This project and its actions were made possible due to co-financing by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals Writing book reviews Key ring Subject:English Age groups:8 – 11, 12 – 14, 15 – 16, Topic:Non-fiction writing EAL Nexus resource Licence information | This resource is free to use for educational purposes. © British Council 2014 Source | This resource was originally developed by Charlotte Hurley and has been adapted by EAL Nexus.
Book review
Examples of main types and forms : Magazine article Newspaper article Poster Essay question Script (television or radio review) Purpose : To give a view, opinion and recommendation
Book review graphic organiser background summary recommendation
Book review Words and phrases to collect for writing Adjectives to show opinion Words and phrases to point the reader to a particular part of the book A range of conjunctions to justify opinion
Book review writing frame Opener – a sentence to hook the reader Beginning – a paragraph giving background information and a brief plot summary Middle – a series of paragraphs giving more detail (plot, setting, character etc.)and your opinion Ending – a paragraph giving your overall opinion and recommendation
Book review key ingredients Strong first sentence Background information, e.g. genre and author Brief summary of plot Your opinions about plot, character, themes and setting Evidence to back up opinions Strengths and weaknesses of the book Would you recommend the book to other people?
Book review