Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening
- Welcome: Jeremy Nottingham, Basics Bank Trustee -Chairman’s Update and Thanks: Brian Oosthuysen, Basics Bank Chairman -End of Year Report: Will Mansell, Basics Bank Project Manager -Finance Report: Graham Gill, Basics Bank Treasurer Refreshments -What is next?: Will Mansell, Basics Bank Chief Executive -Goodbye and Thanks: Jeremy Nottingham, Basics Bank Trustee Refreshments
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Welcome
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Chairman’s Update and Thanks
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening End of Year Report
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Doing More, Learning More, Knowing Less!
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening
281 Referrals- over 5 per week.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening 964 People- over 18 per week.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening ItemNumber given outTotal Value of items Stairgate50 £ 1, Travel Cot9 £ Buggy8 £ Mattress53 £ 2, Single Bed51 £ 2, Play Mat9 £ Pram/Flat Buggy8 £ Other106 £ 1, Moses Basket11 £ High Chair18 £ Double Buggy6 £ Cot22 £ 1, Cot Mattress18 £ Bedding20 £ Bouncy Chair14 £ Car Seat18 £
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Allotment Projects We have now got two active allotment projects in Ebley and Bisley. These projects allow us to get fresh, locally produced vegetables delivered to our Foodbank centres for customers to take home. This has allowed us to give a more exciting range of fruit and vegetables with things like raspberries, lettuce, tomatoes and potatoes being introduced. This has been a success with Foodbank customers having increased self esteem and dignity in receiving extra goods and has allowed us to talk about cooking skills and deliver advice to families.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Mobile Foodbank We launched our 5th Foodbank centre this year in Nailsworth. It is a mobile centre that delivers food direct to homes as and when it is required. This, combined with our Wotton mobile unit, means we can now deliver to any home in the Nailsworth, Minchinhampton, Uley, Dursley, Wotton, Berkeley and Sharpness areas.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Food partnerships Joining with APT and Stonehouse Children’s Centre we were invited to work with Wiggly Worm Charity to pilot a meals project in Stonehouse. It allowed free meals to be served and people to be inspired to cook by Rob Rees. We have also provided bulk donations to Marah Trust, Openhouse, Season House, Ark House and Salvation Army- 8608kg in total.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Goldfish Joining with Churches Together in Stonehouse and the Children’s Centre we were able to catalyse the creation of a new toddler group. We don’t run it or have any formal role in it but were able to use our resources and skills to help form the group as it started.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Advocacy We piloted and developed a advocacy service in our Stroud Centre using local advocates to help provide deeper support for our customers. This has provided a great emotional and physical support for our customers. We are now in the process of expanding this service as part of a national pilot.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Kids’ Stuff Database We built and launched a new database to manage and record Kids’ Stuff referrals. This is helping us to track the work we do and to build up a more robust picture of how the service is used locally.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Social Enterprise We have been exploring social enterprise solutions to help create sustainable employment and long term financial security for the project. So far we have used various channels to sell second hand goods to people and have been able to provide paid work for a mum that has generated funds for us and enabled her to earn money as well. We will be exploring this concept further this year.
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Finance Report
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Break and Chat Actual Projected Income 37,94168,46965,000 Expenditure 19,29259,31768,000 Surplus 18,6499,152-3,000
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening 2014/5 (projected) IncomeExpenditure Monthly donations12,000Salaries37,200 Other donations22,000Rent10,600 Grants (trusts, councils)25,000Warehouse/office running costs5,300 Other income6,000Equipment2,500 Transport6,000 Goods donated4,600 Other1,800 Total65,00068,000
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Break and Chat
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening What’s next?
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening “to see poverty tackled in our communities”
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Focus on sustainability
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Focus on understanding
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening New projects, same focus
Stroud District Basics Bank Vision and Feedback Evening Goodbye