Creating a thinking culture Creating a thinking culture Engaging and challenging our students Part 1
Who am I? Find out what is written on your back in 5 minutes. Rules: You must ask every person in the room two questions You must not ask any more than five questions from one person Only answer questions that have a “Yes” or “No” answer
Objectives Improve our teaching so that it is relevant and engaging and better develops our students’ intelligence and capacity for creative problem solving.
Outcomes Learn new ways to promote learning and excite students. Add to your toolbox of strategies that develop higher level thinking in your students Hear about new strategies or be reminded of them, so that help you can ensure your learning sessions are versatile and interactive Review your learning outcomes to ensure they have sufficient focus on employability skills? Trial innovative and practical techniques that emphasise the fun in learning Learn how to ensure your lecture techniques can motivate, lead, inspire and prepare your students for lifelong learning. Analyse problems and difficulties and figure out solutions
Framework for Workshop Participation
Why am I a teacher?
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (William Arthur Ward) Image Courtesy of Dorothy Adams-Metaxopoulou
Graduate Skills Australian Government Core Skills for Employment Communication Teamwork Problem solving Initiative and enterprise Planning and organising Self management Learning Technology.
Integrated Teaching and Learning Facts and Knowledge Core / Fundamental Skills that are discipline - specific Attitude, Approach People Skills Thinking Capacity Personal Attributes
A Thinking Culture A Thinking Culture
Higher Order Thinking Revised Bloom's Taxonomy
Practical work task 3 –
Pictures by Disney ® Practical work task 4
"The man who can make hard things easy is the educator." - RALPH WALDO EMERSON, American writer and philosopher share
Time to reflect Discipline-related Knowledge Core Skills Attitude People Skills Thinking Capacity Personal Attributes Other (list)
Question of the Day Question of the Day How do you create a thinking culture?
De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats®
Practice Work Task 6 I have offered you a free holiday in Australia for four weeks – all general expenses paid... as long as you agree to do a presentation for my fellow colleagues about tertiary education in Vietnam.
Use the thinking hats to complete: The white hat – information
Use the thinking hats to complete: The white hat – information The red hat – feelings
The black hat – caution
The yellow hat - benefits.
The green hat - creative
The blue hat – understanding Given all this information and ways of looking at things – list 5 things you would do or further problems you would solve.
"The man who can make hard things easy is the educator." - RALPH WALDO EMERSON, American writer and philosopher share
Be back at 13:45 for a 1400 start