Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 1 Traits of a Successful Leader Exemplary Leadership Styles of Leadership The Supervisor Countering Corruption Ethical Assurance Council Module 8: Leadership and Management
Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 2 Conveys a sincere interest in others. Satisfies the needs of subordinates. Develops an organizational commitment. Is honest and open in dealings with fellow employees. Allows employees to play an active role in decision-making. Provides challenges and responsibilities for officers. Conveys trust and understanding. Assists in the personal development of employees. Traits of a Successful Leader
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 3 Is the process through which people: Motivate Direct Influence Communicate Promotes: Respect Fairness Honesty Removes obstacles that prevent others from doing their job. Generates an atmosphere of teamwork, comradeship, and ethical employees. Exemplary Leadership
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 4 Human Relations Role Model Counseling Motivation Communication Training Evaluation Source of Knowledge The Supervisor
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 5 Be fair and respectful to all employees. Assess the need for specific types of leadership. Identify the skills necessary to perform efficiently. Develop positive relationships with fellow workers. Human Relations
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 6 Act as trainer, counselor, and mentor for all employees. Help develop traits in employees such as sincerity, loyalty, honesty, respect, and dedication. Role Model
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 7 Oversee the counseling process with employees. Be able to counsel ethically. Should use positive counseling techniques: Empathizing Suggesting Referring Reviewing Motivating Clarifying Informing Interpreting Use traits such as friendliness, sincerity, and honesty everyday. Counseling
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 8 Understand the effect motivation has on employees. Develop and use motivation strategies that enhance successful performance. Motivate employees by helping them achieve goals. Place an emphasis on enriching the work environment. Create a positive and supportive atmosphere. Remove obstacles. Motivation
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 9 Possess skills such as reading, listening, and speaking. Must be able to: Offer constructive criticism Disagree assertively Listen effectively Summarize the message Confirm a final decision Remember that effective communication is difficult regardless of the situation. Communication
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 10 Need enough instruction skills to effectively teach employees. Consider a “train-the-trainer” course. Training
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 11 Able to fairly document and correct improper behavior. Carry out and communicate “evaluation” on a daily basis. Record any evaluations in writing. Allow honesty and respect to guide the evaluation process. Evaluation
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 12 Stay knowledgeable. Remember that lack of knowledge can discredit the entire organization. Knowledge Source
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 13 Conduct quality background investigations. Implement high quality on the job training programs. Fight political interference. Insure commitment and accountability. Conduct ethics training. Countering Corruption
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 14 Provide positive leadership role models. Prevent victimization. Implement an effective intervention process. Make character and role-modeling the highest consideration for promotion. Acknowledge and resolve integrity needs. Countering Corruption (cont.)
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 15 The best predictor of future ethical performance is past behavior. A hiring process should be centered around high ethical standards. Thorough background investigations are vital to hiring employees with strong character. Upper administration will need to demonstrate sincere support and commitment. Conduct Quality Background Investigations
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 16 Ensures that Field Training Officers are not angry and frustrated. Helps produce a positive organizational culture. Eliminates all-too-common problems associated with: Poor communication Standardization Selection processes Compensation Support Implement FTO Programs
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 17 Exerts pressure on organizations to: Hire employees without conducting background investigations. Hire or promote employees for unfair reasons. Can also result in: Unfair salaries. Understaffed and overworked workers. Actions that demoralize employees. An “internal culture” that causes unethical acts. Fight Political Interference
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 18 Make sure ethics is presented as a never-ending requirement. Reward employees for good ethical deeds. Punish unethical conduct fairly and quickly. Have consequences clearly written. Require supervisors to resolve integrity needs. Insure Commitment and Accountability
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 19 The Continuum of Compromise. Common ethical dilemmas. Facts about bad law enforcement personnel. Strategies to intervene to save coworkers or peers. Need for ethical courage. The Corruption Continuum. Conduct Ethics Training
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 20 Instill a sense of pride and tradition through good leadership. Make sure leaders set a good example for all to follow. Have leaders back up words with action. Model the behavior you want to change or influence. Focus on developing traits such as sincerity, loyalty, honesty, respect, and dedication. Provide Positive Leadership Role Models
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 21 Officers that perceive themselves as victims often commit a series of progressively worsening unethical behaviors. Perception of being a victim helps officers rationalize their misconduct. Prevent Victimization
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 22 Have a process that stops unethical behaviors as soon as they are identified. Use positive peer pressure to reverse the tendency of people to join others unethical conduct. Provide training for supervisors to make sure they treat all employees fairly. Use employee performance tracking software. Implement an Intervention Process
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 23 Supervisors are vital to the future of the agency. Supervisors are the first line of defense against wrongdoing. Supervisors must be able to have the courage to stop even minor transgressions. Supervisors in Customs organizations face additional temptations. Give Character and Role-Modeling High Consideration for Promotion
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 24 Leave a legacy of integrity. Remember that ethical heroism lies at a much higher level than physical heroism. Acknowledge and Resolve Integrity Needs
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 25 New administrator honestly acknowledged problems. Top leaders demonstrated their commitment to integrity. Corrupt officers were fired. Background investigations were enhanced. Supervisors were made accountable for their actions. Political interference into hiring and need resources was confronted and overcome. Field Training Officer program was vastly improved. Employee intervention process was established. Internal affairs process was greatly improved. Officer promotion and transfer procedures improved. Anger and frustration of employees resolved. Ethics training was conducted. Leadership and the New Orleans Police Department
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 26 What techniques can be used to counter corruption – or potential corruption – within your own organization? Discussion
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 27 Provides guidance and assistance to the ethical improvement process. Establishes a communication system that causes ethical assurances related information to be shared. Ethical Assurance Council
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 28 Develop a council membership comprised of key employees from each division and unit. Draft a council charter. Have regular meetings. Oversee an ethical needs assessment. Identify and resolve problems related to ethics. Make ethics a way of life. Achieve the ethics mission, goals, and objectives. Document and publish council meetings and actions. Goals and Objectives
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 29 Coaching about problem-solving. Providing required resources. Giving advice on problem-solving. Coordinating team activities. Assisting in the implementation of solutions. Recognizing team achievement. Role of Supervisors
Module 8: Leadership and Management Integrity Awareness and Workplace Ethics WorkshopPage 30 Leadership commitment to change. Traits of successful supervisors. Styles of leadership. Autocratic Benevolent Democratic Participative Roles of supervisors. Ways to counter corruption. Ethical assurance council. Summary and Review