Instructional Technology & Design Office or Zotero & Mendeley Workshop Presented by Kate Rojas
What are Zotero and Mendeley? Zotero Free organization tool for research references Extracts bibliographical information from docs on web Available as program, browser plug-in and offline platform Mendeley Free reference and PDF manager, bibliography builder and annotation tool Works best as program and available for offline platforms
Zotero: Pick your format! Third option is via, which syncs with either/both versions
Zotero: Basics Citation Manager Look for “capture icon.” If it’s not there, there’s nothing to grab Pulls bibliographic info Various item metadata including books, articles, and documents to web pages, artwork, films, sound recordings, bills, cases, or statutes Interface Similar to iTunes, Spotify Items in center column Metadata on the right Left column is navigation/My Library
Zotero Online: Library
Zotero Online: Groups
Really Cool Stuff~ Can grab PDFs and put everything in one place. Zotero does a fairly good job at putting metadata off of the web Can search and obtain information from ISBN, DOI, or PubMed ID Functions within a browser Has an advanced search feature Can snapshot, save, and capture web pages Not overly complex
Zotero: Drawbacks Drawbacks Recognizes most items but some must be added manually Very little text, mostly icons Sync requires several plugins, downloads but can be linked through Zotero account Some other software may interfere with Zotero Sync like Kapersky Security, Symantic Endpoint, Skype extension for Firefox, etc. Possible errors in versions of Word 2013 and new OS (Win8, etc.)
Zotero: Resources Downloading Zotero: ITD Tutorial: p Zotero Documentation: Zotero Libguide:
Mendeley: Basics Managing Web Sources Login to with 2 GB of online storage Import sources from Zotero, Endnote, etc. Add actual document to library and folders or link using bookmark manager Bibliographic Info Choose Type and imports authors, title, journal name, pages, absract, author keywords, url and catalog IDs from PDF Interface Navigation on far left, documents and search in center, metadata details on right
Mendeley Online: Dashboard First thing you see: a dashboard with a newsfeed? It’s a social networking web site (like Facebook!)
Mendeley Online: Library
Mendeley Online: Groups
Really Cool Stuff~ Interface has a good blend of words and text. Very organized layout in desktop version, making it easy to learn “Watching folders” Built-in PDF reader Plugin for Microsoft Word -> look under “References” in Word Backing up your data is easy! Help -> create backup The options menu (under the tools menu) Allows you to choose what information to pull some online citations Allows you to organize your citations in folders on your hard drive after creating a folder***
Mendeley Drawbacks Must download desktop program for full functionality Must have Mendeley account Web Importer cannot save pdfs pages (direct link to pdf) Have to put it in your bookmarks bar manually May not import metadata or document from behind paywall (through pay portal like EBSCO), especially author names. Can’t import unsupported file types (i.e. images) Adding files in desktop program is not too obvious Word Plugin might not be supported for Mac 2013 or newer versions of Word (versions 2011 & 2008 do work!) Not available for Windows 8 RT Retrieves reference to file so if you delete it, it’s gone! Importing from Zotero = one way. (tricky to import initially as well)
Mendeley: Resources Downloading Mendeley: Mendeley Support: Mendeley Resource Center: Mendeley Youtube: Mendeley Blog: Mendeley Libguide:
Final Comparisons Good for web based content Good for variable file types Search docs by any field Good for collaboration Literature Search Option Lots of support/documentation Collaborative community of scholars on Would it be best to use a little bit of both?
Another Resource RefWorks Provided through UIUC, free for students, faculty, and staff ( Pros Citation space is unlimited Options linked to RefWorks are present within library databases and search queries Allows access after graduation via group code Cons PDFs must be imported into citation manually 100MB limit on attachments/PDFs total Online-only component
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