Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Cost-effective solutions Chair: Stephen King, President DAISY Consortium Board member Accessible Book Consortium Rapporteur: Martin Mwongela Kavua, Lecturer, Department of Hearing Impairment and Communication Difficulties (HICD), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), Kenya
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Our 7 Presentations from 8 Panellists 1. Mr Martin Mwongela Kavua, Lecturer, Department of Hearing Impairment and Communication Difficulties (HICD), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), Kenya 2. Mr Dipendra Manocha, Mr Dipendra Manocha, Coordinator Developing countries – DAISY Consortium, President DAISY Forum of India & Member Executive Committee – World blind union 3. Ms Eve Andersson, Lead Accessibility Engineering, Google, USA 4. Mr James Teh, Executive Director and Mr Gary Baxter, General Manager, NV Access Limited, Australia 5. Mr Richard Orme, International Council for the Education of Visually Impaired People, ICEVI Technology Initiative Lead, UK 6. Mr Ugo Falace, CEO, Centro Leonardo Education Srl, Italy 7. Prof. Balakrishnan from the Assestech Lab of IIT Delhi.
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities What I am going to cover? Who are the DAISY consortium & our partners? What is the challenge? The 3 key issues for making information accessible Kit Confidence Content Introduce our Speakers on some cost effective solutions & Try and keep them to 8-9 minutes time Chair questions & discussion
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Who are our Session organisers? DAISY Consortium Developing the best way to read & Publish World Blind Union The Voice of 285 Million Blind & Partially sighted People Accessible Book Consortium Bringing Books to the Visually Impaired ICEVI (International Council for Education of people with Visual Impairment) Equal access to appropriate education for all children and youth with visual impairment
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Our Principal Partner is the World Organisation of Blind People
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish
Partners in inclusive and special education Delivering Millennium Development education goals & post 2015 agenda
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Partners Implementing the UNCRPD and Post 2015 development agenda Partners focused on enabling access to information and learning promised in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities & Development agenda WBU focuses on legal frameworks and advocacy ICEVI focuses on Enabling inclusion in education and works with DAISY on access to Curriculum ABC Brings together Industry, Government & Consumers with International & development Community DAISY Consortium enables Technology companies publishers and Service providers to co-operate
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities What is the Challenge?
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Since Caxton people with print disability denied access
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Print disabled readers & learners denied access to curriculum
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Until now Libraries for the Blind have helped people in Developed World Reading with eyes ears & fingers
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish But libraries can’t keep up Explosion of publishing worldwide Only 5% of books available in accessible formats in best performing countries: Less than 1% in many Poor service: Making Giant print, Braille, Talking Books, is slow & expensive and materials not shared Curriculum materials difficult People in Developing world lack any services & can’t access International content
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish People with disabilities left behind In Developed world, many succeeding, but many excluded due to barriers to access to information Disabled people often left behind in Millennium Development goal advances Post 2015 Agenda will have focus on ensuring people with disabilities included & not left behind Enabling access to information is going to be key to achieving post 2015 targets Partners here to help you; Today, 2015 & beyond
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish So what is print disability? (Numbers are uncertain) Blind & partially sighted people ~285 Million globally Includes many older people with age related conditions 1 in 7 people over 60 struggle to read ordinary print Dyslexic conditions 1 in 5 US students have a language based learning condition & dyslexia is the most common. UK estimates 4% of population had dyslexic conditions and up to 15% prone %+ of Prison population found to have Dyslexia Stroke, Aphasia and other physical problems
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Who are the DAISY Consortium (& our Partners)?
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish DAISY is a Global not for profit consortium Not for profit members, For profit Friends Originally founded by Libraries for the Blind
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish DAISY Consortium Vision People have equal access to information and knowledge, regardless of disabilities Our Mission Working to create the best way to read and publish, for everybody, in the 21 st century By delivering global partnerships... that build a more effective solution for everyone. Committed to a common mission & vision. Coordinating resources to deliver global change
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Our goal is confident people reading what they want, when they want with eyes, ears or fingers Wherever they are in the world
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish DAISY member support our vision of better inclusion of people with print disabilities
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Enabling Partnerships to Deliver Access to Information
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish What’s DAISY Approach to Inclusion? Transform Global publishing Industry to enable Inclusive Publishing: e-Books that anyone can read with eyes, ears or fingers Enable Technology companies to build in assistive Technology & Special Tech Companies to improve Enable specialist enhanced access providers to improve and share skills, technology & content Ensure People get the Skills to benefit worldwide
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Our approach In Short To access information people need 3 things: Kit (Assistive & Adaptive personal Technology: Phone, Tablet etc) Mainstream and/or specialist interface that enables them to access using their preferred mix of eyes, ears & fingers Confidence (To use it) Skills to use a different interface (and support of parents, employers, supporters and IT services) Content (That works with assistive Technologies) Well designed e-text which re-flows to different screens, works with screen readers and has descriptions for visual content. Without all 3 pieces projects and Inclusion will fail
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Lets hear from our Speakers 1. Mr Martin Mwongela Kavua, Lecturer, Department of Hearing Impairment and Communication Difficulties (HICD), Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE), Kenya 2. Mr Dipendra Manocha, Mr Dipendra Manocha, Coordinator Developing countries – DAISY Consortium, President DAISY Forum of India & Member Executive Committee – World blind union 3. Ms Eve Andersson, Lead Accessibility Engineering, Google, USA 4. Mr James Teh, Executive Director and Mr Gary Baxter, General Manager, NV Access Limited, Australia 5. Mr Richard Orme, International Council for the Education of Visually Impaired People, ICEVI Technology Initiative Lead, UK 6. Mr Ugo Falace, CEO, Centro Leonardo Education Srl, Italy 7. Prof. Balakrishnan from the Assestech Lab of IIT Delhi.
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Our Speakers will talk about some practical cost effective solutions that provide elements of kit, confidence & content 1.Dipendra Manocha Learning from development projects that bring together Kit, Confidence and Content. 2.Eve Andersson Inclusive design and accessibility features available on the Google platforms & opportunities to participate 3.James Teh,and Gary Baxter The crucial role of screen readers & NVDA, a widely used free open Source screen reader for Microsoft Windows 4. Martin Mwongela Kavua Projects in inclusive and special Education 5. Richard Orme, “Visionary Learning through Technology” a network of projects to enable inclusion in education 6. Ugo Falace A new model of Inclusive publishing in Education 7. Prof. Balakrishnan Developing low cost assistive technologies to enable access
Creating the Best Way to Read and Publish Making information accessible for people with disabilities Cost-effective solutions THANK YOU! Chair: Stephen King, President DAISY Consortium Board member Accessible Book Consortium