Snapshot of the Western Ontario District Demographic overview 2015 Prepared by: Tanya Couch
Age range of WOD credential holders in 2015 The average and median age of all WOD credential holders is 55. The average age of non- retired credential holders is 51 (median age 52). The average age of a Senior Pastor is 53 (median age 52). 62% of our credential holders are over 50 and 28% are over 65.
Age of new WOD credential holders Based on the age of new credential holders between 2010 and 2014 Since 2010: The average age of a new WOD credential holder is 39 (median 37). The average age of a reinstated credential holder is 48 (median 47). The average age of those who Transfer in to the PAOC is 44 (median 46).
MCS FTE enrollement history Based on 1993 – 2014 statistics
Age of credential holders leaving WOD Based on the age of credential holders between 2010 and 2014 Since 2010: The average & median age of those leaving WOD is 44. The average age of those who pass into the presence of the Lord is 84 (median age 87.5).
Growth of the PAOC since 1920 Based on available PAOC records since 1920 and district conference reports
Attendance size of a WOD church Based on 316 Churches % of WOD churches have fewer than 200 people in their main worship service. The average church attendance is 85, which falls within the median range of 51 – % (108) of WOD’s 316 churches meet in a language other than English. 7 of those are over % of new WOD churches affiliated since 2010 were founded by cultural language pastors.
Leadership Discernment – 2013 ACLR Based on responses The state of the church and its effectiveness of reaching people in the community as reported on the 2013 ACLRs from WOD: 75% report thriving or growing 84% report being very or moderately effective at reaching their community
Average Attendance and Population of Canada Based on available attendance records since 1920 (includes estimates) Canadian Population x 100
WOD conversion and baptism trends Based on 2002– 2013 reported ACLR statistics The 11 trend shows a drop of 36% in the number of reported conversions in WOD since PAOC experienced a 49% decrease nationally. 79% of WOD churches reported new believers in 2013.
Spiritual & Theological Vitality – 2013 ACLR Based on 272 responses In WOD, over 16,000 volunteers (32% of regular attenders) serve alongside our pastoral leadership to make these ministries happen. According to the Barna Group, nearly 85% of people who make a decision for Christ do so between the ages of 4 and 14. Only 14% (about 1 in 7 ) of Canadian Christians read their Bible at least once a week.