the author makes in the first paragraph about the cultural conflict in values illustrated by this case of vandalism? How does it support the author’s argument? Identify the concessions the writer makes about the conflicting values and how he refutes them. How is the author’s cultural perspective reflected in the argument and writing?
“Rough Justice” As you read this article, think about AND answer the following questions on your own paper: How does the author use concessions and refutations to strengthen his argument? Each society has a different reaction to the incident. How do these reactions reflect their culture’s view of justice?
After Reading Return to each of the articles and locate 1 example of each type of evidence in the texts. In the My Notes section on page 145, write about the impact of the evidence on the text and the reader, using examples from the text to support your answers.
Reasoning and Evidence When evaluating claims made about a topic, it is important to determine whether a writer’s reasoning is valid and if the evidence provided sufficiently supports a claim. Writers make false statements that are not fully supported by logic or evidence. Fallacies are common errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of an argument Fallacies may be based on irrelevant points, and are often identified because they lack evidence to support their claim.
Examples of Common Fallacies Review the common fallacies on page 146. With a partner, review the texts and identify fallacious reasoning. Provide evidence for WHY you think the reasoning is fallacious, and discuss how the writers could have changed the text to avoid these problems.
Fallacies in Our Writing We do not want to use common fallacies and overgeneralizations such as those on page 146.