Presented by: Eileen Harvey – Senior Human Resources Consultant June 2015 UCL Senior Promotions Academic, Research and Teaching Fellow Staff
UCL aims to support staff in advancing their careers by encouraging and rewarding the development of skills, achievement and excellence, and rewarding outstanding teaching, research, knowledge transfer and enabling We have a process that is transparent and equitable with no bias
Academic Stream LecturerReaderProfessor Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer or Reader? Senior LecturerReader Predominant achievement in teaching or Balanced achievement of all 4 criterion The predominant criterion is research Research recognition at a national level Research recognition at an international level Innovation in teachingAbility to continue research achievement
Research Stream Teaching Fellow Stream
Career Planning Annually review strengths/weaknesses of CV - set goals Know your discipline and career track Building up your teaching portfolio Promotion is based on Excellence and the quality and quantity of outputs National and international reputation Your achievements
The Main Criteria ResearchTeachingKnowledge Transfer Enabling Academic Stream Research Stream Teaching Fellow Stream
Research Seminal contribution(s) to the body of knowledge including published works Research grants and other income (as appropriate) Impact factors, citations, reviews Invited talks, key note speeches Peer reviewing activities Cross institutional collaboration Successful research student supervision Prizes – Winning awards
Creative Output What were the key research methods used? What is the precise nature of the research content within the project? Are the research methods and content interdisciplinary, and if so, how? In what ways does the research content offer an original contribution to architectural or artistic knowledge? How was this original contribution to knowledge disseminated to others? In what ways was the significance of the research content acknowledged by external bodies? What wider impacts have been achieved by the work?
Teaching Development of the curriculum or new modes of delivery Development of new teaching materials Development of new assessment techniques An innovative approach to admissions criteria Distinguished Teacher Award Excellent peer review and student feedback Strong record of personal teaching activity (Portfolio)
Teaching portfolio Documented evaluation of teaching activities by peers or students Participation in teaching activities which are openly visible to the Head of Department and colleagues Publication records and grants awarded Publishing a textbook or other teaching materials Leading (or initiating) a joint staff/student seminar or discussion session
Knowledge Transfer / Exchange Consultancy, inventions, patents, licenses, spin outs Public engagement Contribution to public policy Improving quality of life in the community Development of mechanisms to support transfer Involvement in UCL Projects
Enabling Active involvement on Departmental/Faculty Teaching Committee Involvement in management of the Department Contribution to the work of the Graduate School etc.
Senior Promotions Process Cases submitted (applicant ) Referees contacted (HR) School Committee assessment APC assessment Outcomes provided / published. Submissions close November December, to be submitted by February April – May May – June July with promotions effective 1 October
Promotion Committees School Committee 1: Deans and nominated Professors from the School of Arts & Social Sciences School Committee 2: Deans and nominated Professors from the School of Built Environment, Engineering Science and Maths & Physical Sciences School Committee 3: Deans and nominated Professors from the School of Life and Medical Sciences Academic Promotions Committee: UCL President and Provost and all Faculty Deans
How do you apply? Your curriculum vitae (CV). A brief self-assessment Your publications list Head of Department supporting statement Personal Circumstances (if applicable) The relevant number of referees A complete case will consist of:
Referees Candidate NominationsHoD Nominations INTERNALEXTERNALINTERNALEXTERNAL Professor (research based) 1303 Professor (teaching based) 2212 Reader 1303 Senior Lecturer 1121 Professorial Research Associate 1303 Principal Research Associate 1303 Principal Teaching Fellow 1111
Total Gender Split Male 65% Female 35% Male 65% Female 35% Statistics Applicants 2013 Successful 2013 Applicants 2014 Successful 2014 Professor Male 4593%5897% Professor Female 2383%2692% Reader Male 4391%3294% Reader Female 2190%23100% Senior Lecturer Male 3491%38100% Senior Lecturer Female 2295%19100% Principal TF Male 1100%5 Principal TF Female 1100%3 Principal RA Male 4100%2 Principal RA Female 475%3100% Professorial RA Male 3100%1 Professorial RA Female 0N/A0
Link Process Contacts Julie Wake ext45675 Leila Edwards ext48392 HR Consultancy Services Contacts