Technology Partner Nexenta and Dell #1 Software-Defined Storage and the #1 Server Platform combine to Power your Cloud Lower TCO. SSD/HDD/Hybrid. Any Protocol. Any Workload. 100% Software. Total Freedom. All Love.
2 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Software-Defined Storage Achieving high value IT benefits with Dell-Nexenta solutions CapEx Reduction OpEx Reduction Improved Security HA/Resilient IT Service Delivery Eliminate high cost legacy storage hardware. Higher utilization rates with inline compression/dedup. Streamline & unify management of all storage resources. High level of end-to-end data integrity. Single controller or active/active in HA pairs. Eliminate forklift adds, upgrades, migrations. HW agnostic, hypervisor agnostic, protocol agnostic, application agnostic, cloud agnostic.
3 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Strategic Partnership – Dell and Nexenta Nexenta – Inventor and Global Market Share Leader of 100% SDS NexentaStor – open source OS, OpenZFS file system NexentaConnect for VSAN – file services for VMware VSAN & EVO:RAIL Dell | Nexenta Joint Engineering Global Support through Dell Nexenta is a Dell-certified Technology Partner Tested/Validated Reference Architectures
4 Dell - Restricted - Confidential NexentaConnect for VSAN Key Features Integrated File Services File: 10GbE NFS/SMB 3 SSD, HDD, or any hybrid combination Fully integrated into vCenter Performance & Capacity Improves VSAN I/O performance up to 10x Memory caching, inline dedup/compression Reporting and Analytics Performance and health monitoring Capacity reporting Scale Unlimited file sizes Unlimited file and mount point level snapshots/clones HA & DR 2 node active/active cluster Snapshot, replication, backup for DR Data Protection Improves data integrity during stresses
5 Dell - Restricted - Confidential NexentaStor Key Features Unified Storage File: 10GbE NFS/SMB 3.0 Block: 16Gbps FC/10GbE iSCSI SSD, HDD, or any hybrid combination HA & DR 2 node active/active Periodic async replication Data Protection ZFS powered end-to-end data integrity Software based RAID 1, RAID N+1, N+2, N+3 Scale Unlimited file size From 10’s of TBs to 2PB Unlimited snapshots/clones Performance & Capacity Thin provisioning 1TB dynamic read cache per head Inline compression/dedup
6 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Customer Spotlight – M&E Comcast Labs Innovation Center, Sunnyvale, CA Create digital apps for connecting people to entertainment and information. Use Case: Software lifecycle development, QA, testing; need high performance storage for graphics. Competition: EMC Isilon Why Dell-Nexenta: Replaced EMC for two reasons- price/performance advantage and data integrity of the ZFS feature set. Solution: NexentaStor on Dual Dell R720 in HA configuration fronting dual Dell MD1200s with 18 x 900GB SAS
7 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Customer Spotlight - Cloud/Hosting Wipro, Seattle, WA US division of one of the largest global IT service providers for consulting, integration, and managed/hosting services. Use Case: storage backend for 2 new offerings - Live Workplace - a desktop-as-a-service using Citrix XenDesktop and XenMobile; Open Source Services - integration and managed services. Live Workplace started with 14K VDI seats, across 4 sites, 2PB storage. Competition: HP StoreVirtual Solution: Dell R720 fronting Dell MD3060e Why Dell-Nexenta: Lowest cost/seat, best scalability, Dell support
8 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Customer Spotlight – Government/Research U.S. Government, Washington, DC Office of Financial Research (OFR), division of the Treasury Dept. Use Case: Storage backends for 3 different research projects - home directories (NAS), backup target for another, and a cluster to be deployed in a DR site. Competition: EMC and NetApp Why Dell-Nexenta: Lowest TCO, allowed the government to select best fit hardware platform for scalability. ZFS offered superior data integrity, data decay protection for their sensitive records. Solution: Dual Dell R720 in HA configuration fronting dual Dell MD3060e with 672TB raw storage.
9 Dell - Restricted - Confidential Contact us for more information North America: Europe Middle East Asia: Asia Pacific: