Making the case for investment in local tobacco control – tools available SEPHIG, City of Westminster Archives Centre, London 23 September 2014 Allan Gregory, Tobacco Control Manager, PHE
Overview “A toolbox approach” An introduction - Tools available Seminar/Workshop Series Reflective / Contemplative Awareness of the local priorities Challenges/opportunities that the tools present us NICE guidelines relevant to Tobacco control
JSNA support pack Toolbox – an overview ASH ‘Ready Reckoner’ NICE Tobacco ROI Local Tobacco Profiles
ASH Ready Reckoner & Local Toolkit resources i. Economic Impact – wider societal costs ii. Briefing of Elected Members and ‘Board Members’ demonstrate the scale of the harm locally caused by tobacco use and the contribution this makes to health inequalities, demonstrate the cost to local communities, local economies and service providers, demonstrate the evidence of effectiveness of local action on tobacco and health
Local Tobacco Control Profiles i. Support needs assessment ii. Comparator analysis a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level., assess the effect of tobacco use on local populations, inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities allows you to compare your local authority against other local authorities in the region and benchmark your local authority against the England average
JSNA Resource Pack i. Support needs assessment ii. Local action planning supports local authorities to deliver locally appropriate interventions and services by providing data, interpretation and evidence to enable local teams to improve the public’s health. support the JSNA process and to help local authorities to commission comprehensive tobacco control interventions. generate feedback from commissioners and other local stakeholders regarding it’s usefulness and suitability to support the case for local tobacco control action Compliment the CLeaR programme local-tobacco-control-assessment local-tobacco-control-assessment
NICE Tobacco Control ROI tool i. Commission the best environment to support smokers to quit successfully ii. Impact of local / sub-regional tobacco control programme evaluates a portfolio of tobacco control interventions and models the economic returns that can be expected in different payback timescales different interventions, including pharmacotherapies and support and advice, can be mixed and matched to see which intervention portfolio or package provides the best 'value for money', compared with 'no-services' or any other specified package.
Making the Case – Seminar series 6/7 regional events. o Overview of ‘tool-box’ o Focused sessions on NICE ROI Tool and ASH Ready Reckoner o JSNA Resource Packs / Tobacco Profiles / CLeaR Pragmatic and action orientated o Team Approach: DPH, Commissioner, TC Leads, Analyst, et al o Meet your ROI Super User o Identify next steps… Actions to take back locally. Development of case studies o Support and Evaluation of local implementation. Are tools fit for purpose? o Case histories
What: engaged Members and HWB How: Highlighted impact of a local / sub-regional tobacco control programme Outcome: investment in a tobacco control programme (over and above LSSS) How one Local Authority has used the tools to date 9 High Level SummaryDetailed Analysis ? Intention: commission the best stop smoking service ‘model’ for local population How: analyse existing LSSS practice and investment, against other potential ‘Packages’ Outcome: clearly commissioned pathways of care to support quitters
1. Challenge for today…your support How can Super Users provide the best support for Commissioners? Do Commissioners know what they want? Do we (you) have to show them the way? Value of the worked example and ‘scenario modeling’ Considerations ROI Tools use in contract performance management Embed the ROI Tools into local practice (JSNA, Annual PH Report, Commissioning Frameworks) 10
2. Next steps over to you Support for the seminar series What tools are we missing? (focusing on making the case… but where next?) E.g. targeted tools (e.g. BTS ROI tool for Secondary care) Examples of use of local data sets Performance management tools? (e.g. use of dataSAVI) Health Equity Audits 11
Thank you Allan Gregory Tobacco Control Manager