Chapter 16 Section 1 Page
Huge Demand for Luxury Goods ◦ Items like spices, silk, cotton, dyes and gems could be sold at high prices This made explorers and merchants very rich ◦ Many explorers also looked for new sources of gold How Money Was Made (Part 1) ◦ Goods traveled by ship and camel caravans ◦ Most merchants only traveled part of the distance from the source to Europe
What is an example of a luxury good today?
How Money Was Made (Part 2) ◦ At each port, the goods would be sold from merchant to merchant and the price would go up. ◦ By the end of the journey a good could be 100 times the original price Italian City-States ◦ Due to their location, they had the best ship builders and navigators ◦ Venice controlled a monopoly on trade and made much money that way
Why would the price of a good go up as it moved from merchant to merchant?
Explorers Became Famous ◦ Many explorers chose their profession not just to become rich, but to gain glory for themselves ◦ To be written about in books and in stories told was a way of becoming famous and “living forever”
How can you “live forever” in today’s world?
Belief in Conversion ◦ Many Christians believed that it was their duty to convert the infidels and heathens Those who had never heard about God ◦ Churches sent missionaries with explorers to far way lands to convert the natives to Christianity Missionaries attempt to spread their religion by doing good works and educating the local people Many, however, resorted to torture if the locals would not convert
What does the word “heathen” mean?
To Gain Allies (supporters) ◦ The Spanish in particular tried to convert new peoples to Christianity so that they would help them in their fight against the Muslims The Spanish were especially concerned with the Muslims in Spain and in Northern Africa
What are the three G’s for exploration?