Conversion of Industrial Plants to Natural Gas USED
Sigma Natural Gas Ltd Sigma natural gas is a group of companies: Sigma Epsilon Power Engineering SK Engineering & Projects Ltd. Cascade Advanced Solutions Inc. The company was established to initiate and implement projects for converting industrial plants to use natural gas. The company offers its services in the turnkey method of applying and Gas Authority requirements which include: Engineering Regulation of licensing procedures to represent the clients in the Gas Authority and local authorities Purchasing Construction project management and conversion Supervision on all project phases Connecting to network distributer
The uniqueness of the company In the field of natural gas. The uniqueness of the company is as a "one stop shop" for real customers. All officers have extensive knowledge and experience in engineering, quality and management industry in general and energy in particular. The company will manage and implement the project with a team of experienced, high-quality organic while ensuring the safety and quality according to strict international standards. The company has signed an agreement with Gas and Utility Technology Ltd.-Scotland for providing engineering design services and supervision. Conversion projects were performed by SK Engineering & Projects Ltd, thr mother company. SK with proven experience in industrial projects and natural gas in particular, and a unique professional certifications in the field of welding, ISO /2. We are confident that this interface will ensure the high quality workmanship and efficient while maintaining the unique knowledge and experience.
UK gas industry UK natural gas industry began to develop in the late '60s of the last century as a result of the discovery of natural gas deposits in the North Sea, and the excess gas of its neighbor Norway. Today, there are areas of the country thousands of kilometers of gas supply network of national, regional gas supply network and distribution systems allow you to connect immediately any consumer interested in using natural gas. Due to the experience gained with regard to absorb the gas, transmission and distribution in all areas of the kingdom, crystallized in legislation, regulations, and standards in the world. Engineering guidelines and requirements are managed edited and updated regularly by the official body Institution of the Engineers and industry executives gas- IGEM - Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers.
Please note that the installation guide gas industry - Industrial Gas Installation Directive (IGID) produced by the Israel Natural Gas Authority also directs the aforementioned institution documents (IGEM).
Gas and Utility Technology The company was establised in 1996 by former British Gas to provide engineering services in the field of natural gas in Scotland. The company has engineering experience in the field of natural gas, allowing it to provide service package includes: design, construction, maintenance of gas infrastructure, as well as techno-economic advice to users of natural gas. The company has numerous professional certifications that have earned the status of a leading company in its field. The company has carried out dozens of projects and clients include: The National Gas Company of Scotland, local authorities, hospitals, public institutions, the Ministry of Defense and a long list of customers and developers in the commercial and industrial. The company is one of the few companies in all 26 of England which are supervised in the field of engineering design by -Lloyd's Gas Industry Registration Scheme.
The company's organizational structure to carry out gas projects in Israel:
The Certifications: Gas Industry Registration Scheme (GIRS) Gas Industry Registration Scheme (GIRS) Gas Safe Register Gas Safe Register SAFEcontractor Approved SAFEcontractor Approved
SK Engineering & Projects Ltd SK Engineering & Projects carried out several projects of converting production facilities use natural gas, among other things: A leader with executive experience in numerous projects in the field of infrastructure and industry in general and energy in particular process facilities. Tnuva Rohobout facilities Teva-Tech in Israel Polived Plant in the negev Gas and petroleum projects for: Supergaz Amisragas The authority now: The company has a unique certification in the field of gas-pipeline welding ISO 3834 Part 2 Quality management certification ISO 9001: Example calibrating tools