Obama’s ISIS Speech
Target 1: Students will be savvy consumers of media. This means students will be able to understand, analyze, evaluate and use different types of media. (Speaking, Viewing, Listening, and Media Literacy ) I can use annotation as a strategy to help me more closely read and comprehend a speech. Learning Target
Obama’s speech on fighting ISIL
President Obama’s speech Purpose: How will U.S. respond to terrorist threats of ISIL? (ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) Beheading of journalists Syria and Iraq Eve of 9/11 Opposing concerns of Americans: most don’t want another war U.S. should not have to do this alone, other countries should get involved
Rhetoric is speaking or writing effectively. Rhetoric is using words for a purpose, often to persuade “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Words are power. John KeatingJohn Keating: No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.
Aristotle Defined elements of effective argument (rhetoric) in 4 th Century BC Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Rhetorical Situation Audience/ReaderSubject/Message Writer/Communicator
Ethos Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. An ethos-driven document relies on the reputation of the author. The speaker sets up his/her credibility. Ego = self Example: I have been teaching writing for twenty years
Logos Logos is appeal based on logic or reason. Documents distributed by companies or corporations are logos- driven. Scholarly documents are also often logos- driven. Logos = logic (use facts) Example: Eighty percent of the writers interviewed said they write at least four rough drafts before they publish a piece of writing
Pathos Pathos is appeal based on emotion. Advertisements tend to be pathos-driven. Pathos = sympathy / empathy Writers create pathos by using effective word choice and emotional images and stories.
Rhetorical Situation Audience/ReaderSubject/Message Writer/Communicator Analyze President Obama’s decisions as a writer and presenter. Audience American people Congress Other world leaders ISIL terrorists Speaker Presidential Confident Credible Powerful (Gestures, delivery, speech tone, dress, facial expressions) Subject Reason for the plan Clear plan
Annotate Obama’s speech Underline examples of Ethos Highlight Pathos Circle words and phrases he uses to create emotion (Pathos) Highlight phrases where he is directly addressing audience and their fears/concerns. Circle examples of Logos Also, write in the margin to identify other effective strategies he uses in the speech: structure, examples, word choice 5 – 10 annotations per page