Common Core 2 Miles Ahead!
ACTIVITY As a team, create an graphic representation that shows the relationship between standards, assessments, results and instruction. As a team, create an graphic representation that shows the relationship between standards, assessments, results and instruction. ONLY USE THE FOUR WORDS STANDARDS, ASSESSMENTS, RESULTS AND INSTRUCTION in your graphic! ONLY USE THE FOUR WORDS STANDARDS, ASSESSMENTS, RESULTS AND INSTRUCTION in your graphic!
DATA TEAMS A collaborative process- (Not the initiative of the month) Of ongoing collaborative conversations Which revolve around the analysis of targeted collected data To improve instructional success Instructional success is defined by student achievement Ongoing collaborative conversations to analyze targeted data to improve student achievement.
VISUALIZE Your school site Your school site Effective classroom on your school site Effective classroom on your school site In-effective classroom on your school site In-effective classroom on your school site
WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU REMOVE? If we remove Standards from our graphic, what happens to the effectiveness of your model?
RCD is the vehicle for the Common Core State Standards The collaboration process of Data Teams allow RCD to be effective. As completed units of study come into play, Data Teams will support the collaborative process that is foundational for achievement to take place. To understand this we must first understand the RCD process.
COLLABORATIVE CONVERSATIONS Effective Teaching Strategies and Student Achievement PRIORITY Standards and Supporting Standards Standards Sequence and Pacing of Curricular Units COLLABORATIVE CONVERSATIONS Common Formative Pre-Assessment COLLABORATIVE CONVERSATIONS Enrichment, Remediation, Intervention Prior to Next Curricular Unit COLLABORATIVE CONVERSATIONS Common Post-Assessment State Standards/Common Core State Standards State & National Assessments Rigorous Curricular Unit of Study with Engaging Learning Experiences and Scoring Guides RCD
UNWRAPPING THE STANDARDS What: Analyzing and deconstructing grade- level and course specific standards Why: To determine exactly what students need to know (concepts) and be able to do (skills) How: Underline the concepts (nouns or noun phrases) and circle the skills that students must do (verbs)
5.2.3 RECOGNIZE main ideas presented in texts and PROVIDE evidence that supports those ideas DRAW inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and SUPPORT them with textual evidence and prior knowledge CONTRAST facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.
TEACHABLE CONCEPTS FROM “UNWRAPPED” PRIORITY STANDARDS Main ideas Supporting evidence Inferences Conclusions Generalizations o Text evidence o Prior knowledge Facts Supported inferences Opinions
(2, 4) RECOGNIZE (main idea) (4, 5) PROVIDE (supporting evidence) (2, 4) CONTRAST (facts, supported inferences, opinions) (4) DRAW (inferences, conclusions, generalizations) (5) SUPPORT (inferences/conclusions w/ text evidence, prior knowledge) How You USE the skill is what determines its level of rigor. “UNWRAPPED” SKILLS BLOOM’S TAXONOMY LEVELS
“ Unwrapping” deepens the understanding of grade level standards allowing for aligned instruction.
YOUR TURN… Unwrap the standard: Grade 5 – Numbers and Operations in Base Ten 5.NBT.3a - Read and write decimals to thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
BREAK Please return at 9:00
How have our Teachers, Administrators and District Office utilized Formative Assessments?
Formative What students should know How instruction needs to be adjusted How to improve student skills Assessment FOR learning
Teach, Teach, Teach, Teach, TEST Pre Assess, Plan, Teach, Assess/Collaborate, Re-Teach, Assess/Collaborate, Teach, Re- Assess/Collaborate, Teach, ASSESS, INTERVENE, ENRICH NEW MODEL OLD MODEL
ASSESSMENT CREATION Pre-Assessment Post Assessment Performance Tasks Let’s look at some examples
YOUR TURN… What are some examples of Daily Formative Assessment? Create a daily formative assessment used to inform instruction prior to your performance task
DATA TEAM REMINDERS Effective Data Team: common standard, common assessment, and common scoring guide/rubric. Effective Data Team: common standard, common assessment, and common scoring guide/rubric. It is the scoring guide that will drive deep analysis and answer keys will support item analysis. It is the scoring guide that will drive deep analysis and answer keys will support item analysis. Provide Feedback to improve Instruction and student learning Provide Feedback to improve Instruction and student learning
For Additional Information
REMEMBER… Purposeful assessments not only measure the impactbut also the innovationthat cause change in student learning. Purposeful assessments not only measure the impact but also the innovation that cause change in student learning. Effectiveassessmentprocedures and use of the associated dataare fundamental to a school’s continuing achievement and improvement. Effective assessment procedures and use of the associated data are fundamental to a school’s continuing achievement and improvement.
Unwrap The Standard Develop Pre- Assessments, Summative assessments and Scoring Guides Pre- assessment Lesson Plan Formative Assessments Data Team Re-Teach