Agenda ELA 9 October 27 th, 2014 Independent reading Mini lesson on Character Introduce storyboard assignment Work on Denouement writing piece and storyboard
Character Character development in the short story will depend on the relative importance of the character to the overall story. A character may be revealed in five ways, regardless of how deeply the author wishes to develop them: INDIRECT PRESENTATIONDIRECT PRESENTATION 1. What a person says1. What others say about the person 2. What a person does2. What the author says about the person 3. What a person thinks Indirect presentation is the most effective because the reader generally prefers to reach his own conclusions about a character from what the character says, does, or thinks, rather than be told directly about them by the author or someone in the story.
Types of Character Each character in a short story can be described by using one or more of the following terms: Flat character: is a character that may be summed up by one or two traits. They receive limited development at the hands of the author. Round character: is a character that is complex and many-faceted, and thus realistic. The author developed this character fully.
Types of Character Static character: is a character that is the same at the end of the story as at the beginning. They do not undergo any basic personality changes. Dynamic (developing) character: a character that undergoes a permanent change in his personality as a result of the situation presented in the story. Stock character: is a stereotyped character, whose characteristics are immediately known because of common conceptions (or misconceptions) about certain groups of people.
Storyboard assignment For the short story “The Long Journey” by Sue Mann on page 292 of Crossroads 9, you will create a storyboard to demonstrate your understanding of the elements of plot. Your story board must have 8 sections and provide insight into how each element of plot is developed in “The Long Journey.” You will use writing and a visual to demonstrate your understanding. You must provide a description of each episode (At least 1-2 sentences), as well as a corresponding image. Along with your storyboard, you will pass in your Denouement writing piece.