eBook and Audiobook Administration using EBSCOadmin Tutorial support.ebsco.com
EBSCOadmin includes a variety of features that allow you to customize the eBook and Audiobook experience for your users. When you customize your eBook settings, you can control the landing page your users see, as well as the ability to checkout and download eBooks, and place holds on titles that are currently in use by other patrons.
To begin customizing your eBook and Audiobook settings from the Customize Services tab, select a profile that includes eBook or Audiobook collection databases from the Choose Profile drop-down menu.
From the Databases tab, you can set your default start page as the eBook and Audiobook Collection landing pages. From these pages, users can browse carousels of highlighted or featured titles from various categories. Select the eBook or Audiobook Collection start page from the drop-down menu and click Submit to save your changes.
From the Site/Group Maintenance link, you can modify the checkout and hold settings for eBooks and Audiobooks.
In the checkouts settings area, modify the number of eBooks or Audiobooks a user can checkout at a time as well as the length of the checkout. You can also modify the checkout settings for eBooks purchased using the Concurrent Access Model.
Using the Modify eBooks Holds settings, you can allow users to place holds on eBook or Audiobook titles in use by other patrons and then modify the settings for those holds.
The Customize Services tab offers a variety of additional ways you can customize what your users see on your eBooks and Audiobooks profiles. See the EBSCOadmin Overview tutorial available on the EBSCO Support Site to learn more.
For more information or assistance with the options available in EBSCOadmin, contact Customer Support or visit the EBSCO Support Site. You can also click the Help link to view the complete online User Guide.