November 10, Cause and Effect Up and Over the Top Ho mework: N one Objective I can evaluate an author's use of cause and effect pattern of organization in an informational text. Wa rm Up: L ook up the definition for CAUSE AND EFFECT in the blue section of your Literature book and copy it into your notes.
pattern of organization the way ideas and information are arranged and organized in a text
Pattern of Organization mai n idea and supporting chronological order cause and effect compare and contrast problem / solution
April 10 April 16 April 17 April 22 April 24 May 3 May 13 June 24 July 3
April 10
April 16 The team sets the goal to reach Canada within the next 100 days.
April 17 The team is less than 60 miles from the North Pole according to the GPS.
April 22 The team reaches the North Pole and meets up with friends who restock their supplies and give them presents from loved ones back home.
April 24 The team faces heavy snows and frigid temperatures, making their expedition very tough.
May 3 The team collects samples of snow that will be tested for air pollution.
May 13 The team hears a loud noise in the night, only to realize that there is a 20 foot wall of ice drifting toward their tent. It stops only 100 feet from their tent.
June 24 The team encounters a whiteout (blizzard) making travel very slow (3 miles in 6 hours).
July 3 The team finally makes it back on solid ground.
Cause and effect a pattern of organization that shows the relationships between events, ideas and trends. Turn to pg. R10 in your Lit book
Cause and effect: Examples historical and scientific writings Cause and effect relationships may have many forms One cause one effect One cause multiple effects Multiple causes single effect A chain of causes and effects
Cause and effect: strategies for reading look for sub / headings that may indicate c and e such as Effects of Food Allergies to find the effect(s), read to answer the question "What happened?" to find the cause(s), read to answer the question "Why did it happen?" look for words that help you identify relationships between events such as because, since, as a result do not assume that an earlier event automatically caused a later one use graphic organizers, such as diagrams
Cause and effect: practice and apply 1. Make a graphic organizer like the sample illustrated on pg. R10 to show the chain of causes and effects described in the text. 2. List three words or phrases that the writer uses to signal cause-effect relationships in the last two paragraphs.
Cause Effects mosquito bites you yellow fever encephalitis malaria itchy red bumps
Turn to pg. 296 in your Interactive Reader. Up and Over the Top Read the text (pgs ). Answer all of the sidebar question and find an example for each of the different kinds of cause and effect.
One cause one effect Bill Cosby tries his approach to high jumping He breaks the pole Bill Cosby breaks the pole Sporty is mad at him
One cause multiple effects
multiple causes single effect
a chain of causes and effects