Disability-Inclusive Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Debra Ruh, Ruh Global Communications
Founded Ruh Global Communications (RGC) in Proud to be on the G3ict Advisory Board and a member of the G3ict Expert Panel. Sara Ruh our Chief Inspiration Officer (CIO) Ruh Global Communications is a Strategic Marketing firm that focuses on Disability Inclusion, ICT Accessibility and Digital Marketing. We help create policies and programs to implement the UN Convention of the Rights or People with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Debra founded TecAccess in 2001 and merged with SSB BART Group (SSB) in April RGC Team Debra in Singapore
GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOR INCLUSIVE ICTs Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Digital Age Mission: to promote the implementation of the dispositions of the CRPD relative to Information and Communication Technologies Multi-stakeholder non profit advocacy launched in December 2006 with the support of UNDESA (CRPD Secretariat and UN GAID) Funded by civil society – IT Industry, Disability Advocacy organizations, Foundations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights asked G3ict to organize disabilities and awareness for organizations.
Practical Strategies and Action Points Integrating persons with disabilities into an organization’s workplace, marketing efforts, and accessibility of products and services is not only a worthy cause, but one that makes financial sense. Societies function better when everyone is giving the opportunity to contribute and participate. 4
Technology can be used to enable PwD to participate in Society Accessible technology is allowing PwD to participate and make valuable contributions to in society in unexpected ways: ◦ Advances in technology have improved people’s independence and social participation. ◦ PwD are mastering digital tools and becoming digitally savvy. ◦ Better assistive technologies (AT) and advances in information, and communications technology have improved accessibility which has been liberating for many people with disabilities. ◦ AT is also creating benefits for us all. 5
Can Translate into Employment and Entrepreneurial Activities Employers are benefiting by hiring PwD because of their unique talents and potential contributions. The skills are transferable, valuable and sought after skills by employers. Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) Employer of Choice Opportunities for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities 6
Integration of people previously excluded from society Universal design Self-advocacy/disability rights movement Recognition of the importance of ICT skills for future success in life (employment, economic self-sufficiency) Values of a Civil Society as embodied in the UN CRPD
Availability of computers Increasing access to “wired” schools Educators who have ICT skills and/or availability of ICT/IT “supports” in schools BYOT to support student engagement
Availability of internet service in the community “Digital natives” Mobile technologies Cloud technology AT migrating into Mainstream Technology Sustainable Development Goals
Stakeholders Roles to achieve SDGs and support persons with disabilities Stakeholders must learn to advocate in a way that supports SDGs and our collective goals Families can make a difference When Disability Persons Organizations (DPOs) join forces there combined voices are more powerful DPO training Social media is a powerful tool 10 Sara Ruh meets Eunice Shriver
11 1987 Sara Ruh was born. Sara had an amazing smile, beautiful eyes and Down Syndrome. The doctors recommended we place her in an institution. They told us she would not walk or talk. We decided “they were wrong!!!”
An award winning leader in the Accessibility and Disability space. We provided consulting, testing & training solutions that allow our customers to understand, evaluate and engage with this growing market segment. Majority of employees were persons with disabilities. Merged with SSB in A photo taken by Fortune Magazine of some of our Virginia based employees
Uncovering Hidden Human Capital Uncovering Hidden Human Capital: How leading corporations leverage multiple abilities in their workforce. Author: Debra Ruh, Publisher: G3ict, Publishing early Employment: Help employers understand the market value of including Persons with Disabilities (PwD) in the workforce 2. Accessibility: Learn the advantages of making products and services accessible to all 3. Marketing: Point out the multi-dimensional benefits in marketing to customers with disabilities 13
Disability-Inclusive Focus aligning with SDGs Global Demand for Workforce Global Carrot and Stick Obstacles How to Beat the Odds Changing to a Inclusion Culture Enterprise Execution Universal Design and Accessibility Marketing to this Global Audience Global Success Stories 14
Convergence of Demographics, Human Rights and Technology Innovation Creates Major Opportunities for All 15 Francesca Cesa Bianchi, VP, G3ict; Axel LeBlois, CEO, G3ict, CEO, Debra Ruh, RGC; and Ambassador Luis Gallegos
A global survey conducted by G3ict in cooperation with Disabled People’s International 76 countries, 72% of the world population, 81% of the 139 CRPD ratifying countries 57 data points per country measuring Country commitments (laws, policies and regulations) Capacity to implement Actual ICT accessibility outcomes
17 Making Mobile Phones and Services Accessible Universal Service Funds for Persons with Disabilities Making Television Accessible
18 A joint research and publication with UNESCO Based on the work of an international team of experts from all continents A framework for policy makers to develop national policies in cooperation with relevant stakeholders
People with disabilities are gaining recognition as a significant and growing market for products and services. This will only strengthen as we turn the corner. By using accessible technology, people with disabilities can make their needs and expectations known. Now that people with disabilities have emerged as an untapped force, we are directly positioned to lead the future development of accessible technology. 19
Contact: Debra Ruh Ruh Global Communications G3ict Employ-Ability & Technology (804) Debra and Sara Ruh speaking in Qatar