+ Welcome to Room 200! Ms. Clifton’s Second Grade Class
+ Classroom Rules Be Safe Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself Be Caring Work Quietly without disturbing others Be Respectful Treat Everyone and their belongings with respect Raise your hand and wait to be called on Be Ready
+ Behavior Chart Each child has color-coded cards The dated square in your child’s folder will be colored by them each day Please review their behavior and initial their folder each night The lines below the squares are for parent/teacher communication
+ Color Code Purple=Awesome!!! Green=Excellent Yellow=Okay Brown=Time Out Blue=Warning (Loss of Recess) Red=Ticket (Safety Town, Parent Contact, and Principal Conference)
+ Warning and Tickets Some behaviors are automatic Warnings and Tickets Warnings: Blue (Dishonest behavior, inappropriate language, playfighting) Tickets: Red (Bullying, fighting, profanity, theft, vandalism, cheating)
+ Field Trips Field Museum Swimming/Water Safety Lessons (YMCA) Peggy Notebaert Butterfly Exhibit
+ Homework Your child will have homework Mon-Fri If students do not complete their work in class, they will complete it during recess. Please check their folder so you are aware of assignments to be completed. Homework will be on colored paper. Your child MUST read 20 minutes every night this could include you reading to them. I have books if you need them. Also, get a library card from the library. They have many FREE resources.
+ Homework 6 late/missing assignments= Warning New spelling words are passed out on Mondays and the test is the following Monday Please practice flashcards throughout the week If your child is absent you may pick up their work (notify the office someone will be picking it up)
+ Reading Logs 20 books per month! Category on report card You may include books that are read to your child
+ Language Arts Whole class and small group instruction Collaboration Houghton Mifflin Accelerated Reader Author Studies Reading Logs Writing Grammar Phonics and spelling
+ Math Math Facts Double digit addition and subtraction Graphing Patterns Money Time Word Problems Manipulatives Problem Solving Writing Connections
+ Social Studies People and Places Places Near and Far Ways of Living People at Work America’s Past America’s Government
+ Science Three main units Life Cycles Energy Rocks and Soil (Field Museum field trip) Experiments and Observations Group Projects Writing connections
+ Snack Snack is at 9:30 am Must be healthy Send a water bottle (Only water is allowed in the classroom)
+ Misc. Money (Any time you send money to school, please put in envelope with name, room number, and purpose for money) Student is responsible for their own money if they buy lunch on daily basis Report Cards are given three times a year Parent/Teacher conferences are in November
+ Misc. Please call for all absences Notify me if child is going home in a different manner than usual Be sure to check folder each night: Notes from me will be on pink. Please read the newsletters. There are helpful hints that will support your child’s success.
+ Thank You!! Thank you for coming! I look forward to being your partner in your child’s education!!!!!!!