United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Statistical Division Modernisation Maturity Model Steven Vale UNECE
Questions to answer What is a Modernisation Maturity Model? Why do we need one? What are the elements of the model? What next?
What is a Modernisation Maturity Model?
Where did the term come from? “Modernisation: Evolution or Revolution?” Pádraig Dalton, John Dunne & Donal Kelly Global Conference on a Transformative Agenda for Official Statistics New York January 2015
“A Modernisation Maturity Model... could provide a framework within which to assess the maturity of individual statistical organisations, but also the maturity of the global statistical community, from a modernisation perspective”
Modernisation can mean different things to different people depending on their starting point The level of maturity will vary across organisations but also within organisations across domains
In some cases: the fundamentals of an independent, objective and impartial statistical system are not enshrined in law or practice the right of access to administrative data is not guaranteed the data infrastructure required to exploit secondary data sources is not in place the skills required to engage with new data sources are not in place
The MMM is still just a concept However a lot of work has been done to create models to facilitate international collaboration: GSBPM, GSIM and GAMSO The MMM will allow benchmarking of an organisation against a set of structured levels informed by GAMSO and give a greater understanding of readiness for specific modernisation activities
The MMM will be a useful starting point to develop a road map towards continual modernisation. The MMM will help identify modernisation challenges facing statistical organisations and support prioritisation for investment and resource allocation It will identify institutions that are best placed to lead in specific areas, and create the roadmap for others to follow when they are ready
The story so far
The story so far
The story so far
The story so far CSPA
GAMSO **Just released**
Why do we need a Modernisation Maturity Model?
We need to know how ready we are to adopt new ideas and solutions We need to understand the logical sequence of modernisation activities We can collaborate with those at a similar level, and learn from those that are ahead of us but how do we know who is at what level?
What are the elements of the MMM?
Capabilities – the key to the MMM? Capabilities require a combination of organisation, people, processes, methodology, standards and technology
Activity / Process / Capability Activity is what we do Process is how we do it Capability is what allows us to do it
Maturity by capability?
Open Group Service Integration Maturity Model (OSIMM)
“OSIMM will help identify the organization’s SOA level of maturity, but more importantly, it can identify where the organization needs to be to adopt the principle of service-orientation. The gaps between the current state of the organization and where it wants to be can often be readily described.”
The ABS View
MATURITY ASSESSMENT Understanding the communities readiness to transform
Problem: For statistical organisations to easily adopt CSPA services: Service Orientated architecture, Adopt GSIM and DDI implementation, Aligned business processes - sound governance. But can this be done: Can NSOs adopt a CSPA based EA? How ready is our community to utilise CSPA services? Currently have no knowledge of our preparedness.
Solutions: Understand the international readiness to adopt CSPA formal maturity models already exist, ABS has used TOGAF assessment – was very helpful, Need to encourage our community to assess themselves, Then summarise the findings from the assessments. Analyse the results to identify the barriers to adoption Should seek to see where we have common weaknesses Develop collaborative approaches to strengthening them Create action plans for overcoming these barriers
EG: ABS results using TOGAF
Next Steps: Establish a project to agree on a existing maturity framework promote the usage of the framework within member countries undertake a study on the readiness of member countries. Develop materials or programs to overcome barriers.
Developing a roadmap We know the starting point, but do we know the end? Is there an end?
Modernisation is a continuous process Revolution in the way that we think But evolution in the way we produce statistics? Moving to a paradigm of constant change
First steps 1. Documenting processes using GSBPM 2. Mapping activities to GAMSO 3. Modelling information flows using GSIM 4. Moving to standard services 5. Adopting service-oriented architecture and the CSPA 6. Sharing services within and between organisations
What next?
Developing the MMM Modernisation Committee on Production and Methods Australia, Ireland,.... Agreement to use TOGAF / OSIMM Share drafts Release version 1.0 Use and review
Get involved! Anyone is welcome to contribute! Contact: More Information HLG Wiki: www1.unece.org/stat/platform/display/hlgbas LinkedIn group: “Modernising official statistics”