SEM1 3.03 A - Promotion PE – Understand the use of an advertisement’s components to communicate with targeted audiences PI - Explain Components of Advertising
Elements of Advertisements Terms, Purpose & Approach Headline – Most important element of an ad Purpose: get attention, select an audience, and deliver a complete message Approach: announce new or improved, solve a problem, make a claim or promise a benefit Illustration – Image within an advertisement Purpose: convey a message, educate, attract attention – this is often noticed first by readers Approach: appeal to reader even if unrelated or focus on product’s features, use or benefits Identification – Identify a product, advertiser or business Purpose: to identify the advertisers name, symbol or logo & buying information (website, phone #, tag line, etc.) Approach: used to encourage action by including contact & buying information; credit cards accepted, hours, etc.
Headlines May Create Curiosity
Headlines May offer a Solution
Headlines may use fear to gain attention
Headlines May offer an incentive to act
Illustrations are first to be noticed- Seek to attract your attention – even WOW YOU somehow.
Convey a Message
Identify the product- Important!
Identify the advertising elements we just talked about: Headline Illustration Identification
Identify the advertising elements we just talked about: Headline Illustration Identification
Apptivity Go to Photobooth and take a fun picture of yourself and Go to the Dictionary App and locate a marketing definition for the 3 words we focused on in this lesson- Illustration, Identification, headline *Record your definition in the blog on my weebly- Go to Photobooth and take a fun picture of yourself and save it to your desktop. Add your photo on our Padlet wall with a headline that creates curiosity, fear or incentive to act. Visit the Newsela link and read the short article. Once you finish- Come up with a NEW headline for the article and record your new headline on the padlet from App #3.