Sincerity Sincerity VS Hypocrisy Eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives.
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.” But is he sincere in his attempt to use it? This is hypocrisy at its root. Sincerity is when your real purpose is revealed in your actions. (Pastor Tim D Remington)
Hypocrisy is caused by the suppression of truth. “He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.” Charles Pierre Péguy ( )
A person that is sincere is a person passionate and dangerous in his direction. (pastor Tim D Remington) He is absolutely sincere. That is what makes him dangerous. Attributed to Woodrow Wilson ( ) U.S. president. Referring to William Jennings Bryan.
It is the sincere man that knows that he himself has been guilty of the faults he sees in others. It is a hypocrite that never sees his own faults and is willing to punish others for things that he would do. Do you do this as a parent? Do you do this as an employer? Do you do this to an enemy?
The problem with sincerity as a boss or a leader; everyone thinks you are putting on an act. In today’s world, hypocrisy is the most easily accepted. Remember: A person that is sincere in what he is doing, even with the right motives, can still be wrong.
In the work environment, if everyone agrees with you, you know that something is wrong with the sincerity of the people. Try to create an environment that allows others to say what they mean and mean what they say. Sincere honesty is the best attack against hypocrisy, but people need the platform to be honest and sincere.
1) Allow people to tell you the whole truth before telling them that they lied or exaggerated. 2) Give them a good platform to tell the whole truth. Don’t approach them in public, let them know the consequences for telling the truth. Be kind to them and express the importance of good character. 3) Set an example as a sincere person by never exaggerating or lying. Always be honest about your feelings towards people, but express them in loving ways. 4) Explain your motives in why you want to see people of character working with you. Your goal and your vision on how you would like these people to help you maintain an honest and sincere environment. 5) Always be eager to do what is right and not to be attached to the result. Remember sincerity is doing what is right with transparent motives. The people around you should know your motives. Allow your platform to:
Sincerity in saying what is right is important. If you cause a man to think he is right when he is wrong, you are the hypocrite. But if you cause a man to think he is wrong when indeed he is wrong, you are sincere, and a man of character. And in fact, both now are better men. What is a hypocrite? This is a person who writes a book in praise of atheism, and then prays it will sell.
“Sincerity is all that counts. It's a wide-spread modern heresy. Think again. Bolsheviks are sincere. Fascists are sincere. Lunatics are sincere. People who believe the earth is flat are sincere. They can't all be right.” Tom Driberg ( ) British politician and journalist. The Daily Express (London) Sincerity is good, but it must be entrenched with the truth. We don’t know what to be sincere about until we know the truth. So, make sure what ever you are sincere about is right, and truthful.
Does this look sincere? An eagerness to do what is right, with transparent motives?
Gail who is a twenty three year old girl with two babies under the age of four, comes to your door and wants a place to live that is safe for her two babies. She admits that she has been very irresponsible, and has been with a boyfriend that has beat her and the children, and has left him for good. She really doesn’t want the police involved, she just needs help. She is humble, kind, and polite, and you can tell she really needs a place. You want to be sincere in your eagerness to do what is right, but you have your own motives also in the answer that you will give her.
What do you plan to do with Gail? What do you think her motives are? Is what you are doing right? (sincere) What are your true motives for making the decisions you made? Remember that the five keys to building sincerity are: 1) Say what you mean. 2) Practice what you preach. 3) Reject hypocrisy. 4) Show your true colors. 5) Always do what is right. Group: real life issues