Do Now – Read the biographical information, annotating as you read. What are some of the underlying “themes” consistent throughout Kafka’s life? Why might these be replicated in his work? Which ones might be effective universal purposes?
Chapter 1 Do you have sympathy for Gregor? If so, why and at what times? If not, why not? What does Kafka do to create this sympathy or lack thereof? How does Gregor feel about his job? What evidence in the story reveals his feelings? What concept or theme does this begin to develop? What is Gregor’s role in his family? Why does he have so much responsibility? How is this role about to change? Could Gregor’s transformation be some kind of symbol? Could Gregor be a symbol?
Chapter 1 What happens to Gregor when he leaves his room to meet the office manager? What does this episode reveal about Gregor’s father? Is there something about word choice or syntax here that also is used by Kafka to develop Mr. Samsa? From Gregor’s point of view, what might be some positive aspects of his metamorphosis into an insect? What circumstances in Gregor’s life might have caused him to feel dehumanized even before the metamorphosis took place?
Chapter 2 What parts of the story, if any, do you find humorous? Explain. What is the author’s purpose behind this humor? How does this fit into the universal meaning? What does Gregor’s father reveal about the family’s financial status? What is Gregor’s reaction when he learns the truth about their finances? What theme does this help develop? What would you write to “so what” this particular scene?
What is Gregor’s response when Grete decides to remove the furniture from his room? What does this response tell you about him? How does it contribute to the theme of alienation and dehumanization? How is Gregor wounded? What symbolic significance might the object that wounds him have? This chapter illustrates that families possess the power to both improve and injure the psychological well-being of their members. In what ways does Kafka demonstrate this universal meaning?
Chapter 3 Why has Grete’s attitude toward Gregor changed? How does Kafka demonstrate this change? Where can this be placed on the universal theme tracking papers? What might be the significance of the boarders? Why did Kafka not give them names or other individual characteristics? What do they represent? What might Kafka be implying about Gregor by describing his reaction to Grete’s violin playing?
What effect does Gregor’s metamorphosis ultimately have on his family What effect does Gregor’s metamorphosis ultimately have on his family? What does this effect suggest about his relationship with his family? How does the meaning of the picture of the woman in furs change over the course of the story? No characters, Gregor included, try to determine how to cure Gregor. What does this suggest about Gregor’s transformation and how does it affect the reader’s interpretation of the story?
Kafka grants readers access to Gregor’s thoughts, but we only learn about other characters through what Gregor sees, hears, and infers. How does this perspective affect the reader’s understanding of the story? How is Gregor’s metamorphosis similar to Grete’s, and how does it differ? What is Kafka’s point?