Introducing the RISO Remote Agent After Sales Support Tool
RISO Remote Agent RISO Remote Agent is a support tool to help ensure you achieve maximum performance from your ComColor series printer. RISO Remote Agent will: Automatically read the counters of your machine and feed back this information to the maintenance server. Ensuring correct counter readings and preventative maintenance is scheduled in a timely manner. Send Error reports to the maintenance server, where these reports will be analysed and service visits scheduled if required. Send Ink Volume information, eventually linked to our dispatch system to ensure constant ink supply without the need to order by phone.
RISO Remote Agent The Riso Remote Agent uses SSL transfer technology and will only send outward information. Your ComColor machine cannot receive anything from the RISO server. The transfer data is very small and normally sent during the evening, therefore it will have very little impact on your network traffic The transfer data does not include any personal details or document images. This service is Free of charge to our Direct Customers, if you agree to installation of this service please complete the form on the next page.
RISO Remote Agent Your Machine system Information DNS Server IP Address / / / / Proxy Server Used Not Used If Proxy is used Port No If Authority function is used User Name Password Name: Date: Signature: *The information on this sheet will only be used for setting up the RISO Remote Agent Function.