1/17 RDF Gravity
2/17 Content 1. Introduction Problem statement and Existing Solutions 3. RDF Gravity 4. Conclusion 5. References
3/17 Problem statment and existing soulitions A tool for visualizing directed graphs built in RDF and OWL. Allows users to interact with this kind of data in an intuitive way. Overview graphs, and edit them. Tools avaible as a standalone tool or as a part of a bigger tool. (SemanticStudio, Graphl, Cypher…).
4/17 RDF Gravity (RDF GRAph VIsualization Tool ) Its main features are: ▫Graph Visualization (Renderers/ Zoom/ Selection) ▫Filters - enabling specific views on a graph. (Global, Local, Namespace, Instance level) ▫Full text Search/ RDQL queries ▫Visualizing multiple RDF files
5/17 Graph Visualization Select and manipulate Zoom Automatic Graph Layout
6/17 Graph Navigation Outgoing and incaming nodes. Literals Instances
7/17 Graph Filtering The tool allows a user to apply filters to have specific views on the graph. Filters enable hiding of particular nodes or edges from the graph. There are two types of filter : ▫Global Filters ▫Local Filters
8/17 Global Filters Global Filters allow a user to hide specific edges and concepts based on type. They are global.
9/17 Local Filters Local Filters allow a user to hide or view (include) edges of a particular type from the RDF Graph. Local Filters are "one-time filters" and unlike Global Filters, they are not persistent. Local Filter Panel provides three options on its user interface: ▫Apply Filter ▫Include Visible Type ▫Include Type
10/17 Local Filters(2) Apply Filter: This option is used for applying Local Filter on selected edges from the Local Filter Panel.
11/17 Local Filters(3) Include Visible Type: This option is used for including selected edges from the Local Filter Panel.
12/17 Local Filters(4) Include Type: This option is also used for including selected edges from the Local Filter Panel. Unlike "Include Visible Type" option, this option will include all selected edges.
13/17 Search Full Text Search: the Query Tab allows a user to input any string, choose what he wishes to search (Resources, Properties or both) and then search for the query.
14/17 Search(2) A user can also make RDQL queries and the resulting triples from the query are directly visible on the Graph Panel.
15/17 Conclusion RDF Gravity is a tool for visualising RDF/OWL Graphs/ ontologies. Main Features: ▫Graph Visualisation ▫Global & Local Filters ▫Full Text Search ▫Visualising Multiple RDF Files
16/17 References RDF GRAVITY, Sunil Goyal, Rupert Westenthale: ch.at/apps/rdf-gravity/, Salzburg Research, Austria.
17/17 Thank you for attention. Questions? Lazar Arsić 2011/3301