OpenStreetMap Nick Whitelegg Some slides originally by Andy Robinson.


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Presentation transcript:

OpenStreetMap Nick Whitelegg Some slides originally by Andy Robinson

What is OpenStreetMap? - Maps can be used by anyone without copyright restrictions Editable by anyone Anyone can contribute new data to the map or even edit the existing data Anyone can contribute new data to the map or even edit the existing data A free and open data source A free and open data source The raw map data is available for anyone to use in whatever way they like The raw map data is available for anyone to use in whatever way they like

Why? Existing Data not Free & Open Existing Data not Free & Open Limits your rights to use the data as you wish Limits your rights to use the data as you wish Data as a Static Snapshot Data as a Static Snapshot Commercial data may be years old Commercial data may be years old Existing data not editable Existing data not editable If you discover an error in an existing map, you cannot instantly edit it If you discover an error in an existing map, you cannot instantly edit it

Where on the web? Main site Wiki (the first point of call for all aspects of OSM-related information)…

How does OSM work? Provide an Open Platform Provide an Open Platform OSM Users may freely input and extract data OSM Users may freely input and extract data Raw sources for OSM map Raw sources for OSM map GPS track logs GPS track logs Existing Free Data Sources (eg TIGER/LINE, Ordnance Survey OpenData) Existing Free Data Sources (eg TIGER/LINE, Ordnance Survey OpenData) Historical Maps – Out of Copyright mapping Historical Maps – Out of Copyright mapping Bing / Yahoo! Aerial Imagery Bing / Yahoo! Aerial Imagery Users Create Map from Raw Sources Users Create Map from Raw Sources Via Online and Offline Editing Software Via Online and Offline Editing Software

Building Blocks Minimal Data Set for Maximum Flexibility Minimal Data Set for Maximum Flexibility Nodes Nodes Ways Ways Tags –Annotations as key/value pairs Tags –Annotations as key/value pairs Full User History and Rollback ability

Overview of in-field mapping procedure Survey the ground using a GPS Survey the ground using a GPS Upload the GPS track to the OpenStreetMap site Upload the GPS track to the OpenStreetMap site Mark sites of interest as waypoints Mark sites of interest as waypoints Use an OSM editor to create the actual map data Use an OSM editor to create the actual map data

Editing Map Data

Editing JOSM JOSM Standalone editor Standalone editor Cross platform (written in Java 1.6) Cross platform (written in Java 1.6) Powerful and flexible Powerful and flexible Potlatch Potlatch Online Flash editor Online Flash editor Easy to use Easy to use

JOSM – Loading GPS trace

JOSM – Creating OSM data


OSM tagging Properties of map objects in OSM are described by a series of tags Properties of map objects in OSM are described by a series of tags Each tag has a key and value Each tag has a key and value The key is the general class of property, the value is the actual value for that property The key is the general class of property, the value is the actual value for that property

Examples of tags for linear ways highway: the class of road (motorway, primary, secondary, etc) highway: the class of road (motorway, primary, secondary, etc) maxspeed: maximum speed in km/h maxspeed: maximum speed in km/h ref : the road reference number ref : the road reference number oneway: is it a one way road? (true or false) oneway: is it a one way road? (true or false)

Examples of tags for nodes natural natural -If it’s a natural feature, indicates the type of natural feature (hill summit, etc) man_made man_made - If it’s a man made feature, indicates the type of man made feature (water tower, mast, etc) - If it’s a man made feature, indicates the type of man made feature (water tower, mast, etc) amenity amenity -If it’s an amenity (e.g. a pub, restaurant, recycling centre, etc), indicates the type of amenity

OSM way tagging example A main road could be described by the following tags: A main road could be described by the following tags: -highway = primary - Indicates it’s a “primary” class road -name = High Street -ref = A286 -The road number -maxspeed = 50 -Maximum speed in km/h

OSM node tagging examples Hill / Mountain: Hill / Mountain: -natural=peak; name=Snowdon Pub: Pub: -amenity=pub; name=The Dolphin Place: Place: -place=village; name=Hursley Communications mast: Communications mast: -man_made=mast

Examples of tags for areas Areas are treated as ways (which just so happen to be closed) in OSM Areas are treated as ways (which just so happen to be closed) in OSM e.g. landuse for man made landuse e.g. landuse for man made landuse e.g. landuse=forest; landuse=industrial; landuse=residential e.g. landuse=forest; landuse=industrial; landuse=residential or natural for natural features or natural for natural features -e.g. natural=wood; natural=water

Tagging reference The OSM wiki has a full reference on commonly used tags The OSM wiki has a full reference on commonly used tags See See Use these tags if you want your data to be rendered by common renderers Use these tags if you want your data to be rendered by common renderers However you are free to invent your own too! However you are free to invent your own too! For example you might wish to develop your own renderer which recognises your own tags For example you might wish to develop your own renderer which recognises your own tags

Potlatch Online Editor

Rendering Data

Rendering data Default renderers (at Default renderers (at Mapnik Mapnik Osmarender / Osmarender / Custom mapping Custom mapping

Custom rendering Mapnik Mapnik High quality open source map drawing software library High quality open source map drawing software library Development possible in C++ or Python Development possible in C++ or Python Cross-platform: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X Cross-platform: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X Renders various data sources, e.g PostGIS database, shapefiles Renders various data sources, e.g PostGIS database, shapefiles Layering multiple data sources possible Layering multiple data sources possible Configurable via XML data file Configurable via XML data file


How to set up your own tile server Download OpenStreetMap data Download OpenStreetMap data Populate a database (typically PostGIS) Populate a database (typically PostGIS) Install Mapnik Install Mapnik Configure rendering and data sources with Mapnik XML file Configure rendering and data sources with Mapnik XML file

The OpenStreetMap API API to allow developers to make use of OSM data API to allow developers to make use of OSM data REST compliant web service REST compliant web service Allows creation, retrieval and modification of map data Allows creation, retrieval and modification of map data Available at Available at

OpenStreetMap API - Examples Retrieve map data in a given bounding box (OSM XML format) Retrieve map data in a given bounding box (OSM XML format) – /map?bbox=-1.5,50.9,-1.4,51.0 Retrieve a given way (here, way with ID 223) Retrieve a given way (here, way with ID 223) – /way/223 (GET request, retrieves OSM XML) Modify a way (here, way with ID 223) Modify a way (here, way with ID 223) – /way/223 (PUT request, send OSM XML)

OpenStreetMap XML format......

OSM “planet” files The OSM server is intended to be for contributing and editing data The OSM server is intended to be for contributing and editing data Easily overloaded by excessive “read” access Easily overloaded by excessive “read” access So OSM also makes its data available as downloadable “planet” files in OSM XML format So OSM also makes its data available as downloadable “planet” files in OSM XML format Application developers can use extracts of these “planet” files in offline software Application developers can use extracts of these “planet” files in offline software See See Country extracts available (e.g. at GeoFabrik, Germany), as whole planet rather difficult to manage Country extracts available (e.g. at GeoFabrik, Germany), as whole planet rather difficult to manage

Downloading OSM data OSMXAPI OSMXAPI Live read-only server Live read-only server Accepts a range of queries based on bounding-box or tag type Accepts a range of queries based on bounding-box or tag type See See Examples: Examples:

Extracting data Even country extracts are fairly big Even country extracts are fairly big So it is of value to perform further extraction of data So it is of value to perform further extraction of data Osmosis is a powerful and flexible tool which allows you to do this Osmosis is a powerful and flexible tool which allows you to do this Command-line Java application Command-line Java application See See

Mobile mapping One or two options available for in- the-field mobile phone mapping One or two options available for in- the-field mobile phone mapping Mapzen POI collector: points-of- interest collector for iPhone Mapzen POI collector: points-of- interest collector for iPhone Vespucci: in-the-field Android editor Vespucci: in-the-field Android editor More here: More here:

Maps for Garmin GPS You can download OSM data to a Garmin GPS You can download OSM data to a Garmin GPS Details at Details at Two options: Two options: Pre-prepared maps for certain areas (typically updated weekly) Pre-prepared maps for certain areas (typically updated weekly) See See Generate the map from OSM data yourself: use mkgmap or similar tools Generate the map from OSM data yourself: use mkgmap or similar tools See See Thanks for Listening Nick Whitelegg