Biographical Sketch (5 min) For your bell ringer today, write the following info regarding you and your family (past and present): Place of birth for you, your parents, and grandparents Places lived—you, your parents, grandparents Schools attended—you, your parents Significant adults/people in your life Dreams for yourself and/or dreams of your parents Challenges for yourself and challenges for your parents Goal before and after completing high school
Europe and America—Page 10 in Springboard By David Ignatow My father brought the emigrant bundle of desperation and worn threads, that in anxiety as he stumbles tumble out distractedly; while I am bedded upon soft green money that grows like grass. Thus, between my father who lives on a bed of anguish for his daily bread, and I who tear money at leisure by the roots, where I lie in sun or shade, a vast continent of breezes, storms to him, shadows, darkness to him, small lakes, rough channels to him, and hills, mountains to him, lie between us. My father comes of a small hell where bread and man have been kneaded and baked together. You have heard the scream as the knife fell; while I have slept as guns pounded offshore
Denotation and Connotation Denotation refers to the dictionary definition of the word. Connotation refers to the associations connected to a word. A word’s connotation usually has a more powerful effect on the reader. It may be a visual image or an idea to ponder. Words can have multiple meanings and they can be negative or positive.
Example “Hollywood” denotes an area of Los Angeles, CA, known as the center for the movie industry. “Hollywood” connotes such things as celebrities, fame, money, stardom, and glamour.
Denotation and Connotation in David Ignatow’s Europe and America Word or PhraseDenotationConnotationEffect on the Reader emigrant bundle of desperation emigrant: one who leaves the country of his or her birth bundle: a group of objects held together by tying or wrapping desperation: recklessness arising from losing all hope The father is associated with that which is negative bringing all his hopelessness to the new world. The words set up the reader to contrast the father’s experience with the son’s.
YOU Practice Write your answers on page 11 Word or PhraseDenotationConnotationEffect on the Reader bedded on soft green money bed of anguish vast continent of breezes, storm to him
Identifying/Analyzing Connotations of Words/Phrases in a Poem Class discussion: How does diction (word choice) and denotation/connotation influence our reading of David Ignatow's poem Europe and America?
Diction Matters Words writers use have an impact on the reader. Instead of “bedded on soft green money,” what if the poet wrote, “funded by filthy bills.” How does that change affect you as a reader and your interpretation? Change the wording of at least two words or phrases and share how that change affects your interpretation—write these on pg. 12. Share those with the class.