Moving the Mission Forward A Regional Expression 1
The Mission of the Church In the broadest of terms, is to declare and demonstrate the Kingdom of God to our world In personal terms, is to make disciples of all the nations Everywhere disciples are made, churches are born, those churches have a broad and a personal mission 2
The Mission in Practice Always has this broad and personal focus. The two cannot be separated The personal aspect of the mission is more readily measurable The primary focus of this initiative is to “make disciples of all the nations” 3
Make Disciples Our obedient response begins with those who are not disciples and finishes when each one is mature in Christ. Each believer is gifted to contribute to the disciple making process 4
Make Disciples Church leaders, have an obligation to the whole disciple making process They should do what they are gifted to do They must deploy the people of their churches to do what they themselves are not gifted to do Our calling is to the disciple making continuum 5 Not yet disciples Ready for action Mature Repent & Believe Babes in Christ
As We Make Disciples New churches and church like expressions will be born Keeping all “of our disciples under one roof” is often counter productive Multiplying disciples and churches is “natural” We know we are making progress when: Disciple making is occurring at all of its essential stages New churches and new expressions of the church are being born The Kingdom of God is declared and demonstrated to our world 6
Moving the Mission Forward Is generally about helping church leaders understand and fulfil their mission Is particularly about helping church leaders collaboratively launch new churches and church like expressions of ministry in their regions This conversation is about a regional expression of MMF There is a national expression of MMF, churches 7
Expand Facility New churches and “church-like Expressions” of ministry? Adding Congregations on or off site Adding a Service Growth by 50’s New & Evolving Forms Of Church New Canadians “Traditional” Church Planting More
Vision Ministries Canada Has a working motto. “More & Better Churches” VMC serves a network of 180+ churches Has a plan, to help churches of its network and other unaffiliated churches with similar values to work together to make disciples, spawn new churches that declare and demonstrate the kingdom of God Could we talk, about your church, and the churches in your region? 9